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Everything posted by Ceilidh

  1. When you send an entry for a baby puppy with no rego number, PLEASE don't wait for the show sec or cataloguer to ring you, as soon as you get it ring yourself. You CANNOT show a baby puppy in NSW if you don't have the rego number, it isn't supposed to be put in the catalogue. NO staples! Check your entry forms regularly to make sure they are correct. If you cannot write legibly then type or order pre typed forms, they are NOT that expensive. Don't be miserly with your envelopes, sheesh, once again they are not THAT expensive! If they are getting old and YOU have to use sticky tape then don't send me one of them. Also if you enter 6 dogs in a 3 day show one SMALL envelope is pushing the friendship! Keep a record of what you entered in which class, I mean REALLY is it that hard! dont sticky tape your coins to the front of the entry form (hehe, like this one) Make sure you put an 'A' on the class number for bitches If you have anything you would like to add to this list please feel free to post. OK, got that off the chest
  2. Fantastic isn't it! Now all we need is FINE WEATHER!!!!!
  3. Thanks so much for the updates. Hi Jed, so very glad you are on the mend, the best news I could get. I am sure The Dool is showing your loved ones the ropes at the rainbow bridge. I had another cocker, Wade Jefferson, join them yesterday so there is plenty of cheer and games going on I am sure. The best day will come when we can read your posts again. Take care and remember, step by step. Your DOL friend, Sandy
  4. The best thing to do is tell your breeder you want to show the dog and, therefore, want a show quality dog. Your breeder should be your best source of information.
  5. I will be there and also have my fingers crossed for that one more CC!!!!! In case I forget on the day, Mandalay!!
  6. Me all three days. Take the wet weather gear for Saturday!! And layers of clothes.
  7. Very strange. The only fire reported on the news for that night was a mother and children and all that was lost was the garage.
  8. OK, I didn't see what you said here but have been made aware it could have referred to me not offering to help and not being a member of Pacers? Sunshine you don't NEED to be a member of pacers to help people and you don't need to make things public to be SEEN to be helping people. You have no idea what I may or may not have offered or done so please, if you have a problem with me then say so.
  9. Is this aimed at me? No I didn't raise my hand because when I saw this it was already posted that the dogs had been sorted, however, I don't have the facilities to take in a pregnant bitch and a dog aggressive dog, nor do I have the desire to.
  10. I think you will find this is a BYB but having said that, if they were bred by me I would like to know what is happening with them.
  11. That is beautiful, thanks for the link. I was going to ask someone to light a candle for me as I am away from home tonight but have now gone and lit one of these.
  12. Good to see these dogs are sorted. I was going to suggest getting in touch with Janet Halliday, Boxberry Boxers.
  13. I dont know where that hug emotion is but theres a virtual hug here for you too Sandy. Thanks Julie, I didn't mean this to sound like it was about me but after around 8 years of TBCSITW stories I felt I knew him well and I KNOW Jane felt about Magnus they way I felt about Hooley and I know that I am still devistated about Hooley so can't imagine how Jane is going to cope with the magnitude of her loss. I was convinced TBCSITW was going to be there waiting to help her heal.
  14. Oh Jane, I cannot comprehend the heartache you are going to go through. You need your strength to get well first and foremost. Be strong Jane. I have all these stories running through my head. TBCSITW and Little Evie on their hunting expeditions, hunting those Smurfs. And then there was the Lochtrough Monster. Ahh Jed, only you could tell a story the way you do. I am sure my Hooley is there at the Rainbow Bridge, greeting TBCSITW and his mates, showing them around, showing them the best spots to sunbake and the best spots to run like the wind, the best spots to just stop and gossip. And most importantly the best spot where Hooley is waiting for me.
  15. I have this mental image of them being placed together side by side and buried as a family as that is how they died.. as a family. The grave site could have bushes and flowering shurbs planted around the edges with the plaque/plaques. Maybe a little stone statue that represents each breed she had It will be initially quite a tragic place for Jane to be, but with time and the shrubs develope, I think she could find some comfort knowing her babies have somewhere beautiful to sleep And a seat so Jane can sit and talk to her precious pets.
  16. I just wish I could be there to find TBCSITW, this is tearing me apart to think how scared he must be. Jane is going to need him when she wakes up.
  17. I light a candle every night for my Hooley so tonight I have lit 3 extras.
  18. OMG OMG I can't comprehend this. I feared TBCSITW would be one of them given he was an old house dog. My god we have known and read Jed's stories on this special man for years. My heart goes out to you Jed, I know it is going to take an awful long time to heal. I have lit candles for your dear dogs. I wish you healing vibes.
  19. No it isn't. In cockers a specialty will attract approx 50 entries (if it is lucky) a National will attract approx 300. A National (cockers) MUST have a British A list judge, a big cost to the club holding the National. They are also a 2 day show with a presentation dinner, huge prizes and held every 2 years in a different state. Not in WA, NT or TAS because there are no breed clubs to hold it. So very very different to a specialty!! If you really want a National in Tas then approach your breed club. I voted no CCs Aust wide.
  20. And yet I believe the hoards still manage to get accross for the two royals in Tassie each year? Does anyone have any idea how many 'mainlanders' and dogs attend these two royals? Or is it just one or two and the majority of entries are locals?
  21. Come on folks, anyone can see it is a typo. Can't they? Does anyone here REALLY think it is 2 groups?
  22. God don't you hate it when you have absolutely no idea what everyone is replying to because the original post has been removed
  23. The dog is probably trying to whelp! If you don't know the difference, it could happen. That was instant thought to Jed. Or she has actually had puppies in a hole, under a bush, under the house or some other obscure place. Or eaten them. Or the dog has eaten them. Yep, real caring owner.
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