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Everything posted by Clastic

  1. There is indeedy, 150 posts Max#1 - you can do it!!! ;) Its got everything that is non-dog related on there, you also seem to find out a lot about peoples lives in Off-Topic. Re: photo - But you would laugh at snot, sand and drool covered Max when you look at the photo. I had pink Mars as my phone wallpaper for a while, made me giggle everytime. I'm actually trying to decide what photos of the pups I want at work to keep me company. ETA: OH found out today that his sweet goody two shoes little princess Pepper isn't so sweet and innocent after all.. I shall explain after grocery shopping and compiling the evidence together...
  2. Love the last 2 pics Max#1, especially the last one. You need get that other pic printed and put in a frame too! KA - Milk... snot... crazy people... *runs away*
  3. I believe you are quite right!!! Thank you for the reminder. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZIGGY!!!!
  4. kyliegirl - Hide and seek is the best, I only just played that with my 2 last night it was so amusing! Sounds like Echo had a great time playing with you guys. Echo will get 'stand' eventually, its just so natural for them to sit automatically because thats one of the first things we teach them. We got taught to treat a lot when they stand, in time Echo will get there. Mars and Pepper also lunge at BDOC, KTB would have seen me getting my arm yanked out of its socket on Sunday morning. But yes, they both eventually settle down when classes actually start.
  5. Aww.. Hoover was just waiting for a treat for going to his mat.. so cute. So I have been attempting and failing miserably at teaching Mars the 'are you shy' trick, I have stuck sticky tape, post it notes and peanut butter to his muzzle, looped leashes around it and have put pegs in mutiple places on his head but he just sits there staring at me, I'll have to take pics of our failed attempts next time we try. The way he just looks at me is like "Look Mum, the post-it note is staying on, thats what you wanted right? Can I have a treat now for sitting so steady with a peg on my face?" Anyway, so I have given up on that trick for now and am in the process of teaching him 'bow', mucho easier! I didn't teach it to Pepper, but when I was trying to take the pic below she just copied what Mars was doing because he was getting treats for it.
  6. kyliegirl - Hopefully next week will go better even with distractions, it is quite hard when you are in a small room with so many other puppies. ravenau1 - Yay for a great first obedience class! Its great being able to use toys as training, my boy is definitely more motivated by me waving toys in his face instead of food. I bathed my 2 ferals today, they now smell very clean and have such a smooth coat, they also don't smell very doggy! OH couldn't help because of his injury, so I decided to put my swimmers on and get them washed in the shower, I got quite wet ofcourse but it was less painful than trying to keep Mars in the bathtub by myself! Mars is now snuggled up next to me on the couch (although I am thinking of kicking him off because he is snoring and farting!)
  7. Hehe, its alright! I'm pretty sure the doglets aren't offended at all, the photo isn't great in terms of lighting so the colours probably looked darker than normal.
  8. That is so sweet of the postman. Pepper likes to growl at the postman, then run away whimpering.. kinda like "grrrrr I'll get ya, I'll get ya! Argh, he saw me heeeeeelp....!!!!"
  9. KTB - Your guesses for your monsters are great, I just love it! wuffles - Hrm.. haven't thought of any other breeds, but I seem to see Irish Wolfhound in his face - or atleast when he looks up at you like this: (I could also be absolutely wrong!) ravenau1 - Finally managed to watch your vids (lousy work), hehe.. I like the butt ham aswell. She sure learnt quickly!
  10. :D Wow.. a Kelpidoberdoodle, gosh I'm just trying to imagine what it might look like. Slender body, kelpie ears with a dobe face and ofcourse the doodle curls. KA - Sorry to hear that your class didn't go so well last night.. ravenau1 - Hope Astrid is better now, good to hear that the hives are pretty much gone. Have fun at Doggie School today! Re: Pepper's photo - I'm not sure if she was running in her sleep, she might have just been kicking around to try and get comfy.. she likes to kick.... a lot.
  11. Wow kyliegirl, Echo is so big and gorgeous! He's growing up to be a very handsome boy!
  12. Loving all your pics everyone! The captions are gold KTB! Haven't taken many pics lately, but I heard a bit of scratching the other night and this is what/who I found. Looks like devil dog was just trying to get comfortable.
  13. Hope Max feels better soon Max#1, poor boy.. *big hugs* from the Clastic clan. Glad to hear that James is home Niques, the 'cone of shame' can get quite annoying - hope he is OK. I'm currently watching Extraordinary Dogs, quite interesting showing dogs doing different jobs etc. It was posted on DOL a few days ago, but I only stumbled across it today.
  14. Mars - Marszipan, Marszatron, Marzi Pepper - Miss Squeaks, Squeaker, Freckle face Both of them will come over when I say - kids, kiddies or puppies. I'm sure there are more, but gosh I can't seem to think of them at the moment.
  15. Awwww KTB, love that pic with Hoover and Elbie in the same crate.
  16. lilli_star - Glad to hear that you've had a great weekend! Silly Roo, but am happy to hear that she is OK. betsy - Mars gets frankfurts, sausages, chicken, lambs fry and chicken liver for training. I'm sure I spend more time preparing his training treats than feeding myself.
  17. Nooooo please do bring squeakies! It's great training for the red and tan monster! I thought it was good for him to hear a squeaker nearby Okay.... BUT, if at any stage the squeaking is annoying and we are distracting Hoover in anyway, please let me know..
  18. First day back at training, I think Mars did pretty well (more the trainer that has problems)- maybe this session we'll actually attempt to be assessed for Bronze level. KTB - I'll bring some less 'noisy' toys for Mars next week, I didn't mean to distract Hoover with the squeaking.. sorry. CleoJ - Thank you for a great 1st lesson back, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  19. Congrats on the new addition! Shae is gorgeous and she's lucky to have you!
  20. No way! I would never think that besides, I've been in a class with Mars before - HH was always pointing out how well-behaved Mars was ... in comparison to Elborino ... Hoover is nowhere near as responsive to voice commands as Elbie - but he's going to have a lot of fun I think. Still - Thursday might be a cooler class ... (temp-wise and people wise ) Mars enjoyed the HH classes, maybe thats why he did well - and the class size was small too. I don't know, it will probably help to have an instructor that wants to help us. Our past instructor always seemed to look down at Mars and I like we couldn't do anything and never gave advice to help us improve. :D Or, it really is just Mars and I - mainly me I think. ravenau1 - Wow what great pics of the doggies in the snow! I'd love for ours to see and play in snow one day, don't think our chances are high though. ;) Wizzle - Hrm... he did ask what I wanted for my birthday this year, maybe a new blender will be the thing! Maybe..........
  21. Thread moving too fast... can't keep up...! Like most, I am reading but never seem to get a chance to reply! Hooray for being FRIDAY!!! Cleo - Love the story about the cat and furby! Wizzle - The blender is still in the cupboard, it was my Christmas pressie from OH so its only like 1-2 months old. ;) KTB - I'm sure Hoover is mucho more intelligent and knows so much more than my boy Mars. If we're in your class you'll be watching me like "doesn't she teach him anything?" *hangs head in shame* fozyboi - Love the pics, he's grown up so much! To everyone else, hope all is going well! Sorry to have missed commenting, but will try to keep up next time - not sure how successful I will be though.
  22. I'm still indecisive as to whether I want to be in Thursday or Sunday classes.. it will only be Mars and I. Hrm.. still deciding, but couldn't go tonight any how as I'm taking care of OH. Will have to come back through and reply to everything.
  23. Lunch break! Which means time for me to reply to posts! Thank you to everyone, it was a bit of a traumatic Sunday afternoon and long long Monday but he is home and resting. I think he has enough pain meds at home to kill an elephant!! Got to the hospital at 8am and finally left at 4:30pm.. long day with lots and lots of waiting. Finger is now stitched up, he's got a cast on his finger as well as a splint since he managed to fracture his bone in the process of dicing it up. Finally cleaned up the kitchen last night, but I cringed when I had to clean the blender and think I will every time after this. Luckily OH is right-handed and he sliced up his left hand instead. betsy - Glad to hear that Ziggy is fine now, hehe.. sounds like it was nice to have a quiet afternoon though. Wizzle - Genevieve is hilarious! :D She's such a little princess. When I let the dogs out to do their business, if I stay outside for too long they will just lie in the sun even though there is shade around, its rather silly! lilli_star - ooooh you had a doggie dream too!!! Hope this week goes better, I have a lot of respect for you being able to teach kids, I definitely wouldn't be able to put up with them all day! ravenau1 - Snoozy Pepper falls asleep when she's sticky beaking to see what the neighbourhood is doing, tough job really. Hope Astrid's teeth come through nicely and her baby teeth fall out soon. KA - Thanks for the offer, I don't know if you would want my two to visit though. My sister loved having them around, but silly Pepper decided to make her dining room a temporary pool by tripping over the water bowl constantly and dragging a towel around. I swear she was just trying to be helpful and mop the floor! Niques - 500m is still better than what I can do, especially when its stinking hot! I'm so not fit.. KTB - I guess we shouldn't say anything horrible about your OH if he's monitoring this topic...... Although I think its so sweet that he put that pillow out for Elbie, even though he says otherwise.... kyliegirl - Thats great news about the improvement on LLW with Echo, also Echo has a very nice sit! You should see Pepper's - she is the most non feminine pup, he sits are very lazy....
  24. betsy - Poor Ziggy, hope he is feeling better now. Atleast he had a great day at the beach swimming and playing with other doggies! :D With the house, there are actually lots of little Mars tumbleweeds everywhere but not too noticable, they like to hang around the corners of the room.. they just get vacuumed up everyday. Niques - Hehehehe, what a strange but amusing dream! If we ever drive to QLD I'll be sure to let you know so the pups can mingle. We're planning to head up for Christmas 2012, but not sure if we would be flying or driving since we're going to Mackay. So.. not dog related.. have had a crazy few hours this afternoon. My OH did a very very silly thing and decided to chop his index finger with the stick blender. He has 2 really severe cuts and a million other ones around it. There wasn't much the hospital near by could do other than pump him full of pain meds, wash it out and bandage it up. Off to the plastic surgeons tomorrow (because they were really busy today) to get it all stitched up, but he also has a fracture from where the blades hit so hopefully it won't get infected between now and tomorrow. OH is now having a snooze on the couch, will have to wake him up later to take some more pain meds. I called my sis and she picked the pups up and they are having a sleepover at hers tonight, I did get to come home to a chewed up pen (I have no idea where it came from) and lots of stuffing scattered everywhere, so some poor toy is feeling a bit empty inside. Hope everyone has had a nice relaxing weekend and aren't melting due to the heat.
  25. Hooray for no doggie disasters! And I never got around to bathing the dogs... I'm so lazy.. ravenau1 - Astrid is so big now and so so gorgeous!! Where your folks live sounds lovely, it would be great to be closer to a beach.. not that my pups care much for water though. Hope they cyclone will disperse before it gets to you guys. So I haven't posted any pics of my fur kids in a while, so thought I had better get around to that today. Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far!!
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