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Everything posted by Doofybear

  1. Thanks so much for all your help and info.. The other pup has been checked over by the vet, and sprayed for fleas, she didn't have anywhere near as bad as 'Dora' did, but then the other puppy has short hair, and Dora's hair is long. She has gone to her new home today, with a loving lady looking for a companion after the loss of her husband. I went and saw my friend yesterday, and she is taking her dog (the mother) to the vets today, to get checked over, and be treated for fleas/worms if need be. My friend really really does love her dogs (she has 2)...I honestly think that she thinks that a female is a 'better' dog if they are allowed to have a litter or 2 before desexing...To be honest, I always believed the same thing until we started looking into getting a pup/dog, and I started reading the forums here. I have told her about this site, and she is going to come and check it all out.... With the state of the Mum and the puppies, I realise that there is no excuse at all, but I think because the dogs were at her brothers while she and her family were at the inlaws, and she doesn't drive and has to rely on lifts to go and see them, and she 'assumed' that her brother loved the animals as much as she does, is why they ended up in such a state. She was in tears yesterday when I told her about the number of fleas Dora had on her, and that they were making nests in her neck, and that she would have died if I hadn't have taken her on Saturday. Please don't think that she is seriously neglecting her dogs, she totally is not that type of person...Her dogs live inside at her house, one on each of her boy's beds, they are loved, played with, excersised, cuddled, I think she is just a little bit uneducated about the pro's and cons of breeding....I know that she was so excited when these pup's were born because she could give someone else the opportunity to have a loving dog just like she does. I'll be sure to keep you all updated about Dora's progress....She is going great at the moment, she never needs to use her legs, the kids love her so much... Fiona
  2. The mother hasn't been with her owner since she had the pups. She has been with the owners brother, because the owner had to stay with the inlaws for a while until their house was ready. She had no idea the pups and mother were in this state! The other pup is safe, and she is getting the mother today, and taking her straight to the vet to make sure she is ok, and treat her if need be.
  3. The other Pup is safe! I rang and checked it out yesterday afternoon! I've told the person I got my baby off, that the vet advised me that the mother needs to be treated asap as well! The other puppy has gone to a lovely older lady who has just lost her husband, and needed a companion.... Our baby is sooooo much happier today, she is loving the kids, and they are loving her...
  4. Ok, now I'm a bit cranky!!! Well, i took her to the vets, and he used the frontline spray on her...He said he hadn't seen flea infestation that bad for a long time. She had nests in her fur... , and she is anemic (sp?) from the fleas sucking all her blood, and it would only of been a matter of a couple more days, and she would have been VERY sick and probably died....I could just cry for the poor baby. All I can think of is if I didn't take her on Saturday she probably would be dying...
  5. I would have LOVED to take them both, but as this is the kids first pet, I thought I'd better start with just one. I'm checking around to see if I can find a good home for her. Here are some photo's of her! I am so in love with her, she is just gorgeous! Fiona
  6. Hi I'm in NSW on the Mid North Coast, and the puppy came from a friend. The mother is under 12 months, and wasn't feeding the puppies...There were 2. The puppy is fully weaned and eating puppy food and drinking puppy milk. I didn't know about the 8 week thing...When I saw this baby all dirty with her hair matted with dirt, and covered with fleas my heart just broke! When they asked me if I wanted to take her because they were sick of looking after them, I jumped at it! Is there anything else I should be doing for her? She seems really happy, she is playing with the kids, and snuggling up in her basket at night with a toy the kids gave her. She is eating and drinking well. Fiona
  7. Thanks guys!!! She is ABSOLUTELY riddled, the poor little baby. I just gave her a bath, and put a little bit of tea tree oil in the water....she was filthy! We only got her yesterday and she had dirt all matted in her hair...I even had to change the water it got so filthy! I'll go down to the vets in the morning and get something that will work!
  8. We have a 5, nearly 6 week old Jack Russell x Maltese... She has fleas... I know I can't use frontline or anything like that on her yet, but is there something I can do? Is there anything natural I can use on her? Thanks Fiona
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