lils mum
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Titre Testing Instead Of Annual Vaccinations.
lils mum replied to mixeduppup's topic in General Dog Discussion
Can I ask if this went to the general management/obedience committee or to the health committee? just curious. I think that maybe if it could go to the health committee, perhaps they could then make a national recommendation at their ANKC meeting. Now that would be revolutionary! :D -
Titre Testing Instead Of Annual Vaccinations.
lils mum replied to mixeduppup's topic in General Dog Discussion
oops, repeat post -
Titre Testing Instead Of Annual Vaccinations.
lils mum replied to mixeduppup's topic in General Dog Discussion
I have no issue with appropriate puppy vaccinations. I'd prefer to see it as just 2 myself, but that of course means a later first dose, and a little longer with their breeder. Not always possible I know... And perhaps instead of the booster at 12 months, how about a titer level? I've done this - and found the antibody levels to be perfectly acceptable for immunity without need for a booster. I agree, it would be wonderful if we could access monovalent vaccines - many years ago a Great Dane breeder I know brought in her own. Not sure how she manged that, but she did... But i wish someone would explain the attitude of a number of vets I've heard of recently who refuse to use C3 for a 12 week old puppy that has had C3 at ets 6 weeks (not 8). it's not that this person doesn't want to vaccinate, she simply wants to make a choice - recommended by her breeder and several other knowledgable people - to have C3 only. I also wish that people would consider not dosing puppies with everything on one day - don't worm and vaccinate all together. -
Titre Testing Instead Of Annual Vaccinations.
lils mum replied to mixeduppup's topic in General Dog Discussion
I too have great vets, and I have no objection whatsoever to vets who want owners to bring their dogs in for annual check ups. My issue is with those vets (and it's most IME) who do this under the premise that annual vaccination is essential. It's just not. IMO this is the 'income based' issue - if client education regarding the importance of annual health review was the target, I'd be a lot less cynical. I was the first client in my vets' practice to request titre testing some years ago - they were fantastic and fully supportive. though I had researched it and had the information on where to send samples, etc they also researched it more. I also have an issue with vets who refuse to observe a client's concerns and state that they will not give C3 instead of C5. The AVA policy also discusses the issue of 'informed consent' - I'm not entirely sure that most vets invest the time to ensure that animals are vaccinated annually with 'informed consent'. I love my vets too - they are happy to chat, discuss, and they are also keen to learn what I know about breed specific health issues... -
Titre Testing Instead Of Annual Vaccinations.
lils mum replied to mixeduppup's topic in General Dog Discussion
Exactly! To lose annual vaccinations from all of the general public would be devastating to vet income I suspect. There is also the problem of 'off label' use of vaccines. The manufacturers (AFAIK) still maintain that the vaccine is only 'guaranteed' for 12 months. However, the AVA vaccination policy states - “It is being recognised that veterinarians should aim to reduce the vaccine load on individual animals to minimise the risk of adverse reactions to the products (Day et al, 2007).” link to statement I don't believe people should just stop vaccinating. the principle of herd immunity is a necessary consideration. however, titre testing for me is a viable alternative -
Titre Testing Instead Of Annual Vaccinations.
lils mum replied to mixeduppup's topic in General Dog Discussion
I've titre tested my dogs for about 14 years now, though I now only test every 3 years - none of my dogs have ever altered their antibody levels in all the time they were tested. It is relatively expensive I think - due for one girl in a few months, but sorry can't recall how much. More than vaccination, but only a little. I also don't give KC vaccination though did recently when I had to leave the girls in kennels (small, private concern that accepts that I don't veaccinate, but titre test) and one of their own dogs had been coughing so she called me. I had the intranasal vaccine for both girls to protect them. I've never had KC at our place... touch wood! :) -
Darn! I just typed a long response and lost it! Basically - it went along the lines of Vizslas are quite capable of being alone during the day - but they do need their needs met at either end of that day. Do you walk morning or evening? If only evening, you might need to get up earlier and take the dog for a walk prior to work as well so that his mental and physical needs are better met. Perhaps you could contact the Hungarian Vizsla club of NSW for assistance? Maybe you already have? They give good advice, helpful assistance. I also noted that you mentioned only a deck - is there also a yard? If only a deck, = pretty boring. Does it overlook areas of stimulation - eg people walking past, etc? How well protected/sheltered is the deck? Does it get any sun? wind has been pretty cold lately? Maybe he's cold? Do you change the toys for him to play with - doesn't matter how many there are, novelty is a large part of environmental enrichment. You can also get something that is a 'bark counter' which will give you and idea of whether your problem is all day, part of the day, etc. You also say your dog is barking at night - that's pretty typical of dogs left outside at night - all sorts of stimulating things - cats, possums, etc Also - if your dog is alone during the day, and then alone during the evening... it's often hard to say why someone needs a dog. The HVCNSW rehomes a number of Vizslas each year, often as a result of people genuinely underestimating the needs of a Vizsla, and how sometimes life can be just a bit busy to allow enough time to provide what the dog wants. More when I think of it
Labrador Retriever Breeder Recommendations
lils mum replied to Kavik's topic in General Dog Discussion
But the real question there is 'why are they looking for homes at such young ages?' two guesses would be a) the breeder was not interested enough in puppies that they've sold to stipulate that they need to be involved in finding new homes (*ets - this shows that perhaps they were also not interested enough in breeding a litter from health tested, breed typical temperament dogs), and b) that these puppies come with the 'baggage' of being in a family that was not committed to getting them through the difficult stages and teaching them the skills they need to be a good family member. IMHO this would not be a good match for someone with three pre-school kids. -
Labrador Retriever Breeder Recommendations
lils mum replied to Kavik's topic in General Dog Discussion
I'd also suggest that you consider speaking to the Labrador Club of whatever state. Some breed clubs have excellent breed information services, and may give some very good advice regarding what to expect from breeders. There is some good advice here, I would not advise looking on gumtree - but if they do go for an older dog, they should still confirm it has come from a committed breeder who has health tested their breeding stock, and considered the important elements of producing quality puppies. Choosing to purchase a dog looking for a home just because it needs a home is not a good choice for young families IMHO. I also think it's a difficult time with such young children, but some people make it work. They do need to know that it's a family responsibility, not just a matter of tossing a puppy into the mix. I always recomment the book 'Living with Kids & Dogs - without losing your mind' by Colleen Pelar. It's GREAT and gives excellent advice for how to manage children and dog interraction with various ages of kid and dog. It's available in Australia from a few places, one being the Hungarian Vizsla Club of NSW website - www.vizsla.org.au (Possibly cheaper there than other sources) -
Incorporating Both Parents Names Onto Puppy
lils mum replied to Blakbelgian's topic in Breeders Community
Hurricane Ripley -
I have a Hyundai ix35 diesel which I love. No, def not what the OP needs, but a great car for a couple of dogs and some basic gear on the back seat. But I wanted to say how much I agree about windows/heat. The sloping rear window in the ix 35 let's in a lot of heat in summer. Saw someone with a new Jeep which has air con ducted to the rear compartment as well - wish they all did that!
Numerals can't be used, but words can - one, two, etc
BREED : HUNGARIAN VIZSLA AGE : 11 1/2 years DATE : 11.8.12 OWNERS / HANDLERS : Owned by Fay Harris, Hanafor Hungarian Vizslas, and bred by her in the UK under the Hanabrit prefix CONGRATULATIONS to SUPREME CHAMPION HANABRIT PONTING THE WAY (Imp UK) At 11 1/2 years of age, Punter took a stroll in the sun today at Longford, and was awarded the CC he required to gain his Supreme Champion title. Certainly a worthy recipient - with achievements that far out reach the basic requirements for this award. Mr P has a track record that includes 4 x Best in Show (All Breeds) 3 x Runner-up Best in Show (All Breeds) 6 x Best in Show (Vizsla Specialty) 4 x Runner-up Best in Show (Vizsla Specialty) 2 x Best in Show (Gundog Specialty) 1 x Runner-up Best in Show (Gundog Specialty) 23 x Best Exhibit in Group (G1) 29 x Runner-up Best Exhibit in Group (G2) He has produced Dual Champions, breed champions, tracking champions, an agility champion, dogs with Retrieving titles, the only Vizlsa with a Utility Gundog title, and - speaking from personal experience - companions with the most delightful Vizsla temperament. Punter himself is a delight to be around. Congratulations to his owner and breeder Fay Harris.
Thank you
Thank you!
Hi, my understanding is that the most recent agility champ titles will include the dog's height class - ie stipulating that the award was gained in restricted height classes, rather than in 'open competition'. Can someone tell me how it's written? eg is it AgCh (400) or AgCh 400, etc Thanks
Definitely TCI at Bowral. At one time I thought that Campbelltown vet also did this procedure. I guess I'd also want to know that they are accomplished repro vets.. Bowral certainly are.
I see it from the perspective of someone involved in co-ordinating rehoming for a breed club. I have changed thoughts on this fairly radically over the years of being involved in this. I see that many serious, committed breeders cannot continue with their breeding programme if they keep all their dogs, long lived dogs in our breed live up to 14 years or so. So... do they keep more dogs than they have time/room for? Do they restrict their breeding programmes, not keeping puppies from litters they have carefully considered and planned? or do they find loving companion homes for the dogs who no longer breeding/show prospects? If it's done with care and consideration to the dog's needs and finding the *right* home, it's a great story. The dogs don't regret going to a home where there is love, food and care - it's a little disheartening sometimes to see how quickly they change their allegiance and fit in perfectly. and for the people who rehome their dog because they now have a child... <sigh> ....(or whatever reason they have) for them it's a real problem and their situation is as they see it. I personally don't get it, but have learned to hold my tongue and just find the dog a home where they are appreciated for what they are and are given the time and input they need. So... I don't really criticise anyone much these days for rehoming a dog - as long as the dog's needs are met and the home is right, it's all good. However, i do believe that it's necessary to do a lot of background checking, situation matching etc to get it right the first time.
I heard recently of a puppy whose head was stuck for about 20 minutes in a hole that was for rails. I think a cover for the hole if not used would be good
I've bumped this because I'm genuinely curious to know if the non-sedated results are submitted for inclusion in breed databases, and if people advertising their scores include information that they are done without sedation?
I'm always surprised by this topic on the forums. When I checked with a friend that nothing had changed, and showed her the OP's question, she said 'hopefully nowhere' I'm also surprised. Given the info on the AVA site.....If your films/results are to be included in your breed data within the AVA/ANKC scheme, it seems to me that anaesthesia is required. If they're not suitable for addition to that data, how do you advertise them? the AVA/ANKC hip scheme asks for radiographs from anaesthetised dogs; Eg on the application form; Veterinary Surgeon submitting (a) hip radiograph of anaesthetised dog http://www.ava.com.au/sites/default/files/AVA_website/pdfs/2011CHEDS_appform.pdf And on the information sheet for vets; Veterinary Surgeon submitting (a) hip radiograph of anaesthetised dog http://www.ava.com.au/sites/default/files/CHEDS%20Info%20Sheet%20for%20Vets.pdf my friend finished with the following - "the old fact sheet info the AVA was better, as I'm sure it did mention deep sedation or anaesthesia. beats me why people don't want the most accurate assessment possible. They quibble enough about a point here or there between readers..." I agree - we should be comparing apples with apples, and I really believe that a dog who is not sedated/anaesthetised will not show the same 'status' as a dog who is, no matter how relaxed they may appear.
SYDNEY ROYAL SHOW Judge: Mr Ed Bivin (USA) April 13, 2012 Puppy Dog (2 entries, 1 absent) 1st Hubertus I Did It My Way (ai) (Pali) RDCC Puppy of Breed Intermediate Dog (1 entry) 1st Tanashka Mestermu Rufus (Quinn) Australian Bred Dog (2 entries, 1 absent) 1st Ch Palaway Metropolis (Hanney) Open Dog (5 entries, 2 absent) 1st Gr Ch Graebrook Lord Ofscandal (Graebrook Knls) DCC 2nd Ch Hubertus Rodeo Drive (ai) (Pali) 3rd Ch Tanashka Mestermu Darius (Quinn) Puppy Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent) 1st Hubertus Haute Couture (Pali) Junior Bitch (2 entries, absent) Intermediate Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent) 1st Tanashka Maganyos Csoda (ai) (Quinn) BCC 2nd Vincentoria Visionaire (Fowkes) RBCC 3rd Tanashka Mestermu Mon Soleil (Hanney/Macken) Australian Bred Bitch (5 entries, 2 absent) 1st Ch Graebrook Shushienae (Wills) 2nd Ch Tanashka Osi Aggie (Quinn) 3rd Ch Hubertus Touch Of Class (Pali) Open Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent) 1st Ch Kimlise La Cygne (Hanney) 2nd Gr Ch Hubertus On The Avenue(Pali) 3rd Ch Graebrook Ariel (Morgan) BEST OF BREED – Tanashka Maganyos Csoda (15/21) RUNNER UP BEST OF BREED – Gr Ch Graebrook Lord Ofscandal (11) HUNGARIAN WIREHAIRED VIZSLA Puppy Dog (1 entry) 1st Harigoss Workforce (Imp UK) (Berriman/Bennett) RUBOB (sorry, unsure of the class) 1st Ch Kezsthey Weroona (Berriman/Bennett) BCC BOB (6/7)
The Sydney Specialities Thread
lils mum replied to SkySoaringMagpie's topic in General Dog Discussion
FULL RESULTS HUNGARIAN VIZSLA CLUB OF NSW – EASTER CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW APRIL 8, 2012 – JUDGE: MRS SAIJA JUUTILAINEN (FINLAND) BABY PUPPY DOG (3 entries, 1 absent) 1st Graebrook Silent Witness (Graebrook Knls) BABY PUPPY IN SHOW 2nd Greabrook Let Them Talk (Graebrook Knls) MINOR PUPPY DOG (1 entry) 1st Kenoz Cosmic Chaos (Butler) MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW PUPPY DOG (0 entries) JUNIOR DOG (1 entry) 1st Bokezu Sweet Sugar Envoy (Eaton JUNIOR IN SHOW INTERMEDIATE DOG (5 entries) 1st Ch Zisunka Ace High (Barnard) INTERMEDIATE IN SHOW 2nd Tanashka Mestermu Rufus (Quinn) 3rd Ch Hanafor Seintli Niles (Butler) AUSTRALIAN BRED DOG (2 entries) 1st Ch Palaway Metropolis (Hanney) 2nd Ch Tanashka Mestermu Darius (Quinn) OPEN DOG (1 entry) 1st Gr Ch Graebrook Lord Of Scandal (Graebrook Knls) OPEN IN SHOW VETERAN DOG (2 entries) 1st Ch Kimlise Reilly Viane (Jolly) VETERAN IN SHOW 2nd Ch Tanashka Magus Krakajak (Quinn) CHALLENGE DOG – Ch Zisunka Ace High RESERVE CHALLENGE DOG – Gr Ch Graebrook Lord Of Scandal BABY PUPPY BITCH (2 entries) 1st Graebrook Cos I Can (Graebrook Knls) 2nd Riversby Baisel Birdy (Ward) MINOR PUPPY BITCH (0 entries) PUPPY BITCH (1 entry) 1st Gamecall Lapua Subsonic (ai) (Hine) PUPPY IN SHOW JUNIOR BITCH (0 entries) INTERMEDIATE BITCH (5 entries) 1st Ch Shaunuff High Society (Harris/Stading) 2nd Vincentoria Visionaire (Fowkes) 3rd Ch Roughshoot Declaration (ai) (Imp UK) (Harris) AUSTRALIAN BRED BITCH (3 entries, 1 absent) 1st Ch Graebrook Shushienae (Wills) AUSTRALIAN BRED IN SHOW 2nd Ch Tanashka Osi Aggie (Quinn) OPEN BITCH (4 entries) 1st Ch Gamecall Weatherby Malika (Hine) 2nd Ch Graebrook Ariel (Morgan) 3rd Ch Kimlise La Cygne (Hanney) VETERAN BITCH (0 entries) BITCH CHALLENGE – Ch Graebrook Shushienae RESERVE BITCH CHALLENGE – Ch Shaunuff High Society BEST IN SHOW Ch Graebrook Shushienae RUNNER UP BEST IN SHOW Ch Zisunka Ace High BEST EXHIBITOR OWNED AND BRED (3 entries, 1 absent) Vincentoria Visionaire (Fowkes) -
Ian Dunbar has now extended the gift of his free books to being able to be 'personalised' by breeders, vets etc for inclusion in puppy packs. http://www.dogstardaily.com/training/sirius®-puppy-raising-initiative-dog-professionals-breeders-veterinarians-pet-stores-traine