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wheres my rock

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Everything posted by wheres my rock

  1. hehe thankyou its true bugger what they think do whats best for you and yours and if someone elses dog wants to play then maybe their owner should take a leaf out of your book hehe only kidding we have t be a bit fair to the masses i throw food and play tug in classes i just stay to one side and turn my back to the group when i do so as not to be too distracting. Maybe i'll come join you sunday and we'll cause a huge racous lol
  2. shoey your never annoying and anyway i like playing with your dogs their fun your doing great just have fun and if it isnt fun do soemthing to make it funforget all th formality and let your hair down a bit
  3. you do need thick skin if its the same person we spoke about there just jealous and can see some competition coming through the ranks. Many moons ago i was verbally abused at a triall becaus my dog had a solid collar on te lady was drunk but i was so upset i gave he dog thing away for a long time its amazing how one simple thing can trigger so many emotions in us People put others down to make themselves feel better remember that you have a great working relationship with your dogs they are happy and adore you sur they can be cheeky buggers but what teenager isnt in a years time that person will not be laughing so much when your titled dogs come to club
  4. hi Shoey when i first got involved in the dog world i had a rescue dog he was dog aggressive and we got so many put downs from instructors i found myself in the same boat your in id get anxious and nervous and would have to make myslf go to club i wasnt enjoying it at all then i did two things i stopped going to club and went to a private trianer she was very positve and encouraging she made me feel like i could do this and that we werent stupid i also started agility and changed clubs Sure there were still epople therethat were rude but i learned to ignore thema year later we had cd and cdx and ad the only agility title available then and we were trialling in utility. The people that had been rude were still struggling at novice that gave me heaps of confidence lol after that i never looked back Now we are bak and im having a ball i have found a club where im respected and people are nice have found doggy friends that support me and make me feel good and i support them and hopefully make them feel good to we are getting ready to trial and having fun Gain as much knowlegde as you can offering to steward is an excellent idea and so is instructing other people When th time is right to have a go your friends will be there cheering you on the judge will give you invaluable advice to take on board and son you'll have more titles that the twits that dont understand what having a great team relationship is
  5. yup have looked at them before did some work with one years ago great little dogs but i dont like the look of many of them im pretty fussy with looks and white hair is a pain in the butt and they actually drop a lot of coat at the moment im thinking min pin maybe
  6. I agree with what you say being on the instructor end of the stick can be frustrating and exhausting we have so many poilitics and sometimes you feel like you ar just hitting your head against the wall. at present our cub is trying to take on board what the mebers want and keep them happy so they dont leave its amazing what a smile and a few kind words can do for soemones self esteem Well done with your staffy look forward to seeing you around the melbourne tril scene in the future
  7. Cl you'll get there when i first tried it with my sheltie he just loked at me like well i cant possibly grab it if you had it its ban manners he prefers things thrown so he can chase them so it took a while for him to grasp that i wanted him to grab at soemthing
  8. If you were about to go out and get another dog would you elean toward a certain breed because they tend to be higher in drive to begin with If so and you needed a smaller dog what breeds would you lean toward
  9. nice pics i dont have any retrieving pics of my gsp we didnt get to go that far as we lost her much she loved it. There is definately something o be said for highly driven dogs isnt there
  10. Hi Ll Im sure you'll be great i have few friends at Berwick am going to come up there one day ad have a look might see you there
  11. Yup al the dogs ive trialed were because epople said i'd never get them there now with my current dog i dont have the motivation i used to lol
  12. A firend of mine trians with her in the states and keeps saying how good she is would be interesting to have a look at how she trains
  13. Hey ll Do you happen to have joanne plumbs videos id like to get a look at them
  14. Yup i had that i swapped it for purely positve with a firned love both books well worth the read
  15. thankyou Amphailite Yup ive been there with my first dog he was dog aggressive and pretty full on my second dog was a nutter really hypo i got out of the dog world for a few years after we lost her and when i decided to get another dog to compete with i wanted a dog that would be real easy to live with that woul train up nicely and wouldnt give me too much drama so i chose my whipet whe i lost him we agreed on a sheltie because he was soft and easy to live with but playful and energetic and would enjoy training
  16. Clubs can suck sometimes but isnt it a great feeling when you can stick it to them lol i understand your concern with Daegon some instructors have only had limited experience with big dogs this board is really helpful you have given me another thought to add to our training course getting instructors comfortable around different breeds and learning how to read that breed of dog. I have the opposite problem everyone thinks that because my dog is little cutesy he should want to be picked up and cuddled so when he des his little happy dance and wont let them touch him they get annoyed the amount of times ive had to block people so they dont try to grab him is ridiculous
  17. YUp my dog is non correction trained but that dosnt mean i will throuw other ideas out the window never know when one might come in handy I think it woud be great if rather t does in his workshops There is such a wealth of knowledge out there and learning can often come from the most unexpected places
  18. hi Irene Yup its an ongoing battle to find experienced epople willing to give up their time to help out at a club we are trying to develope a course at present that will give our instructors a good toolbox to go int class with and make sure thye are egtting the ongoing suport they need but this takes a lot of soemones time and then we all want to trian our own dogs too
  19. hi ll i have purely positive its in a bad way needs rebinding but you can have it ive read it a dozen times cc
  20. which sheila booth book i have a copy ehre its pretty old but you can have it it neds rebinding
  21. try natures creatures they have cosed down but she has a lot of books apparently for sale she has a website but i dont know the addy
  22. its actually my dog and he had tonnes of sociaisation lol but it depends sometimes he recovers quickly and getson with it other times he stays spooky for quite a while we dont see it much these days but sometimes it crops up hes seventeen months now just
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