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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. Angel has always peed on the carpet whenever she didn't feel like going outside. We never caught her in the act, so didn't discipline her. When Chopper arrived he decided to mark the area, and so the pissing contest began. We never catch either of them so don't really know who's responsible and who to scold. Even if I was to scold them, is that the right thing to do? I know the answer is to let them out more often and not give them access to the carpeted areas unsupervised. This works most of the time, but we drop the ball sometimes. We're about to move house, and I'd like to take the opportunity to knock this on the head. Any suggestions?
  2. There's a good training club in Peakhurst, is that too far from you? New people start every week. Pros are by far in the majority there, believe me! PM Myszka, she's an instructor there.
  3. We go to classes Chopper took to obedience really well. When we get back from holidays [and have moved house!], I'm going to put more time into training with him. He's so eager to learn, it's great! Heaps of people who met him when we first got him and meet him again now say that he's calmed down heaps. Maybe with time and more effort he can show everyone what a great little dog he is. And I won't have to put my hand around his muzzle when a strange dog comes running towards him!
  4. Hmmm, dunno if walking a staffy x with a stick in my hand will do much to improve public misconceptions of the breed!! Treats are a good idea though. I thought about it afterwards and wondered why the hell I stopped in the first place?!! I should've kept walking, like you said. Cheers.
  5. I was just curious about what the best way to react is when a strange dog comes running up to Chopper and he's on lead. It happened yesterday. The owner was calling her dog back. I could see it was a playful little thing, but I didn't want to risk Chopper grabbing it, so I held his muzzle and asked the lady to remove her dog as mine's not always friendly. It took her a while to catch it, but she did and then she left. No dramas. I don't care that it was off lead, as soon as she left I let Chopper off to throw the ball for him! [When that ball is being thrown he has a perfect recall and the park was empty, so don't flame!] I've seen it said before to stand between your dog and the strange dog, but Chopper was jumping all over the place trying to get to the other dog. Not aggressively, just very excited and boisterous and I didn't know what the outcome would be if he got near. I was trying to get him to sit, but both dogs were jumping around the place trying to get to eachother. I realise that holding his muzzle was probably an awful thing to do, but what else would you suggest?
  6. I told you could have her :D Anyway, she only loves you for 1hr a week, she loves me the rest of the time!!! I thought stand and stand for exam were the same thing. So, yeah, what I meant was I need to teach them how to stand! I'll try PMs clicker method tonight. Should be all good by next weeks class
  7. I see from the photo that you have a rope... I find these really good. Chopper will still rip them, but he doesn't completely destroy them. You could try a Cuz toy, they're meant to be indestructible, but they're not! Better than average though. Orbee make a product like the Kong, but it's more plyable, so your pup might prefer it. [Look at that cute face ]
  8. Cool, thanks for that. Chopper usually picks up tricks really fast, so when he didn't get it on the first night I tried clicker training it I thought I needed to try a different approach. I'll go back to the clicker and try taking baby steps. Must seek out a professional to teach me some patience
  9. We've taught ours to sit for everything. This was long before I started any obedience training, and now it's so ingrained in them I'm finding it really hard to teach them to stand for examination. I've been holding their stifle [or whatever it's called!] for months now and they're just not getting it. Has anyone else had the same problem? Any suggestions on overcoming it?
  10. I think you might have summed up your problem with this sentence. I see this a lot in the classes I teach. I tend to have really tasty treats and can get most dogs to focus on me quite easily. When the handler complains about their dog not focusing it is usually b/c they have really boring motivators or aren't rewarding enough. What are treats are you using? Do your dogs like them and will they work for them? Are they bored with them? When I first started training Faxon I had to really work on finding the right motivator for him. I tried food, a variety of toys, verbal praise, pats, games, etc, etc. All of these worked for short periods of time. Fortunately he worked out working for food was pretty good. It just had to be good food. I use cubed chicken sandwich meat, roast chicken, pieces of sausage, cubed pieces of cheese, cabanosi, and various combinations of these. HTH Bear. She doesn't really have better treats, she was using cabanossi, which I had last week. This week I had liver treats, still not too interested. I've been giving her breakfast before going to training, so I'm going to cut that out and see if we have any improvement. I'll try those treats you suggested too. Thanks!
  11. I've been doing the "look at me" thing with the clicker, I guess I just need to do more of it! They all drop and look at me at feeding time already, that's one area I have no problems in! The whole leadership thing has been suggested before, but I don't know where I'm going wrong, I do all the text book stuff. Maybe I need to look into that a bit more. Thanks!
  12. Aw screw you... it's hard enough to take from someone who knows me... Stinkin sensitivity If only you weren't in Brisbane... I'd set Angel on you!!!!
  13. Tell me more?!!! Never heard of her, should I just google? OT... how was your walk?
  14. The only time Chopper and Angel are around other dogs is at obedience training [i take them to separate classes]. Chopper takes about 10-15 mins to settle down and pay attention to me. He will scream sometimes, which is great fun, no, really! Angel, takes about 45 mins to "get it", and by then the class is almost over! [Today I almost gave her to Myszka cause she was shitting me so much! [Yeah, I know she works great for you, it's just that you've got better treats!]] I only get so frustrated cause I know that she knows all the things I'm asking her to do, it's just that at class she's completely distracted by EVERYTHING!! Other dogs, birds, the trainer with the great treats, other dogs, birds, birds, birds... :D So, yeah, does anyone else have the same problem? How do you work on it? [it's been suggested that Angel doesn't find me interesting enough, but I find that hard to believe so I'm looking for other suggestions ]
  15. Hazz will you post the pic of your dog with the doggles again... it's so cute
  16. Can someone provide me the relevant section of the NSW Act that prescribes this? If I can suggest wording for the govt to use, it might make it even easier for them to agree to adjust the legislation as it presently stands here in Vic. It's very hard to find this info, I tried in the past. As Steve pointed out to me, as they're not illegal, you won't find any legislation stating that they're not banned. Much the same as trying to find proof that ice cream is legal! [sorry to paraphrase you Steve, it was something along those lines!!!]
  17. that's the one i have and that's where i got it! it's good. it has springs that act like a bungee to absorb any lunging. also the metal pole keeps the dog away from the wheels. i think it's great. i think i saw them for $71 somewhere, cheaper than i paid. maybe shop around.
  18. I use the Walky Dog too. Feel really safe using it. He's lunged at several dogs as we cycle past and I've never lost my balance. Just wish we lived somewhere with less busy roads!
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