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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. no, i didn't, but i will, good thinking!
  2. if anyone has paid less than $950 for a canine extraction with a vet near where i live, can you PM me please? i'm in the randwick council area of sydney, nsw. if i have to travel too far i'll have to take time off work and i get paid hourly so the savings would be cancelled out by the loss of earnings! thanks
  3. Oops! My bad! I missed that part of the OP's post (ie that it was in relation to two dogs). In that case, I don't think the quote is a bad one either. Nope, it was $950 each. My bad!
  4. Wow, that's cheap, where are you based?
  5. cool, thanks for that! the canine tooth continues to get wider under the gum that's why it's more complicated and expensive. they have to slice the gum open to remove the tooth.
  6. After a paralysis tick scare, which turned out to be bush ticks thank god, we got some bad news from our vet. Both Ivan and Chopper have broken a canine tooth. We can either have them extracted or have a root canal done and caps fitted. He recommended extraction, as the other option would be purely cosmetic and the caps won't necessarily last forever. The costs were approx $950 and $1500 respectively. Do you think that sounds reasonable? OH wants to shop around, so I thought I'd ask you guys first if you've ever had to have this done and how much you paid? We're in Kingsford, Sydney. Thanks
  7. i ordered some on ebay and had them sent to a friends address in america. we went on holidays there and just brought them home with us. granted, my bags weren't searched on the ways back in, so we were lucky. i can't imagine you'd get in trouble for it, maybe just have them confiscated. they're only about 6US$ over there for a medium one.
  8. i got a 12m line for chopper, but he kept running to the end and then getting quite a bad jerk. i'll try again though. on his own. wow, shoey, i can't imagine ever finding a dog park around here with no dogs in it, you're lucky! how long a line do you use?
  9. They're fine when there's no other dogs around, but as soon as they get distracted they're gone, like a bullet from a gun. It's going to take a lot of work, but we'll get there. I didn't think of that. Sometimes I think I'm the only one in the park with misbehaved dogs. You're right though, food for thought...
  10. When we go to the off leash park, the first thing the dogs do is run up to other dogs. I know this is bad manners to the extreme. If they're bigger dogs I don't mind so much, there's never a problem, but when there's small dogs they play a bit rough. They're staffies and I really don't want my dogs to be responsible for people thinking all SBTs are aggressive dogs. As soon as they misbehave I put them back on the leash and playtime's over. The other dog owners always tell me it's fine, they're not bothered, no harm done. Maybe I'm over-reacting, but I really don't want a dogfight on my hands. What else should I be doing? They aren't interested in toys. They just want to run around.
  11. you didn't offend me at all! sorry if i gave the impression that you did
  12. i've met her heaps of times and she's always been really friendly and helpful, why in the name of god would she be bothered telling me porky pies? people are strange...
  13. you see, i just never ask the right questions!
  14. hi, i was going to pet barn on sat and i was bringing chopper with me. he's a bit of a puller, and i knew there'd be other dogs there, so i put his prong collar on him so i could control him. as i was at the counter paying for everthing, the girl there, manager i think, told me to be really careful with prong collars. she said she used to have a gsd and had to have him pts because he pulled really hard on the prong and ended up with a collapsed oesophagus. i told her i'd got mine from a trainer and i know how to use it correctly. she said she's a trainer too and she knew what she was doing, and begged me just to be really careful if chopper continues to pull and develops a wheezing cough. it kind of freaked me out, but at the same time my gut reaction was to shrug it off as scare mongering. i know a lot of people are anti prong collars and maybe she was just trynig to scare me out of using it. has anyone else heard similar horror stories? thanks
  15. although i agree with erny, a short term solution we found was to fill in the holes and then put dog repellant crystals on them. our husky tried to dig under the fence 5 times in 2 days. the crystals stopped him. eta you can get them in bunnings, about $10 a bottle
  16. why don't you get the triple crown everlasting treats? it says they're designed to fit in the treat ball... http://www.aboutdogtraining.com/panel.php?13
  17. try K9 http://www.k9force.net they might not be on his website, but I know he sells them as we bought 2 from him. we also bought a prong collar from him though and i find it 100 times more effective...
  18. thanks Hazz, can you recommend any books? k9 force suggested "The Ultimate Diet" by Kymythy R Shultz...
  19. Hi, I just found this link which suggests that feeding grains, supplements and fruit and veg as part of a raw feeding diet are not necessary. Anyone any thoughts on the matter? I'm thinking about making the switch and finding too much information to digest! I like the sound of this but wouldn't want my doggies not to be getting all the nutrition they need. http://www.rawlearning.com/rawfaq.html R
  20. try eyebrows and eyeliner in one sitting! then i was allregic to bepanthen so i got infected. now it's healed was well worth it, shower and out the door in 15mins! [sorry that was completely off topic!]
  21. i was doing a search on feeding dairy products to your dogs and came across this. we give ours pauls natural low fat yoghurt in their dinner a few times a week. they love it, but someone told us recently that you're not supposed to feed dairy to your dogs. is this true? we've had no problems with it. thanks, ruth
  22. hi, we have a rescue staffy also and when we got her she had quite dry and flakey skin. i took her to the vet for a check up and he checked her under a special light for mites or something and said she was fine. we got aloveen shampoo and conditioner and wash her every fortnight, which helped, but didn't get rid of it. now we give her a generous capful of omega3 oil in her dinner daily and she seems to have cleared right up. i'm not sure of the name of the brand, but i'm sure you can get it in any pet shop. we feed her superfood kibble with tuna or with raw meat and natural yoghurt. hope that helps! make sure you post some pics of your boy :D
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