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Everything posted by Ceilidh

  1. Sorry Trish but that one isn't a gundog either
  2. Thanks! PF, you ALWAYS have to be nice to me if you want Finn to play nice with Howie Oh wait, now I know what you mean, but, er, when did you get a gundog?
  3. Well received my acceptance into the Judges Training Scheme, first exam on 28 Jan. Now the hard work starts!
  4. In our world once a bitch is mated she stays home. I believe there is absolutely NO reason to have a bitch who is ready to whelp at a show. She deserves to have a comfortable, familiar, stress free place to have her babies! If showing is THAT important to you then DON'T breed, you don't deserve to have that responsibility. JMHO!
  5. The road to Coolamon (from Wagga) is the turn off to the Uni isn't it?
  6. You get your hands on at field days, open shows and doing your critiques, not at the lectures.
  7. You know RSG, when you go to the lectures you sign in and that is all that says you attended. I think it is far better to do essays, it makes you research the breed and understand it more. I have applied to enter the judges training scheme for 2011. The BOD is sitting on Wed and will decide on applications so hopefully I will know soon. I have already started the essays (getting a head start just in case) and am enjoying it. I intend to try and get to a couple of lectures but really don't think it matters, learning wise, if I don't. Tenties, given there are so few of your breed around would it be worth just doing Tenties? Do you have specialties and Nationals around Australia?
  8. Grong Grong is 10 ks from the river so should be ok. The best way would be through Wagga to Coolamon for me. The road is closed between Forest Hill and Wagga so you would need to go around. Canberans go Harden/Junee/Coolamon. The river is now forecaste to peak at 9.7 instead of 10 so flooding won't be so bad at this stage. Need to wait and see what rain we get on Wed and Thurs.
  9. Nice grounds outside the Agi show section. Plenty of room to set up.
  10. Yes, Merrilee needs at least ten people who want to do the stewards course so round up all those interested. We had one in Wagga and had a good roll up but unfortunately not many of those people will actually steward so show secs are still scrounging for stewards.
  11. Let Bev Daines know he wants to do the course and she will let him know if one is coming up. See who you can round up too cause if there are enough to warrant it they will run one.
  12. helps if you know what to do Trish. It can be a bit intimidating if you haven't done the stewards couse, especially if you get a cranky exhibitor.
  13. Several years ago now I was at a show where I witnesses a man belting his dog over the head. I yelled at him as I was marching around the ring to his setup where I told him that if I witnessed anything close to this again I would report him. He apologised and said it wouldn't happen again. When I got back to my setup someone said to me 'omg, do you realise who that is? It is Mr Soandso and he is an allbreeds judge' I said 'so what I don't give a flying f*#* who he is it doesn't give him the right to bash a dog' 'fair enough' she said. So therefore I for one cannot understand why noone said anything! grrrr
  14. oh Fifi it is just a little toooooooo far. When I win lotto and buy a Winni I will be there
  15. Now if I was there you really would have a Ceilidh
  16. Thanks for thinking of us. We were ok here, Mick couldn't get home Friday, the 4wd with water up to the roof blocked the way He spent the night at his brother's place at The Rock. His sister in law was stuck at Lockhart. I had a truck stop outside my place, the drivers were at the Club (did think about putting up a few parking meters :D ). I got up 3 times through the night to check the water level. By 3am the first truck was moving on and the water was receeding. Mick was able to get through about 7.30am. The Rock had several houses flooded with water and mud. Where the 4wd drive was stuck they have now fixed the huge hole. Farmers have flooded crops. The Rock show was open with no livestock but entry with a gold coin, don't know how many ventured, I suspect most were tending their houses. They say the rain has gone but it will be a few days before the water runs away altogether. We never had any in the house or dog yards, the house was surrounded by about a foot of water.
  17. I know where they are coming from though. If there are gate passes to be sent back then they are worked out per owners. If you send me 5 entries, all in different names, with one return envelope you will get 3 passes when in actual fact some people would be expecting 5 passes, therefore, separate envelopes please. Also writing the breed and classes on the back of your envelope is sooooo helpful but not when you put different classes to what are on your entries
  18. All jokes aside, in NSW you CANNOT steward in the same ring as any family who is showing. And quite frankly I would have protested if I was in that lineup. But back to the original posting, you are conspicuious by your absence. Maybe you could come back and explain why you are upset with someone supplying the judge and steward with refreshments? Even at a local Pony Club Show?? They dragged me into it at the last minute, I was there to help my daughter not Steward...they were lucky to have me LOL! At most Horse Shows I've been involved with Commitee doesn't show, yet Dogs Committees make a point of stating this on the Gazette? Is it a rule or not? Sorry, thought you were referring to a DOG show! I know nothing about horse shows that is why I am on a DOG forum.
  19. All jokes aside, in NSW you CANNOT steward in the same ring as any family who is showing. And quite frankly I would have protested if I was in that lineup. But back to the original posting, you are conspicuious by your absence. Maybe you could come back and explain why you are upset with someone supplying the judge and steward with refreshments?
  20. I remember once walking past the secretary't tent to hear "hey Sandy, you going past your ring?" Me, "yes", her, "well can you take the morning tea with you for the judge and steward?" Me, "No worries". Damn, didn't realise I was supposed to get BOB & BIG, I would have told the judge off after for not giving me group :rolleyes:
  21. huh, roll your bloody eyes at me I can roll mine more
  22. And you got in my way!! And you are surprised because.........?
  23. Definately not true. We were there yesterday and there was public walking through all day.
  24. Thanks Mandalay. Got 2nd at both foxie shows yesterday, to two different dogs.
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