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Everything posted by squirt80

  1. I have to clean the backyard up daily as whenever she gets new toy it is destryped within 24 hours sometimes 10mins have learned to get tougher toys . Thanks Again Tony I can see now that we really do have a people problem , I am sure I can get people to comply!! thanks Again keep you updated
  2. Thanks for the advice!!, Tony she usally jumps up when people are sitting down, She is still only small and she is very cute so people tend to make a huge fuss of her all the time, They tend to come in and go right down to her level to play and fuss over her even when we are out walking people do this but on lead I have more control of her, should I have her outside and then introduce her to people on lead 1st, do you think that would help?? CavNORT I will try the lead thing cause she is supervised at all times when she is in the house she usally won't leave the room we are in but she does try and chew furniture and my sons toys and she has started to try and pul things off the lounges (like newspaper and cushions) so I think having her on the lead would actually help alot as she responds well when she is on the lead.
  3. Hi all , I posted this in the training forum but I thought I might try here as well. We are having a few issues with our BB pup, We attend obdience training once a week and I practice with her for about 10 mins a day, she is great on the lead very obiedent, she will sit on command and drop when she is on the lead, When off the lead her recall is ok and she will sit no probs but won't stay and she will only drop when she knows there is a food reward and still won't stay down. She is only six months so I am expecting this will improve with practice. My concerns are that she jumps up on people, she barks for attention and will bite at your heels and feet to gain attention, she was originally going to be a mostly inside dog but she chews everything and won't settle when she is inside unless you have a major play session 1st (this includes after she has come in for a walk), so this has meant that she is often relegated to the yard when she gets over excited as time out which happens regularly. She has also started humping my leg, no one elses.I would really like to stop her nipping and biting peoples feet and barking. What I would love to do is train her so that she can come in and lie down on her spot and be with the family without trying to gain everyones attention. She does get heaps of attention already!!. Any advice would be appricated
  4. Hey fellow Bulldog owner here too!!, My pup is 5 months and she is also very demanding but she has settled down a lot in the last couple of months. We got her an exercise pen so after she woke up and was let out to the toilet she had a safe place to play while she waited for us to get up.You can get quite a short one as they can't really jump out of it with their little legs. We also used it when she got a bit to dominate and excited as a place for her to calm down best $70 I ever spent. She is our 1st bully and we have noticed that she is very bossy and stubborn but she is also very intellegent and has been quite easy to train, we are working on the barking for attention thing at the moment!!. Another tip give her chew toys and beef bones from the butcher (we can pick up a bag of about 5 for about $2.00), Kongs are also great just fill them up with some dry biscuts and seal it of with some peanut butter (keeps rougue occupied for at least half an hour) it destracts them and lets you get stuff done just keep an eye on her. Good Luck , they are a great dogs!!!!
  5. Hi Morpheos, 1st of all congratz on your Bully pup they are such gorgus dogs and have such wonderful personalities. I have a gourgus little BB pup too she is now 21weeks. When we first got her she used to bite like crazy and for the first couple of weeks we tried everything to get her to stop. In the end consistanlty yelping loudly anytime she put her mouth on us worked. If she got to worked up we would out her in an exercise pen or another room, until she settled. It did take time for her to get it but she strated to bite more gently. She has settled down a lot now and does not bite hard if at all. She loves to chew and so we have bought her bones and pigs ears to chew on when we are there to supervise and Kongs are great to. Good luck Your pups soooo Cute
  6. Thanks everyone for all the advice when I spoke to the girl in the pet shop she recommened Nutro as well. It is good to hear users opinions on the products and diets, as thier are so many differnt ones to chose from. I have to admit I am a bit scared of the BARF diet as I don't really understand it but I want to feed her the best possible. I will look into it alot more before I attempt the switch. The Mince we give her is prepared at the store the owner is very proud of its quality and it has no preservities so I am happy with that at the moment.
  7. This topic has probaly been covered a few times !!, I have 12 week old bulldog and have had so much different advice on what to feed her. Our breeder told us to feed her Supercoat (or Bonnie Puppy but have not been able to find that) and Beef Mince which we have been doing and she is doing quite well, BUT i have heard that Supercoat is not the best quality and it is full of fillers. Our Vet also recommended feeding her a diet of 3/4 dry food and 1/4 mince. He said that super coat was Ok but that there are better products on the market. So I went to the Pet supply store and the girl there gave me a spiel about all the different Brands and their benefits( there are soooo many). My sister feeds her Dog on what she describes as a modified BARF diet her dog eats mainly raw foods, Chicken necks and Wings and fresh mince which she supplements with a small amount of dry food. Our Breeder told us not to feed her chicken as Bulldogs tend to get fussy on chicken. I would like to feed her some bigger Bones eventually though. So now I will get to the point I would like to know what brands of dry food people here recommended. I intend to follow my breeders advice as it has been backed up by my vet However the vet said sometimes breeders recommend a cheaper food that is good quality because it is more affordable. Also where would I find more information about the BARF diet? and Where do I get bones suitalbe for a puppy????
  8. Thanks Nekbet, She is learning
  9. edited cause I don't want to be rude
  10. I have just been to the vet for Rogues 12 week shot and Yes she will have to have another one at 16 weeks , He said that until then they are not completly covered, so best just to be catious. To take her to puppy school and to meet Dogs you know have been vacinated and are safe (family and friends) Is ok to take them out just don't let them down near Dogs you don't know.
  11. After reading all of this stuff I did some more reserach of my own apprently Parvo can be spread through urine, poo, and hair of the infected animal. Bit scarey, will be asking lots of questions of my teacher in next puppy class. I thought was only the two shots one at six and one at 12 weeks
  12. I haven't had to spray it again she has not bitten skin since she licked it all off my feet funny that!!!, cause it really does taste awful I have noticed though that now she is starting to go for clothing insted but at least that doesn't hurt a loud ahah is working with her now and she lets go. I think it worked cause as I said she has stopped biting skin but then when she licked it all off she didn't seem that bothered by it . Anyway If you are having a puppy biting problem it may be worth a try!!![
  13. My puppy has just started Puppy School and we were givien the same information as Lily, only he said it was Ok to take them to the park as long as you pick them up when other dogs come over and ask owners if their dog is vacinated and friendly before allowing them to sniff each other (I don't put her down). Also not to allow them any where near Dog poo as that carrries the Parvo virus (hard at a dog park but most people at our local one are very responsible). I just tend to carry her around with me when their are other dogs in the park, I have an older Dog who loves it there and I will be taking them there everyday so the teacher said is best to get her used to the sounds and the people now. I also take her to my families homes my sisters both have dogs which I know are safe and she loves it and I take her places like the pet supply store and stuff. Thank goodness she gets her shots in two days. But I toatlly agree with Lilly and getting the pup into puppy preschool. As with Lilly I am only repeating and following the advice I was given and I think it is best to talk to your vet or a professional about it so that you are not risking your pups health.
  14. I have used it, works great, sam has stopped mouthing and biting, only took a day ha ha, if u spray it on your hands lick your finger or top of your hand (preferably before the dog has ) and you will know how bad it tastes ha ha. Thanks Flying Penguin, I bought some yesterday and your right taste foul LOL, I have sprayed my hands, feet and some furniture with it. Unfortunalty she licked it straight off my feet LOL , but then she hasn't tried to bite them again so maybe that is a start. Thanks
  15. Hi all, My puppy likes to play bite and is a real chewer she is getting better (biting softer now) but I really want to discourge her from doing it. At the pet shop today (was buying her some treats and shampoo) I noticed a Puppy training spray which you spray on your hands or anything you don't want them to bite can be used on cords and furniture etc. It says it tastes unpleasent which discourages them from biting or mouthing what ever you sprayed again. I was wondering if anyone has ever used it or thought it was an Ok thing to use. I have tried yelping and time out but she does not respond to it she comes back just as hard after a couple of minutes. I didn't buy it cause I was unsure about it, but I definatly considered it . What do you think ?????
  16. I usally am in pain . Perhaps it is not high pitched enough will keep trying though I tried it again tonight and she is responding a bit better.
  17. Hi all, I have just adopted a gourgus 9 .5 week old Bulldog. She is Gourgus very cluey is already sitting before I feed her and barks at the backdoor to go out to the toilet and this is after only 5 days in our home. The only concern I have is that she bites hands, feet and grips onto pants. I know she is a pup and that chewing on things and play biting is completly normal behaviour but when she latches it is very difficult to unattach her!!. I have tried making yelping noises and turing away and making a loud noise but it doesn't deter her much. We have a four year old who she is getting on really well with and she has never bitten his skin (my hand is a bit of a wreck though) she does however latch on to his clothes and we can't get her off!!!. I would just like some tips on ways to teach her not to do this and how to help my son deal with it in away they won't excite her more (as his crying and yelling does). I realise that she is only young and that this will take some time and she may just grow out of it but I would like to deter her as much as possible why she is young. THANKS
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