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Everything posted by Clastic

  1. :D I really dislike spiders..! When I was younger there was a huntsman sitting above the door frame.. I was so freaked out it might jump on me when I walked out the door (I know, huntsman can't jump.. but still!) that I went out the back door and jumped the fence to get to school! (Mum's house doesn't have a gate I've told OH like a million times that when we move into the new house the first thing that is happening is I will have the pest control around to spray the whole house to eliminate any creepy crawlies and also to prevent them from stepping foot in the house.
  2. I was thinking we were going to head there straight away, but it seems I may have to pick OH up so may be a tad late.. We'll bring some chips and nibblies.
  3. *Mutters about living 3 hours away...* Starts at midday on Saturday. You can leave at 8:30 and get here with plenty of time to spare. Stay the night in Canberra (we have a spare room and plenty of room for Roo to run around) and be home by oh, say midday on Sunday. Easy!
  4. The clastic household will be there with bells on!
  5. Hrm.. loose leash walking.. Mars seems to do OK with it now, even out on walks if I call his name or ask him to 'look' he will. Pepper.. not so much, she gets very distracted when she starts moving so we use the Black Dog halter on walks, but a harness during classes (as the instructor OH had didn't like the use of the halter so much...) Hope the weather holds for the party on Saturday! I am waiting for the pressies to be delivered.. hope they will get here in time!
  6. lilli_star - Hope the ants disappear soon, I especially hate when they manage to make it inside the house! wuffles - Yaaaay, no more stitches! Everyone's stories are so sad.. :D But they have all left wonderful memories. I've lost a few family pets over the past few years all due to ageing illness, but I always think back and remember all the things they did that made them unique which made me smile. I don't quite know how I will react if I lost my two, they're really the first dogs which are actually my own (and OH), but not a family pet. Well I'm hoping that it won't be for many many many years down the track preferably another 12 years+. :D KTB - Dances with dogs!! Hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend! Start of another week tomorrow, another week closer to Christmas.. another week to remind me that I haven't done my Christmas shopping!
  7. Hellooooooooo!! So excited for you!! Wish I lived closer so I could get Dobe cuddles when the little one arrives!
  8. Great photos KTB! I saw that first photo of Cricket and started giggling. We're also a touch sunburnt, my OH is mostly burnt on the back of his neck.. but it was worth it. I put sunscreen on Mars and didn't even put any on ourselves!
  9. Yay, road trip! Come visit come visit come visit come visit come visit!!! Hopefully it won't be too long before we can start flyball, so exciting! ETA: Wow that long haired Akita is so fluffy and gorgeous!
  10. Feeling so guilty and ashamed right now. Here I am at doggy class.. sitting on the sidelines, watching OH and Pepper in their class and also my former Bronze class doing so well. Pepper is being so cute offering 'shake' all the time because she just learnt it recently. On a more exciting note I put ourselves on the flyball waiting list!
  11. The paint was once upon a time maroon, but because it got diluted with water it turned a bit pink. It kind of suits him.. :D Instead of breeding designer dogs I shall be providing multi colour dogs! Such a rebellious boy he is, I never gave him the OK for ink!! And of all the colours he could ever pick, he chose pink..! I won't be putting Mars through Bronze obedience either. I shall be there to cheer everyone else on though and Miss Pepper will be there for her Beginner's Fun & Games. No one seems to have noticed, its faded quite a bit now so maybe thats why. Here I was worried I might have a pink dog until his fur grew out! Hehe, sure has the innocent look. "Never did a thing Mum! Aren't I cute?!" Get well soon Ava! Peptosyl eh.. I shall have to give that a try.. Mars has diarrhoea at the moment, had it a couple of weeks ago but then back to solids again, but now liquid poopies today..
  12. Hope Miss Ava feels better soon, big hugs from us over here! And hugs for wuffles as you must be tired and worried for your girl.
  13. What time you thinking of going? Not sure if I'll take the kids along.. we shall see..........
  14. Thought I'd just share this pic... pups were separated today to see if Mars will be more 'needy' without Pepper there to keep him company and care a touch more about me. Well, somehow he found some paint and decided to add it to his coat. (doG knows why Mum has paint in the backyard...!) Luckily it doesn't look like he tried to eat/lick any.. *phew* I don't even know how the paint spewed out of the tin, the lid was closed.. but now I have a slightly pink dog!! ETA: I think I know how there was paint but the tin lid was closed! The lid musn't have been closed properly and with all the rain, the water got into the tin and filled up and overflowed out... duhhhhhhhh!!! How could I have not figured it out earlier!
  15. HH was very helpful. No class next week, but I think I might drop by Bredbo for the herding trials and take a squizz! I don't want to do the snake training either, I think we would have been running away hysterically from a stick if we had done it today. All good about today, classes do tend to run a bit late, sucks that your OH ran into all those red lights though! Only happens when you're in a rush to be somewhere! LOL Don't forget to keep an eye out for turtles and lizards! :p
  16. Thanks! It took Mars about 10 mins to learn and I put lots of time trying to teach Pepper 'shake', so a pretty big thing for me. LOL. I think the main thing in training today was that Mars doesn't need me or care much about me. ;) Pups are now getting split up during the day to see if that will help. Ah, feeling so loved...
  17. Well its a big win for me.. although it seems very minor.. So for a long long long long long long long while now OH and I have been attempting to teach Pepper 'shake' without much success as she generally likes to keep all fours on the ground. Well.... today after a not so great training session with Mars, I thought I would see how Pepper does with recall. She was great, bolted straight over, unlike Mr. Mars who does it in his own time and trots over slowly. So then I thought we may aswell attempt shake again.. tried a few times and nothing.. then.. asked again and presto, her paw was in my hand! :D Now she won't stop offering a shake! I know its nothing big at all, but for me and Pepper its pretty big. Only took us... 5 months!
  18. KA - Hope the conferences aren't too bad, I'd miss my kiddies so much if I ever went away without them. KTB - Ah.. so thats where you were this morning, was wondering but never got around to asking Mr KTB. Love the pics of Hoover sleeping on top of Elbie, just love the look on Elbie's face!! wuffles - Hope all is well with Ava, Mars got a bad arse tattoo as well when he got desexed, it doesn't look too bad now after all the excess ink has come off. I think that I will most definitely be taking days off when Miss Pepper goes for her desexing. Wizzle - Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling too well, hope it gets better. Very exciting though that you got to see wee wizzle!!! Sorry, I'm sure I've missed quite a few people and posts.. really have to get on here more often!
  19. Dropping by quickly to say.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUMA!!!
  20. I got home before the rain and hail hit so the kids were nice and dry. :D Poor Satchy.. Glad to hear Roo is home safe. ;)
  21. Haha, yes.. Pepper has her tongue out in that photo. Such a silly girl! Am happy for you to use those hole pics. If you need me to e-mail the original pics which haven't been resized yet just let me know. Forgot to post this one aswell, OH found it.. more grave hole style though. Speaking of classes and training, we got our info sheet on Bronze assesment.. I foresee failure for us... Ah well, 3 weeks of intense training..!! So so worried.. Thanks! Pepper seemed pretty impressed with herself on the day and Mars has probably been getting advice from Ava! Our new yard will probably end up with Ava & Satchmo's Moonscape design!!
  22. Back from a weekend near Sydney at OH's future SIL parents place. Engagement party up that way we camped on their property and the kids had a ball! Managed to get very muddy though, so they have now come home and had a bath and are both munching away on a couple of lamb shanks. KTB - Great news about getting in Bronze next session instead of Beginners'! betsy - Both of my pups don't catch frisbees but we haven't been trying really hard to get them to learn either. We do have to get a floppy one I think, the hard ones are a bit hard for mine to pick up unless they are upside down. Sounds like Ziggy had a great time at the treasure hunt, I love when they come home tired sometimes.. gives me a bit of quiet in the house for a bit. LOL wuffles - Good luck with keeping the little miss entertained and quiet! Ah.. I wish I had Ava's natural eye-liner too.. Niques - That pic of James looking up all wet is so cute, sad little puppy face..! Well Pepper has decided now that she is done with her lamb shank and is now curled up in a ball on the bed and having a snooze. Mars is still making the most of his lamb shank. Here is Pepper curled up having a snooze - Her fr is a bit all over the place after her bath as she hasn't had a brush yet. This was on the trip home, Pepper was using Mars as a pillow and Mars was quite comfy, didn't even notice or care. And last ones.. what I came home to on Friday afternoon.. I'm sure they both had something to do with them but I know for sure that Pepper dug the 2nd hole, because when I walked outside she bolted from that area of the garden and her paws were brown and it looked like someone had tipped a bucket of dirt all over her head. If only she wasn't running around like a lunatic I would have gotten a photo of her!
  23. Max#1 - I love having 2 dogs, the best part of it is watching them play together! I don't even know what size block we're on at the moment but the yard is decent here and there is more than enough room for my 2 to play chasies. Most of the day mine are either playing tag with one another, tug-o-war or sleeping and don't even use all the room they have. KTB - I forgot to ask HH in the end, although if she thought he was either under or over in weight I'm sure she would have definitely mentioned it. LOL. Shall have to remember this week, Mars will probably be tied to the tree again for being too puppy like in greeting other dogs and people. Niques - Shall try soup bones with the boy and see how it goes, thanks! Mars is also a ball-obsessed dog, whenever OH or I walk outside to the yard he runs straight to the first ball he can find and stands over it looking at us to play with him.. although we really have to get Mars to have something in his mouth while playing soccer or else he just picks the ball up and runs off with it or tries to chew it. :D betsy - Sorry to hear about your parents BC.. KA - so much fur..! Its good he likes being brushed though, makes it so much easier. My two tolerate being brushed now, but if they catch sight of me grabbing the brush, they will bolt in the other direction. Hrm.. I'm sure I've missed a few things so I apologise to anyone I've missed.
  24. Mine get bathed in the bathtub.. and frequency wise, when Mars's white fur collar becomes yellow or OH says they smell and need a bath.
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