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Everything posted by Ceilidh

  1. Someone is still adding in upper/lower case. Not trying to be picky but it doesn't look good with different cases.
  2. Sway you are a legend, this is going to help soooooo many newbies when they are ready to put in an application for a prefix. Cocker Spaniel Glenayden Carlandy
  3. Not complaining HONEST but, can you make Ceilidh and Marachel uppercase same as tothers? Ta, very very muchly Oh, they are in cocker spaniels
  4. What about Ceilidh? Don't you add troublemakers? Just cause you are just soooooooooo good
  5. Ceilidh - Cocker Spaniel Oh, and Sway, are you going to contact the Controlling bodies about this?? I think they'd be able to get you some of the information you want.
  6. Isn't it amazing how many people bring their dog in with a packet of treats and expect you to bribe them the whole time you are grooming?!? OK, I am holding the dog with one hand, the treat with the other hand........how the hell do I hold the clippers? I just say no, if I need to I will growl at the dog. One deep baaaah and they stop pretty damn quick. Make the professional groomers life a little easier people, you say you won't be taking the dog to a groomer but then comes the day when the dog is 4 or more and you suddenly can't cope with the coat and take it to a groomer. Oh what joy what joy, NOT. Teach your dog some manners PLEEEEAAAAASE.
  7. Not a dog but my cat brought home a baby brown and ate the head off. I rang the vet straight away and he said there wouldn't be a problem with eating the head, the problem would have been that where he got that one from there would have been around another 17 or so and a MOTHER
  8. Yep, 45 mins to an hour on average. I can remember when I first started it would take me 3 hours You just get better as you go along. I use to only use scissors on the head but have now perfected the clippers to my satisfaction. I use the stainless steel clip ons a lot, they are fantastic, don't flip off like the plastic ones do. I do two shampoos and it takes around 5 mins to do whole bath and rinse. I don't hydrobath, I only use fresh water for each rinse. My god Bluefox, I don't mean to be rude but 20 mins ? ;) That sounds like my OH in the shower Oh, and I think I should put my prices up, $40 if in reasonable condition.
  9. $55.50 is only just over the wholesale price so a great deal.
  10. Just be aware that Epi Otic is NOT alcohol based and therefore leaves the ear damp encouraging fungal growth. Great if you make sure you dry the ear out with a cotton ball after swishing it around but not great if you don't dry the ear deep down inside (pretty damn hard to do). I use an alcohol based each and every week, just squirt it in and leave it, drys out beautifully and no problems. Artyfarty's recipe is excellent.
  11. My everyday shampoo for the grooming salon is Value Plus Honey & Almond. Lovely smelling, very gentle, soap-free. My clients love it, I also sell it in the 500ml bottle that most of my clients use for in between baths. I pay around $65 for 20 Litres from Animal Supplies.
  12. LSA (Linseed, Soy & Almond). From the health food section of the supermarket. I give my show dogs a teaspoon in their tea every night. I would guess a tablespoon for a GSD. Conditions and shines.
  13. Missymoo, thank you so much, the bows arrived today and they are so cute. Hesapandabear, I ordered Sheer Delight (just gorgeous); Feather (couldn't go past these!); and Check Print (for the tom boys/cowgirls) I think 280 bows will last me a while :D
  14. OH MY GOD Hesapandabear!!!! I just went and had a look at that site and now I don't know which ones to get. DAMN YOU!!! :p Seriously, I am going to order some, I have narrowed it down to three canister Thank you
  15. Thanks for the replies. Woofer Wares only have plain colours or more expensive ones (cute, but not economical). Ebay have China and Singapore but wasn't real keen on getting from there. Pet Network only have solid colours. Anyone else?
  16. Just wondering where groomers buy their pre tied bows from and are they cute. I am looking for different colours with paw prints in lots of about 50. Thanks.
  17. ;) hear hear If someone thinks it is ok to smack a dog to teach it then go get a pet rock and smack that REAL HARD!!
  18. Hey Cassie, can you post a little more info on the red jacket. Like, is it lined, does it have pockets, what sort of condition, a photo? Oh, and how much.
  19. You go in before me Poodefan, NO dog, whether big or small, young or adult, should be left alone with a child. EVER. Please remember this. Otherwise there is some very good information in this topic.
  20. I don't think your definition of Spay is quite correct. Maybe you could change it to: desexing a female dog? Mostly a spay removes the uterus as well. Thanks
  21. My dogs do NOT get vaccinated for KC. At a show last year there was a dog coughing all over the place and coughing up white foamy stuff on my tarp. I was told the next day by the owner it was KC and all their dogs had it, all their dogs were vaccinated for KC. One of my bitches coughed a few times the next day and that was it. Will that make me change my mind and start vaccinating for KC? Hell no!
  22. In my place I have more dogs debarked than not. In a kennel situation it makes for a happier household and happier neighbours.
  23. As I said in the other post, my vet said that my bitch would still act like a bitch in season, attract dogs and want to mate. The only reason for leaving the ovaries was to maintain a correct coat for showing. No, I wasn't going to show her in normal classes but Veterans (they can be desexed for Veterans).
  24. And then they give up and when the dog is 18 months old and not had a bath they take them to the groomers
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