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Everything posted by adzza

  1. Thanks for the replies. All in all, I guess im after a great all rounder food, that will give hime what he needs from day to day. Anything I thrown in extra is a bonus such as bones, mince, eggs, etc. I just want the best food I can get for him. Hes very energetic, like a lot, and never stops. Hes also pretty slim. Not underweight, but just right im guessing.
  2. Hey all, I have a 12 month old adopted mastiff/ridgeback. Hes a big boy. About 40kg at the moment. Anyways, I have had him for about 3 months now. We adore him. I started feeding him pal, and pedigree, then went to natures gift can food. I now have him on supercoat, and this premium dog food roll I buy at the super market. Anyways, after reading through the forums, I realized there are much better things I could be buying to feed him. That "how to grade your dogs food" thread is great. My question is this: I work a lot, and also run a business, so buying food is much easier than having to make it as I have limited time as it is. If I buy a premium brand dry food, is that comparable to making food for him, provided I give him tyhe occasional egg, raw mince, etc? Ans most of all, where the hell in Melbourne do you buy foods like Dick Van Pattens, and Merrick!!! I have googled it, and no shops in melb seem to sell the stuff. Any help would be great as I want him on the best possible food I can buy. Cheers. Adz.
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