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Posts posted by Clastic

  1. Max#1[/b] - Dogs always seem to find that one person who doesn't like dogs and try to bug them, have to be luuuuuurved. Have you started flyball training again this year? Our club has intake in February so I'm quite excited, hopefully Mars and I can start soon.. I hope you won't become a crazy barker though........... :)

    Woof woof!

    Yes! We've been to one training session! And Max remembered! He's up to the point where he can do a full run, but they put boards up around hte box to the first jump coming back, so they don't get distracted and run around the jumps. Still need to work up to perfecting his box technique, donig it without the boards, and doing it in the presence of other running dogs.... Our club even hosted a competition yesterday.... but I didn't go :) SIL and stuff.... Besides I feel like a bit of a fifth wheel sans dog. I'm there willing to help, but without a dog, I'm a bit lost... We can't compete til Max turns 1 (April 26th) and even then the next competition isn't til June.

    Max also likes to splash the water with his paws. I think its because he can see something in there...? I stand to be corrected though!

    :( Whoops.. sorry I was supposed to say I hope Mars doesn't become a crazy barker... *sigh* SORRY!! I really didn't mean Max or you at all! *hangs head in shame* :rofl:

    Sounds like its so much fun!! Great to hear that Max remembers it, how long has he been doing it now?

    Hehe, there were a few agility jumps set up at our club last time we were there with wuffles and Ava, Mars ofcourse went around them..!


    kyliegirl - Hehe, atleast the cats are tolerating Echo. Hopefully they will be friend soon. :rofl:

    ravenau1 - Looks like Astrid had the best time at Grandma and Grandpa's place! Looking forward to hearing about those wierd/funny stories. :o

  2. Wizzle - Genevieve with an ice cube sounds so cute bouncing around with it.

    Max#1 - Dogs always seem to find that one person who doesn't like dogs and try to bug them, have to be luuuuuurved. Have you started flyball training again this year? Our club has intake in February so I'm quite excited, hopefully Mars and I can start soon.. I hope you won't become a crazy barker though........... :mad

    wuffles - Hehe, Satchmo the water dog! I used to come home to a water bowl full of dirt. Mars likes to splash at the water with his paws, not sure if he's afraid of it or something.. but I'm pretty sure its not because he likes it.

  3. Hope everyone had a good Australia Day!

    My pups were absolutely buggered after yesterday, especially Pepper! I swear that she was panting so much her eyes were gonna pop out or something!

    Great vid KTB, had a huge smile on my face after watching it, and wuffles you always get great pics with your crazy awesome camera. :dancingelephant:

  4. kyliegirl - As everyone has said, don't worry too much. We've all been through it one way or another.

    When Mars first started training at the local dog club he had his good and bad days. When we tried LLW his head was constantly to the ground just sniffing, he also wasn't very food motivated when he was younger to the point where he would actually refuse treats, it was like trying to make a child eat something they don't like.

    With Pepper when she was younger we wouldn't even attempt to walk her without a head halter on (some people don't like them, but its what worked for her), without it she would just constantly lunge in different directions and be in her own world, we tried but could never get her attention.. she would never look us in the eye. We tried a walking harness, but she still managed to lunge and carry on.

    Good luck with it, its tough and we know what you're going through. :D

    ETA: KTB - I don't like going through the rescue thread, but always seem to.. makes me so sad seeing so many at the pounds. :)

  5. Yes, poor Elbie. So trusting of his humans. :rofl: OH was saying: "I wonder why no one told us that we were teaching him to do 'beg' wrong?" I said that they were too busy laughing and the two of us thought that they were laughing because it was cute. :eek: OH does a hilarious impersonation of Elbie's beg in which it either looks like he's had a horrific fright or he's surrendering very energetically. :hug:

    But Elbie's version of 'beg' is cute!

    OH does a hilarious impersonation of Elbie's beg in which it either looks like he's had a horrific fright or he's surrendering very energetically. :rofl:

    Do we get to see a vid of this?

  6. Tonight, OH brought the doggies to pick me up from work again and we stopped by Melba shops on the way home. I ducked out to get some stuff and OH went to the petrol station next door meaning that the doggies would be alone in the car when he was filling up the petrol (2 cm away) and also alone in the car when he paid for the petrol (10 metres away). I warned him to be on the lookout for any angry DOLers who might come and smash the windows of the car...

    We've taught Hoover how to beg. He took a really long time to learn. Elbie learned by imitation and learned quickly. Hoover took ages so we resorted to watching youtube videos. As a result, Hoover does the 'traditional' and 'classic' beg style and we have realised that as novice owners, we have taught Elbie the somewhat spethal beg style that makes him look like he's surrendering or flailing about in the air. We used to wonder why everyone laughed at his 'beg' and now we know why. Tonight when we were looking at Hoover's beg, OH asked me: "Do you think we even knew what 'beg' was supposed to look like when we taught Elbie how to beg????" Poor Elborino ;) Video


    :( Sorry KTB, your post and that vid had me in tears!

    One of my first dogs 'begged' and I guess it was kinda spastic... He'd sit in the begging position and just keep waving both paws at the same time until we gave him food.

  7. Wizzle - That pic of sooky G is so cute and wow.. Little G really didn't like that lamp cable! :laugh: Glad to had you back!! And where did you get that awesome inside bed for G? I saw one I loved on Petitude, but they don't have the size I want anymore... :(

    kyliegirl - Love the pic of Echo chewing on the carrot. It takes a bit of effort for my guys to eat veges, Pepper just likes to chew it into a million pieces before thinking of swallowing it. Mars thinks I'm feeding him poison! Also, Echo is so shiny and healthy! Looking fantastic!

    Sammies - Welcome back to you and gorgeous Asti!

    lilli_star - :laugh: at Roo's friend under the fence and her sleeping inside her crate. :( Hope she likes her inside bed soon.. I'd like to get Mars & Pepper one of those trampoline beds, but not sure what they would think of them..

    Fellow Canberrans - I'm good to go for 9am Wednesday too! :(

    ETA: KTB - Oh yes, those times poor Elborino got banished to the car. :) But yes, windows were down, he had water and we were only a few steps away. :)

  8. OH just fed Pepper a grape, he says half of one.. I freaked.

    I know grapes are toxic, so I'm very worried. I've taken a look online for info but the DOL community is always more informative. :(

    I'll be keeping an eye on her and take her straight to the vet if I see any vomiting or diarrhoea, but ofcourse I don't want to see any of these symptoms.

    I know it might depend on the dog, but does anyone know how many grapes would most likely start causing problems for dogs?

  9. When did the other Canberrans want a play date? I was even thinking Australia Day, in the morning, if anyone is free.

    Australia Day AM should be ok. Don't think we have any other plans...

    Thumbs up to a morning playdate, hopefully won't be too hot earlier on. :D

    Will be back later on and catch up on posts. :thumbsup:

  10. Hey hey! Clastic (nice, shiny new house!) I'm on a mac and wouldn't have the faintest on how to get an onscreen keyboard. But very nifty! Turns out (now that the OH is back at work and so I can actually log onto the computer) the thing remembers me when I'm on this page when I'm logged in!

    Ah bummer, sorry.. I have noooo idea about mac computers, but yay that you're logged on! :laugh:

  11. Before I begin, I apologise for all the photos..!!

    lilli_star - Roo sure looks like she enjoys that new set up, its great! Actually makes me think that we should have one here for the time being until we get a pergola in.

    Max#1 - Hello hello!! Will be looking forward to pics when your keyboard is fixed. If your operating system on your computer is Windows, have you tried using the on-screen keyboard? You can just click on the # key on there instead of having to type it out. Let me know if you need a hand. :eek: Looks something like this:


    kyliegirl - Welcome!! Love the name Echo and he is gorgeous, looking forward to hearing more about him and seeing photos of him as he grows.

    ravenau1 - Astrid sure is getting big now! Good to hear that she was great when your parents were around. :) Good luck with the car trip, I'm sure Astrid will be fine. :) Mine don't ask to go outside for the toilet either, but I am thinking of teaching them.. maybe. With Mars I can't really tell as he can hold on for quite sometime, but when Pepper needs to go do her business she paces around really quickly so I know. :)

    Niques - So glad to hear that the kennels were at the top of the hill and that James is safe and sound.

    wuffles - Did someone say playdate?! *shoots hand up in the air* Are you thinking of doing E.T with Ava? I'm thinking about it with Mars, but I'm worried that he'll get bored half way through and play up..

    So first day of work was good, learning a few things here. I'm never a big fan of starting a new job.. you go from a job where you know everything to knowing absolutely nothing, but I am enjoying this job much much more already.

    Pepper gets her stitches out on Thursday, yay!!! :laugh: The wound doesn't seem to bother her anymore, doesn't seem to notice it at all now.

    Last but not least, here are some pics of my place. :) Please excuse how messy each room is.....

    So here we have pics of the front of the house and a view from the front door. To the left is the lounge room, but I didn't grab a pic of that.DSCF2190.jpgDSCF2192.jpg

    View of the kitchen and meals area, the first pic is taken from the sliding door which leads to the backyard and the 2nd pic is taken from the hallway that leads to the bedrooms etc..


    The hallway to bedrooms etc. and pic of the guest bathroom.


    The laundry where the pups sleep at night. The other pic is the soon to be guest bedroom.. just missing a bed and the books need to disappear.


    And this is the crap room.. When we moved, all the boxes pretty much ended up in this room and I made a huge mess of it all trying to find stuff I needed.


    And more pics to come..... sorry!!!

  12. Thanks lilli_star! :)

    When you do give Ruby a raw egg, record it on video. I found it quite amusing watching my 2 eat theirs, I wish I had recorded it so I could go back and see it again. Pepper thought because it was round it must have been a treat ball and was rolling it around with her nose to see if any kibble was going to fall out and Mars was just amused by it because it was round (ball-freak) so he tried to roll it with his paws and just ran around with it in his mouth without eating it.

    Mars will do a #2 at night, depends if its ready at the time.. but if he doesn't he holds on until the next morning then sprints out the door. Pepper rarely does a #2 at night, she waits until there is daylight for that and poops all through the day.

  13. What's a picky eater? :):eek::cry:

    If its animal, vegetable or mineral my dog will eat it. He even sucked on a lemon quarter one day he stole off the bench.

    :D I'll fly Mars down for you over the weekend ;)

    A lemon quarter? ;) My sister's dogs eat anything, especially her male who thought rabbit food and bird seed were tasty.

    I don't know why Mars is fussy, he's just always been like that.. maybe it was something I did when we was younger which I can't recall. He doesn't even like his meaty chewable wormer tablet, its like he knows what is in it and that its good for him.

    Clastic - you will have to post photos of your new house (if you want:D )

    I'll take some pics tomorrow at some stage and post them :)

    Hope the rain won't get bad out your way, glad to hear that it doesn't affect your area.

    The rain has been on and off here, none today except for a sprinkle tonight. The only trouble we're having is the dogs can't go outside to do their business because our backyard is all clay and it gets caked onto their paws and they grow and inch. If they do go out I make them wear some socks.. :)

  14. Clastic, when can I come see your new house??????????? Can I invite myself over? :)

    Anytime you are free, give me a buzz. :eek: I'll make sure the place is clean. :cry: Except for what I call the 'crap' room, that room is an uphill battle.. I open the door to it everyday and think of cleaning it, but always find something else which I think is more important. :)

    OH and I will get around to a house warming at some stage, but anyone is welcome to visit before then also. :D

  15. Ouch Minxy, hope your foot is better.

    betsy - Poor kitty, but glad she's OK.

    KTB - What a good Royal Canin model Hoover is, gosh he is big now!

    wuffles - ooooh yeh we like those promotion bags, gotta love the freebies!

    Hrm.. food wise, Mars is a picky eater and if he only gets kibble he will stare at me then nudge the kibble hoping to find something else under his food. He doesn't like sardines and doesn't really like boiled eggs either, he picks all the whites out. Chicken and rice is a thumbs up, any kind of chicken or red meat makes him happy.

    Pepper luuuuurves her kibble, doesn't need any extras with her food and is always excited when its brekkie or dinner time.

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