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Everything posted by jaybeece

  1. She might, which is partly why I've asked people not to say things like this: Whippetsmum I have already asked twice that people keep it constructive, this is uncalled for and rude. Have some respect for both my requests and for the author of this survey I don't want to speak on behalf of the girl who wrote this, but I believe her survey is very much aimed at "average" dog owners who probably feed Pal and occasionally splash out on Supercoat. I apologise if she didn't cater for the 1% of dog owners who are more aware of canine dietry needs, but you are the minority so therefore I can understand why she would not include that option, for all I know she's unaware of raw feeding altogether. I posted it here with her permission as a favour so she could collect as many responses as possible, not so it could be pulled apart and mocked. As I have already asked, please keep it nice and/or constructive and if you can't fill it out then don't. It's very simple. It could be that she was not allowed to ask these sorts of questions under her ethics approval conditions. -- A couple of things I think it would be helpful to remember: - We don't know if this survey is the extent or even the main part of her study. It could be just an extra part of her work and her core conclusions are coming from elsewhere. - an Honours year is very much a TRAINING position. The students are generally 21 year-olds with NO research experience. The primary objective is to provide these students with experience in designing and running a small project, and if the results turn out to be something that is publishable that is just a bonus. If the research turn out to be flawed or inadequate, it won't make it out into the peer-reviewed literature anyway. - From what I've seen, many uni's are making students do more and more peripheral work in addition to their thesis (other essays, group projects etc.). It's a tough year. Suggesting helpful advice and constructive criticism is fair and hopefully will be received in the spirit it's intended, but let's cut the kid a break, huh? Thank you Weasels, so well said :) I've bolded it in the hope more people will read it and calm down.
  2. If you read the explanation given at the start of the survey it explains the "agenda". She's a student doing honours, that's all there is to it. Maybe some of her own bias is showing through, maybe it's her first survey, who knows. I think you're reading into it far too much and taking it personally. It's not stupid, that is an entirely subjective description and not constructive in the slightest. So I will ask again to please refrain from being impolite. If you disagree with it, feel free to voice your concerns in a polite and constructive manner. I'll compile the helpful feedback and send it to her later tonight. Thanks :) Not sure if she's in the position to change any of this survey, but it could be helpful for future research.
  3. Appreciate the feedback guys, but it's not my survey so I'm not in the position to change it :) Thanks to everyone who's filled it out (or tried to), much appreciated! Constructive criticism is fine, but please refrain from calling it stupid, that's not fair.
  4. Hi all! A girl I know is undertaking research into dog weight management for her honours year. She said she'd be very grateful if people could take the survey for her as she has 2 weeks to get as many responses as possible. This is it: https://qasiatrial.asia.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3JfAnvBMrnlVcGM
  5. I reckon it's rational, a poodle will do a lot less damage than a staffy. Much as I like them, I'm warey of strange bull breeds because they're so bloody powerful! I dog sit a staffy and she's harder to control than my 38kg bullmastiff x because she has such a low centre of gravity :laugh: Total sweetheart, but I'm glad they don't want me to walk her :)
  6. Mine likes hugs, but only because he's used to them and loves the attention. If a stranger tried it it may not work out so well. It does go to show however that even if dogs don't instinctively like something, they'll learn to if it makes their people happy. I too find the idea of calling a dog a child pretty whacko. Why is calling them a child somehow elevating their position in life? Aren't dogs special enough already? We have so much we could learn from them in terms of loyaly, humility, love and life, is attributing human characteristics actually a compliment? Not if you ask me. My dog is not a child, he is a dog and is everything that makes dogs so special. He's sweet and loving, loyal and brave, my mate and companion through thick and thin. Boyfriends have come and gone, life has had a lot of ups and downs he's always been there. Also I've had great experiences with vets, most are warm caring people who will go the extra mile and then some. My parents had a dog react poorly to being PTS many years ago, but as awful as it was for us to watch, the alternative for him was much worse and it was shortlived.
  7. While it's great you take responsibility heavily for your dogs, others may not agree while still being responsible dog owners. I'll do whatever I can to keep others safe from my dog, but at the end of the day if for example someone started assaulting him I can guarantee you I wouldn't be thinking about preventing the PERSON from being injured. Likewise my duty of care is not towards an offlead dog that's rushed up to my onlead dog when he doesn't cope well with that, that's the owner's job and I will always give fair warning that he's not friendly when approached like that. My dog is not a child to me, but I am responsible for his wellbeing. I am not responsible for the wellbeing of complete strangers, their children or their dogs.
  8. Hi Trisha, Ok, well I'd rather this wasn't spoken about on the forum for everyone to read, but here goes. I did try to PM but you don't receive PM's. I sent you an email to explain myself, I'm not concerned about what you discussed with my mother or what has already taken place. I am not trying to contact you on her behalf or anyone else's for that matter, I am trying to help some very distressed people see eye to eye and resolve what was a fairly unpleasant situation for all involved. As already stated in my messages and email to you, my goal is simply to mediate and help everyone understand each other, I've been very clear that this is my intention and I have no interest in arguing or causing further angst. My intention is not to leave you feel harassed either, and in fact this is the very first response I have received from you. I would like to discuss this like adults in a friendly and unemotional manner. I have already apologised for my mother's behaviour, she was extremely upset, as it her friend who is only seeking to adopt a dog from your organisation. I've already spoken to Nickie's foster carer about the situation and cleared things up, that's basically all I want from you as well. Ideally of course I'd also like to see Nickie given another shot at a home where he was only just beginning to find his feet before being taken away, but I understand that this situation may have made that difficult. You have my contact number. Please understand that I'm not interested in leaving this alone until it has been resolved, we are adults and are able to discuss and resolve it as adults. Thanks.
  9. Can anyone help? I've left messages, called several times and haven't had any luck. It's quite urgent and very important. My number is 0404 831 386 Thanks :)
  10. deleted for now, in process of speaking to the rescue. thanks Jules :)
  11. Sounds great! I'm a bit of a sook about the cold, but will have time off between semesters in winter so heading down that way could be a good option. Yeah I spent time down on the 90 mile beach for school camps and there were actual clouds of mozzies! They were shocking, but it's so bloody beautiful it's worth it. I've done a lot of googling, but there's so much information it's hard to tell what's ACTUALLY good for dogs. I'm after personal recommendations. Wow, that is just beautiful! I'm only looking further from Melb to find quiet places, if it's not far then great! Thanks for the photos too, the dogs are adorable Don't mind bush camping at all, will check it out Oooh looks nice but SO out of my price range! Thanks!
  12. Wow, how dissapointing that they can't even go down at night I thought most beaches in Vic were ok with dogs early morning/evening during summer months. I've been thinking I might try to buy a little house down there some day but if they're that restrictive with dogs then maybe not. Sucks for your friend too! Thanks Gayle, I'll check it out! Beach is preferable, but I'm not fussy really and that sounds really good. Oooh awesome thanks, I'll have a hunt for it
  13. Just wondering if anyone can recommend some nice, quiet areas to camp that are dog friendly? I'm not so interested in actual camp sites as le mutt isn't always dog friendly so somewhere quiet without other dogs is ideal. Just somewhere nice where we can both kick back and enjoy the peace, preferably near a nice beach. I've been thinking around Lakes Entrance in Victoria, but other coastal recommendations within 4-5 hours of Melbourne are welcome
  14. Thank you Nekhbet, I can always rely on you to be the voice of common sense and reason I'm gonna print out what you said and give it to my housemate so we're on the same page, thankfully she's kinda rad and the sensible type who will have no problem with it. I'm feeling a lot more positive about it all now, we have 2 dogs who are really lovely on their own and total soooks who just need to sort their shit out together. I think if handled properly (ie. not the way we've been doing it) they could potentially be good mates once they've figured each other out and where they stand.
  15. The other dog is medium sized, I'd say he's around 20kg. Mine is 37kg. My boy is often not great with other dogs but he has coexisted before. I have wondered if he really liked it although he does love having another dog to play with. This fight wasn't one that was likely to be broken up with a yell unfortunately, that's what's really worried me
  16. My housemate does have a muzzle for her dog so I'll see if she's happy to use it, she's really reasonable so I don't see why not. Thank you for the reassurance Staff'n'Toller and Mace (and others, iPhone makes it hard to look)! It wasn't a serious fight but of course fights are always unpleasant. I hope it simply served to iron out some wrinkles rather than create them, we'll go for more walks and the crate aspect is a great idea! I have one in the living room and didn't even think to use it (duh!), it was wonderful when introducing the cat so it'll certainly help with another dog. Dap diffusers could be great too as my boy is the nervy type who could probably benefit fm them in general so I'll see if I can afford one. Tralee I doubt that this form of dog fight falls under animal cruelty as it was not intentional and steps are being made to prevent them. I don't understand where you were going with that and don't appreciate the implication that there's cruelty involved with the care of dogs in my house.
  17. My boy's always been touchy with other dogs, although has improved out of site over the past couple of years so when I advertised for a new housemate and a good sounding one said she has a dog I said we can give it a try. Things have been going fairly well, they'd met twice before she moved in and my boy wasn't too bad, hers was lovely. There were some tense moments initially, but after going on some walks together and hanging out in the back garden things seemed really good. She moved in on Friday and today the dogs had a fight So far they've been seperated and had supervised time together in the back garden and mine has been wearing a muzzle as I'm taking no chances. He did instigate the fight, but my housemate's dog fought back a bit (don't blame him) and I ended up dragging mine off into the shed with her dog attached and seperating them with the door. Very little damage done, my dog just has a small cut below his eye which would have been the result of being used as a tug toy while I dragged him away. I don't know what set him off. One moment it looked like they may play, the next he'd growled and done a small lunge and it was all on. It was mostly noise but I honestly don't know what to expect from them now, will they be more likely to arc up or will that have settled something? I know they're still in the getting to know wach other phase so can expect some hiccups, is this just a hiccup? Or a sign that this may not work out? I know a lot about managing my one dog, but I don't know what's ok and what's not ok in the interactions between 2 dogs. More importantly I don't know if we can move forward from this He's lived with a couple of foster dogs in the past but on the one or 2 occasions when he got his nose out of joint they just rolled over and no harm done, everything settled. I'm worried that he'll remember the fight and be reactive towards her dog now. Or maybe I'm totally wrong and he now won't try anything on because he knows he can't push this dog around? I just don't know I don't know enough about my own dog's interactions with others as in the past if this had happened I'd just not take him near the same dog again, maybe that was a mistake because it was part of them figuring each other out? Fark I have no idea. These 2 have been seperated ever since, it's easy to keep them apart in this house but I don't think it's an ideal long term solution. I know some may say it's behaviourist time but I'm so far from having the cash it's pathetic and my housemate is willing to move out if the dogs don't gel because she was aware there could be a potential issue when she moved in. I'd be sad if it came to that though as she's lovely and I'd love for my boy to have company. Any ideas or advice?
  18. Big hugs Staffyluv, for both your losses RIP Ollie, I hope you found your dad ok
  19. Big hugs Kirty RIP Nessie
  20. I've ridden down the footpath, without a helmet with a dog tied to me past a cop car and they didn't care. I personally wouldn't ride on the road with him because people are idiots on the road, rather go slowly on the footpath till we hit grass or gravel and then speed up for a bit of a run.
  21. Hopefully it'll stick around as everything that can be used in the breeder's defence is right here. Play nice everyone, keep the thread here and hopefully it'll prevent the huge headache that pinkpuppy could become. Pinkpuppy how about you go talk to the breeder like a human being and see what they'll offer you. Maybe they'll offer some money to buy her back, maybe they'll offer a full refund. Or maybe they'll simply adhere to the contract as SIGNED BY BOTH OF YOU and use the money on training to fix the problems you've caused. You don't know unless you speak to them. I think pretending the contract was signed under duress will a) make you look stupid and b) be a very very bad idea given your posts on this forum clearly show you voluntarily entered into it. Plus attempting to prove it is going to be really tough unless you have evidence you were blackmailed/threatened/forced into signing. Which you clearly don't because you weren't. Suck it up, call the breeder and accept you might not get your way. Lesson learned, please don't buy another dog.
  22. Someone my dad knows/knew breeds them He had an entire female hanging around that was not aggressive as such, but very nervy and unreliable around people. And he was breeding from her I posted here about it at the time as I didn't know what to do. Dad wouldn't have given me the dickhead's details as he was worried I'd report him and the dogs would be destroyed. I didn't want them killed either so I didn't push the point. But what the hell do you do then? Let wankers like that ruin breeds by continuing to pump out pitties with dodgy temperaments for god knows what reason? It's all so frustrating. I took some of it out by defacing the cover of a stupid Herald Sun today in a coffee shop. I'm sure all 3 people who read it will be convinced...*sigh* All this stuff makes me slightly nervous as I've been asked if my dog is a pit bull before (he's WAY too tall and lanky though). He's registered as a bullmastiff x, but how long before they go under the hammer too??? Some articles are listing the dog involved in the fatal attack as a pit bull mastiff. Whatever the hell that is, they either got their breeds mixed up or missed the "x". My dog would not pass a temperament test with other dogs and is nervy around people. Just bloody marvellous. Apparently the laws have now been changed so dogs travelling on trains now must wear a muzzle? Has anyone heard about that? Before it was just advised to carry one, not mandatory that they were worn.
  23. Thanks Danois, it was just renewed and the last claim was made before last years policy expired. So I'm good to go. I'll definitely ask any potential companies about the melanoma and cancer cover just in case another one pops up. Definitely want cancer coverage as he gets older! Pixie_meg I can't see any policies on their website that cover 100% of costs so they must have changed their plans.
  24. There's no reason for concern Mish, I've been with them for around 5 years and have made a few claims. They may take their sweet arse time to pay them but they do eventually. If it hadn't been for the massive price hike I wouldn't bother moving as they do the job. You're probably already being subjected to the new pricing scheme since it came out in around April or March this year, my renewal only just kicked in. And I think I'm just unlucky when it comes to the admin side of things :rolleyes: Caz yeah their customer service is pretty sucky, but that's hardly unusual these days. Forget the monkeys, aim high, then their customer service is great.
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