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wheres my rock

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Everything posted by wheres my rock

  1. hey shoey your two would be great candidates are definately fit enough and have good off lead control well except when being chased down by a naughty sheltie lol if we go agaiity together i hope eddie wont run and hide when he sees connor charging through a tunnel lol
  2. yup hate the congrgation thing though on the unhappy dog thing how do you know an older dog will not exhibt the same behaviours as a pup and not all dogs are over the top without knowing the dog you cant really know whther they are enjoying themselves. My whippet certainly didnt go around with his tail in te air wagging away like a labrador but he loved to jump on me and play with hs toy he would go zoomies when allowed but when working he wasnt bouncy like many dogs
  3. So sorry to hear of your loss i know how you feel but hey at least now he gets to meet little loch and Yogi
  4. agree i just spoke to our instructors on this very topic knowing when you cant help and what to do is soo important
  5. heres a question how long do yu think it takes to have realy good focus that holds u under big distractions
  6. The best player doesnt necessarily make the best coach from the book real coaching and feedback by jk smart instinctive players are competent but dont know how they do it these include some real genius people for whom things just flow and includes those who have done something so long that they can do it in their sleep called unconciously competet. People like this often dont make good coaches as they cant analyse their performance so dont know what makes it competent analytical Players who are competent and can analyse what the are doing and explain i to someone elseIf need to find a way to shift fromunconcious to cnscious competence you can then show wahat a competent performance looks like but cant pick up the bad points Coaching players not alway best at the game. However they can watch someone play and tell you wats wrong . they can analyse good and bad perfrmance and shift someone from one to the other
  7. i agree have just had this discussion why are our trainees taking beginners they would be better of takign the hgher levels where most of the handlers have been around
  8. Only thing i'd add to that R is if yu are looking for someone to instruct you to an obedience title it does help if they have actually done it and preferably this century lol. If i decided to get into schutzhund id only go to someone who has traind and had consistent success and their students have ahd the same If i wanted my dog to have good manners i'd be a bit suss if the instrucotrs classes were producing poorly mannered dogs and yes a i know a couple that do
  9. hehe thats me my dogs are great and i can train a dog very easily but teaching others forget it i need to work the dog to show them what to do im hopeless at communication
  10. ohh see and thats why you have all these women who stay at your club and all guys come train with us hehehehe When we had horses we used to tell our male instructor if he wanted more business all he neded to do was go topless and carry a stock whip
  11. very true col ok im giong to ask at club this week if i can ask all the members their thoughts
  12. yes i was thinking about the four week block being a good idea
  13. You obviosly enjoy what you do ERny and its shows i agree too the more you read and learn the more questions there are to ask lol
  14. cant get one past you can i lol Definately a new thing the horsey gys i know are no way gay lol and th men in the dog worl i know are definately not either i still think its just the ratio makes it appear that women stick at it
  15. this is another interesting thread and certainly a point in the right direction for clubs to gain some ideas Our club just seems to have taken anyone who will volunteer onto the instructor board not ideal but we have been running classes for the instructors doing workshops and trying to get speakers in to educate this has made a huge diferce so far
  16. this is great a questtionairre sounds good maybe we should do one on dol for feedback like this but in more detail you up for it Rom
  17. sems friendly atmosphere class sizes and being able to think creatively are high on th agenda
  18. This is great guys you can certainly start to see pattern f what epople like in a club Class sizes and lack of instructors is always and issue i like a six to one ratio max of ten but thats often impossible New ideas sprung on you would love to hear more about that rastus what sort of things do they dp to challenge you
  19. are you talking from a maybe going to them for help or they want to instruct at your school. Its a tough one maybe ask them about how they would deal with certain problems say an aggressive dog take them out onto the field and get them to work with a small group of volunteers under supervision. Watch how they interact with their own dog. Ask where their trianing influences come from does this sit with the way your club trains If yo are thinking of going to their classes Ask to come watch see what they do in a class Ask people who have attended classes and see what results they are getting watch how they communicate with epople have they done any formal tinaing not necessarily a dog trianing course but a people trining one so they knwo how to impart knowledge
  20. Absolutely Erny education is the key education of instructors trainers and the general public. you can never know enough and noone knows it all. I admire your passion about your work thats great maybe you should start on a bachelor of behavioural science or look into courses like training and workplace assessment to enhance your skills while you wait for more courses aimed and dog trainers . We all come from different walks of life personaly i dont have the patience with people to work as a dog trianing instructor. Give me the dogs but leave th howners at home and im happy heheh One thing would love to see is the VCA start taking on a much more eductaive role for club instructrs the so called course they have is useless at present I would also like to see clubs maybe start helping send instructors to formal courses and seminars to further their knowledge
  21. thast because the women cant resist that strong muscular body and those big brown eyes
  22. Ok Name the three best points and the three worst points about your club Mine best social group very easygoing let me do what i like open to ideas Worst not a lot of experience classes boring not many other triallers
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