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Thanks guys, will check them both out though Tuesday may be a bit awkward for me so Monday and the Hills may be the one. Does anything happen anywhere on a Saturday morning?
Does anyone know where I can go to some obedience/training sessions in the Western Suburbs, Sydney? I thought I would try my young mutt out there with the view to possibly getting involved in some sort of sport. My Bozley is a rescue mutt with some sort of bully breed in his makeup. He is highly intelligent, very active and climbs like a cat. I would like to give him some sort of extra stimulation beyond the normal walks that seem to satisfy my other dogs. I have never done any dog sports though and am not sure what is available. Any suggestions would be very welcome
Love you Wang, wherever you are :rolleyes:
I couldn't word this any better. A world of hugs for you, Anne. Sophie is free and in no pain but I grieve for you and your loss. Be kind to yourself now and take comfort from your other girls When you feel able, I am sure many of us would love to see some pictures of your beautiful Sophie
With you and Sophie in spirit today
Yes heart murmurs can be a problem an may need treatment but I have had three dogs with heart murmurs. and not one of them required treatment or had any adverse affects during their lifetime - and all three lived to well over the 10 year mark and passed away from totally unrelated conditions. Don't worry too much about it unless there is actually shown that there is a real reason to worry.
Anne, my thoughts are with you and Sophie. If you know the time has come then it is right. Sophie would thank you for it Big hugs and be strong for sophie.
Cavnrott Please don't feel helpless and hopeless although you can't help feeling sad. Dogs live in the now and beautiful Sophie is happy because of you. I found this code of ethics for Angelgate, an American organisation that cares for the terminally ill as well as disabled animals. When I read it I thought of you because I can't believe anyone else has so exhaustively adhered to this moral code . It perfectly decribes your love and care fo Sophie. Animal Hospice Guidelines 1.Be present and be in the moment with me. In the moment of now we will write the final chapter of my life. Your presence is everything. Listen to me with your heart. 2.I have a right to compassionate, considerate, respectful care. Choose for me a veterinarian who will honor me physically, emotionally and spiritually. One who will listen to you because you are my advocate and no one loves me as you do. Choose a veterinarian who will offer her or his wisdom so that you can make informed decisions regarding my care. 3.Keep me free from pain and symptoms so that I may enjoy my day and the precious time I have left with you. Seek to understand the different types of pain I may have. Look for enthusiasm in my eyes as a gage. Celebrate my life with me till the very end! 4.Keep me well nourished so that my body will have the fortitude that it needs to fight disease and energy to function. Offer me my favorite foods to entice me to eat but honor my decision, should I choose not to eat. 5.Keep me well hydrated; for this will keep me in balance with the universe. 6.Keep me warm and comfortable. I will need to be bathed more frequently-maybe several times a day. My favorite bed and blanket gives me security and lets me feel safe. I want to smell fresh air and to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. I want to hear the softness of your voice reassuring me of my importance in your life. 7.Let me stay active and continue to be a part of the family I love so dearly. I want to go for rides in the car, and long walks on the beach, and snuggle with you on the couch while we watch TV. Keep fun in our day. the couch while we watch TV. Keep fun in our day. 8. Touch me. Your loving hands have fed me, played with me, comforted me and now give me strength. Linger just a little longer as you scratch my ear. Your touch lets me know you are there and gives me assurance that you care. 9. Give me permission to leave- I need to hear those words from you- I need to know you will be OK. Let me go. Know it is my time even if it seems like it is too soon. Support me as I take my final breath. 10. If there comes a time when you know that I am suffering please euthanize me. I trust that you will always make the right decision for me for I am the blood of your heart. Be with me- I want you to be my last vision. 11.As there has been great joy in our life together now let there be joy in my passing. Cherish and be thankful for our happy moments together. Promise to keep my memory alive in all you do everyday. Love you guys, you are an inspiration Please be happy together. The now is all we have so please enjoy your time, Anne, because Sophie certainly is.
I have rescue pup who came to me very undernourished and wormy. I wormed him the first day he was here but his stomach is still distended. It is now two days since hwe was wormed so just wondering when it is safe to give him another dose.
Just goes to show you can't keep a good dog down You are both amazing and an inspiration to us all.
I couldn't have put it better than Berty has. So glad Sophie is still having her good times with you. Hugs and kisses to you both.
Recently I pulled a mature age rottweiler from Renbury - against my better judgement of course - as she had a huge lump on her back leg and a limp as swell as several mammary tumours. Today she had the mammary tumours removed and sent off for testing as well as having the lump on the leg biopsied. The lump is an infiltrative lipoma which I am told is a bugger to remove completely. Has anyone got any advice on treatment, etc. If the mammary lumps turn out to be benign I would like to be able to put this dog up for adoption.
I would say leave it a few days and keep an eye on it as it is very likely a wound from the fight. However I'm a panic merchant and rush my dogs to the vet at the very first sign of something amiss
Thank you for all the support guys but honestly if Ming has a problem with me I would prefer to handle this in a pm - or I am quite happy to slug it out on the general rottweiler thread. Thankyou for your input, Cavnrott, as in the past, I am dependent on your experience and knowledge in all things rottie. Please let us know how Soph has been the last couple of days, Anne
Don't worry, Ming. I popped on to get some quick advice from people who ARE dealing with palliative care dogs. I will not be tying up your thread.
Cav - thankyou. I was so hoping someone would say there is a possibility it is benign. The limping really worries me though.
Thanks Shek. I'm really hoping its not osteosarcoma but I can't think of anything else it could be. I would like to give Akira at least a short time living in a home where she is loved and cared for. Sorry to barge in on the palliative thread like this but you guys know this disease and rottweilers - I couldn't think of anywhere better to go to get some advice and possibly reassurance until the vet gets to see Akira .
Shek I'm very much concerned that it is cancer and that Akira will have to be put down. Do you think with a lump that size, causing a limp, that it would have spread throughought her body by now?
Guys, glad all the recent news has been good I thought perhaps you could give me some indication of what is going on with my new foster rottie. I got her out of the pound Saturday. She has a big hard lump on the outside of her thigh around three or four inches in diameter. She is limping pretty badly because of it. I will be phoning the vet tomorrow to see whether he wants me to bring her in straight away. (She has kennel cough and hasn't yet done her quarantine for parvo) What do you think?
Thanks for the update. I can go to bed with a smile on my face
How are you and Sophie going today, CavnRot?
Cavnrot - my heart goes out to you. This is harder for you than for Sophie as you take such good care of her. I love to hear of her adventures day to day. and always visit this thread even if I don't post. I am so glad you are standing your ground and giving Sophie the quality of life she deserves.
I have never experienced this level of aggression in pups though I have heard tales of it. I would be interested in hearing what the behaviourists say.
CavnRot - love and hugs and cuddles for you and Sophie from Xander, Paddy and me. Hang in there girl
Cav, My old boy got away with blue murder when he became very ill I treasure the memories. He was the first thing on my mind from the moment I got up to the moment I went to bed. Sometimes he had trouble standing up and moving into the bedroom and on those nights I just brought my blanket and pillow and settled on the dog beds in the loungeroom with him. I know what you are going through.