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Everything posted by Ceilidh

  1. Trish, Mick is catching the Greyhound coach at Henty at 5.30 pm tomorrow if you wanted to drive up there. We are showing on Monday.
  2. Did you say something to the people concerned? Did you report them to the Rep?
  3. hmmmmm, I think they are ALL taller than Finn
  4. Yes it is Jen's Izzy. Oh Diva, please don't tattle on Finn, he is a ladies man and loves the Russian Supermodel just as much as Izzy, just depends who is around at the time Typical man!!!!!
  5. I was going to comment earlier Ceilidh to say that I "think" I've seen sparring (to a degree at least) particularly when you were showing Feargal Fartbucket. I will never forget the way he jumped up on his toes and had that amazing look and it was normally when he was very keen to play with another dog. When I was reading the description described earlier Feargal jumped immediately to mind as he always had that "tightly wound spring" look about him - in a good way if that makes sense. Its just how Marie looks when she sees a chook - so tempted to have one on the side of the ring Absolutely, the Fartbucket is excellent at sparring! As is Finn, especially when he sees his girlfriend, Izzy the whippet. I have threatened to buy him a pair of point shoes as he stands right up on the tip of his toe nails. I love watching him 'on the edge of expectation'.
  6. I never thought of myself as OLD but well never mind. There are two foxies shows on this Sat 18th, the Fox Terrier Club of Vic starts at 10am and the Fox Terrier (Smooth) show starts not before 1pm. Then the foxies are on at the Royal on Mon 20th.
  7. I must be an extremely rare breed. I love the Melb royal, my dogs love the people paying so much attention to them, I have NEVER had sticky fingers, rude people, screaming kids or anything else unpleasant to deal with. I always put my dogs away in the covered trolley for an hour while we have lunch and they have a rest. When there on my own I have always been lucky enough to be benched next to someone friendly (afterall we all have the same breed) who will watch my dogs if I need to go away for the loo or just a walk around and then I watch their dogs while they go away. In short, I LOVE THE ROYAL!
  8. Well I don't know, I guess I just got so use to the crappy old ones I didn't notice them any more
  9. Well I'll be darned if I noticed them being new last year
  10. They were supposed to have new benches for this year. Is this happening?
  11. Where is Romsey in relation to Albury please? OK, I found it. Are there any shows in Vic metro that weekend?
  12. We stay at Seymour, it is only 1 hour into the royal then. Others stay at Broadford, a little bit closer. We love staying out a bit, less travel time home again. We stay the night before and the night we are on.
  13. I would suggest that dogs that ethical breeders sell because they don't meet the standard as well as others in the litter still meet the standard a hell of a lot more than your byb, puppy farmer, pet shop.
  14. I beg to differ with this. Challenge is the points system and, therefore, not awarded. I would suggest you spoke to a novice.
  15. No, only a cc winner is awarded BOB and competes for Best In Group. As there are no cc's awarded then there is no BOB dog and, therefore, cannot none of that breed can compete for Best In Group. They can, however, compete for class in Group/Show.
  16. I have the Petedge silver sides, they are the good ones and I love them. If you don't want to buy direct from USA then Sway sells the same ones. She is in Melbourne and has the Whelping Supplies business (advertised here on DOL I think) If I wanted to string something over the car it would be one of these sides.
  17. Oooh, careful what you wish for. Finn is feeling his oats!! He will get his gussy up tomorrow morning before we leave.
  18. Coloora :D ;) Yarrowfell, I would be EXTREMELEY wary of the person passing on misinformation, before you pass the misinformation on as well. Chinese whispers folks. I have received my numbers and 77 toys is a long long way off your misinformation of 30.
  19. I'm leaving tomorrow too. We will have to get our Show Society passes at the Friday show if we don't get them before leaving. Hope they are getting in a stock hehe.
  20. At home Finn is fine but at a dog show he is hopeless. He will cock his leg and start to pee then something grabs his attention so he starts walking while still peeing and gets his front legs. I keep baby wipes in my grooming kit to wipe his front legs. I buy the cheaper, no perfume Aldi ones, they stay moist till the end of the packet and are so cheap you don't mind using one each time he pees. Keep a pack near where he comes inside and give a wipe, he will smell clean all the time then.
  21. I am so glad it was someone else said this because I would probably have said a bit more.
  22. Perhaps it was overheard information that shouldn't be posted on a public forum, could lead to all sorts of problems. Many people would know who was taking entries and this just casts aspersions on her ethics. Also, entries should NOT be going direct to the cataloguer (who's information hasn't been published).
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