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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. I thought that was the point of the Challenges? To take themed photos during that month so that we can learn and improve on our work? Using old images would defeat the purpose That was my impression too. Its only a competition between yourself, so i don't think it really matters where and when you get the photos. My first was from last month, but i never got to use it, i will still do another A for this month. I just wanted to have it displayed, because i like it. Realy no different to adding photos to the Feb challenge after the month is done. I took mine on 28 Feb ... shock horror
  2. Thanks! I'm going to make it my mission to get some pics of my dogs looking happy
  3. A is for Angel Don't be fooled, by this little face, she's anything but!
  4. Done! Thanks! So, actual letters or things that start with the letter?
  5. Hence the reason I sold my Beetle and got an Xtrail instead for the dogs to wreck! :rolleyes:
  6. Yeah, I said that in Jan about the Feb challenge too :rolleyes:
  7. What is it? I need time to prepare so I can hit the ground running at 12.01am :rolleyes: ETA ...
  8. Ash, I was looking through those wedding pics on Flickr this morning, there's some absolutely amazing shots in there. I'm hiring you for my next wedding :rolleyes:
  9. Thanks! I was sick of looking at Trixie's miserable face I changed my avatar too :D
  10. I banned myself from this thread until I had my 20 images. But now that the month is nearly over it's looking like I may have to make March my month to shine :D My parents were visiting, so I blame them for distracting me! Portrait Look up Water Mobile [loose, I know, I just wanted to post the pic ] Eyes Best friend Tree I have ideas for the rest of them, just need to try and get them done! I'm off to check out the 40 pages I've missed!!!
  11. Hard to tell at that size. Is the second one sharper? Could just be that the darker horse has more contrast?
  12. Good idea. She doesn't do it very often, she knows she's not supposed to. Only if she thinks no one's watching!
  13. Oh she humps too :rolleyes: If Chopper's sleeping and we're not watching she'll get up and have a sneaky dry hump on him! Naughty girl
  14. Yeah, I suppose she's missing out on all the boredom buster things she'd usually get if we were both working and there's been little to no training since obed club stopped for summer holidays :rolleyes: Maybe that's it, thanks.
  15. Myself and OH are home a lot at the moment and we've noticed that when we leave Angel in the garden she spends the whole time obsessing about lizards or flies. She's just been walked for an hour and should be relaxed out like the others! I think it's becoming a problem as she's prone to OCD type behaviours. Apart from correcting her or bringing her inside, is there anything else we could be doing?
  16. I want to change my vote to the last one, I didn't see that option when I originally voted
  17. You know my theory on the matter. If you want it and can afford it, just get it. No need to justify it to anyone else. Hell, I've even been thinking about getting one myself :cool: EFS
  18. We did ok with no vest yesterday. Her squealing and general insanity was enough to keep everyone away She can only get better I suppose.
  19. I think Canon lenses are cheaper than Nikon. At least, I saw a Nikon person say that they are. I haven't checked.
  20. At this stage we're a long way from off lead work around so many dogs, but I'll bare it in mind, thanks
  21. I would if she wasn't so food driven. Muzzle = no treats I've been advised that if Trixie lunges at other dogs I'll be obliged to muzzle her.
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