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Everything posted by BT-Argo

  1. Does everyone use tapeworm tablets? Do you need them in the city? Reason i ask is that most products cover most worm types except tapeworm. I think i will use advocate and then Tapewormer Tablets which covers it. I havent got a dog yet but i really enjoy doing all the research so i feel comfortable and prepared when the time comes Another question: If your dog weighs a maximum of 4kgs and tablets come per 1 * 10kgs do you administer 1/2 a tablet is that correct dosage? or do you still give the full tablet? and for spot ons if your dog weighs 4kgs is it better to give them a 4-10kgs spot on or the one that says up to 4kgs? (I would ask the vet and breeder at the time )
  2. Hi All I was wondering what products do people use for Flea, Tick and Worm control. I see lots of products treat a range of thing but there is not one product that treats everything or is there? I was thinking advocate woudl be a good products cause it trast most things except for tapeworm and possibly ticks... I have now heard Sentinel is really good... What products does everyone else use and what are your experience with those versus others if yo used more than than a few over time! Thanks!
  3. Hi All I am wanting to get a poodle down the track and will obviously get as much advice from my breeder as possible. If the dog stays indoors mostly and i brush him daily or everey second day with a slicker brush at nights when we are relaxing and wash him weekly isnt that enough?? until he is due for a visit to the groomer I like the curly look on the coat last time i spoke to a breeder they said you can brush them then basically pat the hair down and it goes back to its natural curls... Another question is how hard is to learn how to clip your own poodle on an all over even cut?... are there courses available cause i cant find any on the net? Thanks Curious
  4. Hi Becky Well I have decided to hold off and its now been 3 years since ive been living in my apartment. I live directly across from a park which is very dog friendly. I spend most weekends in the park and have made a few contacts one in particular a woman who also lives in apartment and also has a poodle which is the dog i would like. I always think about getting a dog still and have gone to a few dog shows in the past year. Some people tell me to get a cat but thats no consideration or solution for me as i have no desire to own a cat. A cat and dog are no comparison. Will i move? not at this point thinking about it in 2 years or so. If i were to get a dog and had to rehome him i would not want that but my parents would most likely take him and that way i would have him on the weekends... again not the answer hence i have held off Truth be known i will always have to work and there will be a stage maybe in 5 so years when i will get one as my priorities change.. which they have already started. Work is not the be all and end all just a means to surviving! have a good weekend Curious!
  5. Hello All I thought i would add a link for a new product i saw in my local pet shop that is a good idea for apartment dwellers. http://www.thepetloo.com.au/ Does anyone have one yet? if so do you find it effective?
  6. BT-Argo

    More On Food

    Hi Bloss344 Thanks for your very positive responce. yuor reply was very much appreciated. Thanks and have a great weekend!
  7. BT-Argo

    More On Food

    I dont want to sound stupid here because i do not have a dog yet, but i have been doing lots of research and have been attending a few dogs shows and have spoken to breeders and a couple told me they simply feed their dogs Dry Science diet food and give them a slice of beef equivalent once a day and the odd treat. Is this enough nutrition for a dog? Theres so much choices out there and make it hard for a novice to know whats actually right cause all the difffering opinions and choices.
  8. Hello All for those of you who keep their dogs inside their house I was wondering do you have many problems with doggy smells and odours? I know some dogs like poodles etc do not shed much and they are doggy free odour but surely all dogs can create some odour and smell in the house especially if they have an accident or urinate? For those with poodle especially does the house tend to have a "doggy smell" from them? Thanks Curious
  9. Hi Springergirl! love your puppy photo! Thanks for the reply... Can i ask how long does yor dog stay at home alone during the day when your at work? how do you keep him occupied? as for body corporate i have approval and have printed my emails as evidence of the approval etc!
  10. Hi All was wondering if anyone has a dog that lives in a unit? What type of dog and how do they cope? Any tips / warnings? Thanks curious
  11. Hi lillysmum I just have never thoguth of a grey thats the simple truth and when i think of them they are too big and its not what I have really looked into. My cousins flatmate had one and it would chew evrythign in site it turned me off you could say... I rang the breeder this afternoon and the poodle I was looking at was sold I had my heart set on him but i procrastinated for 3 weeks cause of my concern of the hours i work. This to me says I should put dog ownership on hold for a while to my circumstances change with work if they ever do... Thanks for all your replies.. Curious
  12. To be honest i do not like greyhounds at all... I had always considered a toy poodle or Pug. Issues with pugs are they shed too much Also I was knew a friends flatmate that had one and it would destroy everything in site ... It may have been poor training who knows but everytime i went to their house it had further damage caused by chewing ...
  13. Hi all Great to see so many replies. I dont know how everyone does it but my situation is I am on my own and I have to go to work and unfortanetely I work in different locations throughout Sydney so one day it might take 20 minutes to get home and another 1 hour... I guess the right thing to do is not to get a dog at this point in time. I was also thinking if your sleeping during the night does the dog register itself as being alone or does it feel safe knowing even thught your sleeping you are in the room/house with him? Curious!
  14. Hello All Thanks everyone for replying, it is appreciated. Throughout the past year I have asked many people and in different situations and it seems everyone has a different answer and responce depending on their experiences. The dog I am looking at (Which was 3 weeks ago so it might have already been sold) is a 15 month old show dog that will no longer be shownhence the sale. The Dog spends most of its time currently in a kennel about 3 by 3 metres big. The owner has several toy poodles and keeps them seperate for the reasons of keeping their coats etc in perfect condition ... She said that it spends most of the days alone and she takes it out twice a day for about half an hour at a time in the morning and evenings.... I asked all the questions regarding how he copes etc and if he chews and if he has been socialised with other dogs etc... I also spent some time with him and he was a nice and quiet dog that was happy to walk off and explore on his own when i saw him at his house. I asked her if i could have a trial with him 3 weeks ago and she agreed but cause of my concerns about leaving him on his own for 9 - 10 hours a day i declined. As you can see from last nights post I have spent every day deliberating whether I should have given it a try... My Job is a stressfull environment and I go to the gym a few times a week to help release some of the stress and thought a dog would be nice to come home to every night... a way to forget things at the end of the da and focus on something that woudl be relaxing and enjoyable.. To answer some of the peoples replies to my original message 1. I was goign to leave him inside but leave the balcony door slightly open with paper in the corner in case of emergency toilet needs of the dog 2. Was going to leave classical music and a light turned on with toys and kong filled with some treats for him 3. I had already found a training school to take him to on Sunday's 4. I would take him out for a walk mornign at about 6ish and nights when i returned. 5. I go out usualy for dinners on saturday night but on weekenights I usually stay home. 6. The dog would stay at my parents house 2 days mid week and they are retired and home all day... woudl this cause issues with goign from my house to my parents? I stay there 1 - 2 nights a week already so the dog would come with me.. My other questions to other memebers would be 1. I would like to be able to take the dog out when i go to beach, shops etc?... I have done some research and i know dogs are allowed on certain beaches but how about shopping centres etc? Tonight i saw a lady and another couple with small dogs in Westfields... IS there any standard legislation on were dogs go or is it per the establishment etc? I know you can walk dogs and take tem to certain cafes no issues there but indoor places in winter woudl be an issue i guess? Thanks one again Curious.
  15. Hello I have just joined this forum tonight and thought id create a post with my situation. I have always wanted a dog since I was a child but never actioned on it until now that i am in my own unit. I have been given approval to keep a dog in my unit as others have them in the block also. I have done so much much theoretical research and listed with breeders over a year ago and thought i would go for an older puppy or young adult about 12months old. I have a situation or i see it as a problem where i am at work 9 - 10 hours a day so the dog would be on its own for an average of 10 - 11 hours a day. This has kept me from getting a dog until now and the fact that i am in a unit i am not sure how it would cope. I am looking at a toy poodle cause its smaller type of dog, it does not shed hair and i do not mind taking time to groom it at nights. on the weekends i would spend most of the time with him. A dog has come up and i have spent a few hours with him and really felt for him but as i spent a week thinking of his welfare i decided not to take him cause of the hours he would be alone. The issue is i really would like him and know i woudl take him out both at mornigns and nights as i love walking or going for a jog in the mornings. What are your thoughts on how a dog copes during the day, how long it can stay alone , how it copes in a unit etc.? I have thought of kong toys and hiding treats through the rooms ... Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks Curious
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