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Everything posted by Bokezu

  1. agreed, mine don't leave home once mated except for the vet. I'm disgusted that with some people a show is more important than a nice comfortable whelping for your bitch, AND puppies. Don't breed your bitch if you can't stay home and miss a few shows!!!!
  2. no way!!! even though they are probably lovely people and their intentions are good, that is not the life you want for a pointer! They need to get a small dog, not a large dog and a gundog at that. NO WAY!!!
  3. Congrats on the new arrivals Good luck. Firestone aren't you due around now? good luck
  4. Yes they have to make sure that you don't sleep the night before they whelp. My girl did that Sunday night she panted and huffed and puffed the whole night then around 4.30 am went off to sleep and snored. Whelped Monday afternoon / night by the time I cleaned up it was 12.30am fell asleep on the chair, woke up an hour and a half later and need the bathroom (all that coffee) didn't turn on any lights and simply walked into a wall. Bang right on the nose (I didn't think it stuck out that far) blood where (think I broke it). Hubby panicked at the blood and helped with another clean up. Talk about drama. poor you :thumbsup: xx
  5. Good Luck Stolzeinrotts!! she's looking good, hopefully tonight
  6. I agree, I'm totally stunned to be honest
  7. Yes , we went vet and while waiting she lost her fluid in waiting room, so i thought that would be right, hahaa anyway ultrasound was ok vet said puppies heart rate was not stressed and said early labour has started and her temp was 37.5 so he gave me 2 options. 1, C -section while your here 2, Prog test and take her home and wait for result I took 2, She was keen to get of there and i to thought well i have to give her a chance to do it all naturaly so thats what we will do. At home now she is quiet again, panting but not heavily with a temp of 36.9. i'll ring vet at 4pm for prog test results and see how we go good luck for a trouble free whelping, and good on you for choosing the best option :D
  8. Congratulations.Congrats to everyone else on litters and safe arrivals. We are on the countdown here now. Nikki is due 17th to the 20th and yesterday at the vet Suki weighed in at 41.7 kgs not bad considering she was 28kg when mated and she has been off her food for the last week. getting very close for you now Firestone Hoping you have a trouble free whelping wow! thats a lot of puppy weight your Suki is carrying!! Good luck x
  9. Congratulations on your wonderful litter of 10!!! :laugh: fingers crossed for your little boy those weights are fantastic, what breed do you have?
  10. yes good idea BB I find Sway has everything one could need but little collars for puppies from around 3 weeks on would be great. Adjustable, narrow webbing with little plastic release clips, like the ones in the link earlier. I'm getting some so hopefully they will have the brand on them
  11. yes I love the little Rogz collars but they are very expensive when you have to buy 11
  12. I ordered some of those last week to stock, I like the look of them. they look great, will get some off you when you get them in
  13. Congratulations on a safe delivery and in daylight hours!!!
  14. don't know whats so funny about that .........yep just did a google and JUD came up number 3 and dogzonline came up number 5, but yesterday as I said it was the other way around. So obviously google isn't consistant with results ;)
  15. Congratulations BB !!!! ;) lovely pics of mum and puppies and love their names :D
  16. Have you taken your girls temp? as she may have infection or trauma and need antibiotics. my girl who whelped 11 puppies a week ago was picky and wouldn't even look at puppy food apart from advance puppy plus, and that was only as a snack. I have been giving nutrigel twice a day and it has really helped her get her apetite back. She is eating well now, its costing us heaps but she is feeding 11 so has to eat and I don't care what as long as she is eating. rump steak every morning, mince and liver stew with a little rice added for lunch, she is also eating wings and necks and advance puppy, she had two bbq chickens a couple of days after whelping, she is having calcium supp and vitamin supp, I know its not the right diet for a nursing mum, but she is eating and looks really good now, looked like a skeleton after whelping as she refused food 48 hrs before whelping! good luck, would take her to the vet if she doesn't pick up
  17. I agree Dogzonline is a fantastic site. I see it as the best site about pedigree dogs in Australia by far and I agree it's got a lot more on offer presently than JUD about pedigree dogs and this may forever so. The purpose of my posts in this thread were to provide an official response to an thread generated on this site about JUD detailing what had happened, how I was now in charge of the site and what I am doing to address the issues raised in this post. People were posting "this is happening, now that is happening" and I saw it as important to ensure those concerned and affected received an official statement from Just Us Dogs as to what had happened, and what was now going on. Having read the Terms and Services here http://www.dolforums.com.au/forumrules.html - it doesn't seem I have breached the DOL Forum rules and terms of Use. Jaxx, i agree, make false claims or claims that are only true under certain circumstances would be dishonest. I've not done and would not do this. I stated:- "The site is the top ranking site in Australia for "Dogs" and to me its such a shame its content does not measure up to its rankings." Nothing false, misleading or conditional about this, its a simple fact. The JUD site ranks No.1 on Google.com.au for "Dogs". Thanks to all those who have emailed me direct, I appreciate your ideas, concerns and offers of support. just googled "dogs" and dogzonline came up before justusdogs, dogzonline number 3 justusdogs number 4 so sorry to be petty but you must get your facts straight
  18. Congrats Risyntira they look wonderful! :D
  19. they are the same size I used before, think I first put them on around 3 weeks and they were still wearing them when they went home at 8 weeks. They are very light and narrow, very adjustible, good size for my guys. Really hard to find in this size.
  20. found them under whelping supplies here
  21. so sorry that you have lost two Risyntira
  22. Can anyone point me to a place who sell the little adjustable collars (with release clip) in all colours, they are webbing, got them from US last time, but sure they have them here now, just can't seem to find them. Thanks
  23. my babies were 1 week old yesterday, they have grown so much, Sienna is really doing a wonderful job with them, they are going to be fiesty little things, from 4 weeks on its going to be crazy! but I can't wait
  24. Congratulations Puglodge!! mum and bubs look wonderful
  25. Congratulations Risyntira on the arrival of your 7 puppies!!!!
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