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Everything posted by twistsbaby

  1. I found the best way to train them not to go in the house is to get him into a routine, After dinner or any meal i would so to them ok i'm foe wee's and take them straight out after eatting and do it EVERYTIME they finish, It took me a while but now the only time he will go in the house is if i don't watch them or it's raining that is the hardest time to get them out cos i would hate it to wet grass on my bum...... I had the worst time with my older oug crying i tried when i got him to put him in the hall way at bed time but boy did that not work for me he would wake me every hour boy did i go crazy mainly cos i had to go to work everyday.... My pug cross boston terrier my "bug" his not bad like that i put paper down of a night in the bed room if he can't wake me then he will go on the paper or if he can wake me i take him out, other than that his the same as the older one if i dont watch him he will go in the house.....
  2. How old do you think he should be before i have the operation done? Thanks everyone you have been a big help
  3. Does anyone have any advise for nose problem's??? I adopted a pug cross boston terrier within the last month or so i have noticed that he is not breathing through his nose very well, I took him to my vet and was told he would need it operated on to help him breath.... He is 5 month's old The flap's on his nose are not opening when he breath's in... Can anyone give me any advise of what i should do??? Wait a little longer and see if it would fix it's self or go asap and get the operation done??? Has anyone else had the same problem??? If so what was the recovery like?? And how long???
  4. I thought i would see if anyone had any idea of what i should get as a tribute tattoo for my long lost little man????? I miss him very much and want somthing to remember him by for the rest of my life. I would love to hear any idea's anyone has. Thanx
  5. On the 28th of November 2005 at 6.30am i lost my little man to congestive heart failure. He woke me up caughing so i took out side to do his buisness.. I felt there was somthing, Stupid me left it for awhile he seem to get better but i could see a change in him. This all started a month after i got a new pup, i didn't think he would go down hill because i had a new pup. I could see he wasn't well at all i kept taking him back to the vet there wasn't much that could be done for him... There was a time that i thought i should put him to sleep but i didn't have the heart to do it...He was such a fighter i could tell he really didn't want to give up. He seemed to be getting worst the day before his passing my boyfriend went to work he is gone for the entire day and some of the night. On this day i felt it was his time he seemed to be caughing more and more. I had decided befor my boyfriend had come home that if he was still this bad that we would do the right thing and put him out of any pain he was in...The next morning at 6.20am of the 28th of november 2005 i was woken but him caughing so i thoguht he wanted to go out side he did his buisness and i took him inside to my mother who could tell that i was very scard for his life. she straight away started calling vets but at this time no vets were open. He started to get worse and worse i called by boyfriend out to tell him what was happening. He came out with our new pup in him arm's, as soon as he seen we were all together he decided it was time to leave us... He took 1 final look at my boyfriend then me and he couldn't hold on any longer. At 6.30am i lost my best friend of 12years. I had never had an animal in my life for that long. Still to this day i can still see the look on his face when he took him final breath. I miss that little man, even with his stinky breath. I now have him in a wooden box that his ashes are in with his collare on top. Here are some picture's of my little man that i miss so much. Thank you all for listening to my story of my lose
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