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Everything posted by Clastic

  1. Woo hoo to sleep ins!! Lets see.. Annual health check was $60 per dog and the annual vaccinations were $35 per dog. Discount of $6 for one of the dogs. Grand total of $184!! I know there are other places cheaper, but 1) I love the staff there 2) pups love going there 3) close to home.
  2. - How sad. Being over there, the handler and dog must be so close with one another. ***** http://www.news.com.au/world/uk-army-dog-w...i-1226015407041 ***** A BRITISH Army dog that held the record for finding the most home-made bombs and weapons in Afghanistan has died after his handler was killed. Lance Corporal Liam Tasker, 26, of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, 1st Military Working Dog Regiment, and Theo, a 22-month-old springer spaniel cross, came under small arms fire in the Nahr-e Saraj district in Helmand Province yesterday. Lance Corporal Tasker, who was from Kirkcaldy, Scotland, was shot dead and it is understood that Theo died from a seizure at Camp Bastion, The (London) Times reported. According to the Daily Mail, Theo - an Arms Explosive Search dog, who acted as the "front man" of the patrol - suffered a broken heart due to his dedication to Lance Corporal Tasker. Theo, who was donated to the army by a member of the public, had been on his first six-month tour of duty in Afghanistan with the Theatre Military Working Dog Support Unit, based at Camp Bastion, but his tour was extended a month after he sniffed out 14 weapons and improvised explosive devices in his first five months. Lance Corporal Tasker had initially joined the army in 2001 as a vehicle mechanic but his passion for dogs led to a transfer to the Royal Army Veterinary Corps six years later. Speaking last month, Lance Corporal Tasker had said he did not know that the dog support unit existed until a friend showed him videos of the dogs at work. "I love my job and working together with Theo. He has great character and never tires. He can't wait to get out and do his job," he said. Lieutenant-Colonel David Thorpe, Commanding Officer, 1st Military Working Dog Regiment, said: "It's a challenge to put into words what Lance Corporal Tasker meant to those he worked with. To his friends he was a mate who could put a smile on your face. He was that man who you wanted around and who you wanted to spend time with. He genuinely loved the dogs he worked with." Lance Corporal Tasker's death brings to 358 the number of British military personnel to have died in Afghanistan since operations began in 2001. In a statement released through the UK's Ministry of Defence, his family said: "There are three words that best describe Liam: larger than life. He lit up every room he walked into with his cheeky smile. He was the best son, grandson, brother and friend you could ever wish to meet. "He died a hero doing a job he was immensely passionate about. We are so proud of him and everything he's achieved. Words can't describe how sorely he will be missed." His girlfriend, Leah Walters, said: "LT never met anyone without touching their lives in some way. The amount of support both I and his family have received in the last day alone pays testament to this. I am the proudest girlfriend there could ever be and there will be an LT-sized hole in my life forever."
  3. I had a bit of a giggle imagining Ziggy incorporating 'shy' with 'dead'. 'Cockroach' Ziggy, 'cockroach'! Awesome stuff with the frisbee!! Is this something that is teachable, if so how did you teach Ziggy? Mars likes to catch balls, but always seems to wait for the frisbee to drop before attempting to grab it. ETA: The lamb shanks seem OK, I've lost a bit of sauce but otherwise they seem fine. Am yet to actually eat them though, another 1/2 hour. We went to the vet yesterday for their yearly injection and check-up, Pepper isn't 1 yet but I wanted to take them both at the same time, seems silly taking one now and the other in a couple of months. Anyway, found out one of the vet's there is leaving. :cries: She is so nice and takes the time to chat to us and take care of the pups, we never feel rushed when she's seeing us and she always answers all my silly questions about the kids. I'll miss her and I'm sure the pups will miss the crazy amount of treats they get from her all the time. Its just nice to have a vet that actually seems to care.
  4. I don't and will most likely never will. I'm not interested in breeding at all and haven't even given it a thought, the time and effort that breeders put into their pack and litters is something which I would never be able to do. Everything about genetics is way over my head and confuses the heck out of me, I definitely won't be headed down the breeder path.
  5. lilli_star - Sucks about the fridge. Hope there are no little mouse families around your place! I'm freaked out by 'wild' mice, I've had pet mice before.. but ones that just pop out of no where, I have no idea where they have been and don't wanna get bitten. We've got about 5 crickets resting on our garage door at the moment, no idea why they are there.. our door is cream, unless they think its like... wheat? Who knows. KTB - Ginger is gorgeous, she sure has a big tongue! Hope she finds a home soon. Collars wise, my 2 have their break-away collars on when they are out in the yard or out for a ride, when they come inside they get taken off. They both used to have collars on permanently, but the tag which they have was leaving a grey mark on Mars' white chest fur and I was worried it might start staining his fur. Pepper gets so excited when her collar goes on in the morning, it means she has the whole day without Mum and Dad around and she can go crazy and dominate Mars, or I think thats what she is thinking.. They go to OH's brother's backyard during the day so its like a mini excursion for them. I have lamb shanks in the slow cooker today, haven't used a slow cooker before.. hope it cooks OK.
  6. cbjk I see you down there! I promise we don't bite!
  7. KTB: Weedkiller harming her kids and her chickens' eggs?! Were her kids outside playing at the time of spraying or is she worried that they might roll around on the weeds in your front yard? OH was outside spraying weeds yesterday, he got covered in the stuff but I'm sure he'll be fine - I'm more worried about Mars, Pepper & I who were inside with the doors and windows closed, some of it may have seeped in through the cracks and we breathed it in! Crazy neighbours.. Hope you have a better day tomorrow KTB! I had better run, will reply to other posts when I get to work tomorrow morning.
  8. Poor Lottie.. but so very amusing! Thanks for sharing!!
  9. lilli_star - Hellooooo!! We've missed you!! kyliegirl - ooooh that collar looks very nice on Echo! I know I say this everytime, but Echo is growing up so much and is big and gorgeous!! KTB - Glad to hear that Rufus managed to get out, he is so cute with those massive ears!
  10. Yep, I think it might have already gone kaboom, the poster has removed any posts she has made. Oh my goodness TheFenstar!!! Cuteness overload!!!
  11. Are you sure you want to start a thread.. it might become explosive! (Just as every normal, simple question threads become..) A battle of the breeds to see who has the better dog with sniffing nose
  12. Have fun wuffles! I'm sure the day will go perfectly. Only 29 degrees now, so atleast its a bit cooler.
  13. Just a quick post to say.. TheFenstar!! Looking forward to your pics to come! Hope everyone is well!! Loving everyones pics!
  14. Cute pics KTB! You saw Mars and I with LLW today.. gosh we were terrible!! Our heelwork doesn't exist either. Great meeting you today foxyboi!! Ike sure looked like he had a lot of fun running around, did he end up sleeping when he got home or was he still a ball of energy? ravenau1 - I just realised I hadn't replied as to how I got the kiddies to 'bow'. I started luring them into a drop and marked when they put their front legs down, but just before they got into a full drop. I just kept marking the 'bow' which I wanted and they were quite happy to do it when asked, I've also made sure that I have a totally different hand signal to 'drop' so that they don't get confused between the 2. Here are a few pics of the kidlets this arvo.. What Pepper loves doing best, keeping an eye on the neighbours.. Using Mars to elevate her legs... Pepper sleeping with her mouth open..
  15. Hrm.. I need to take more pics of my pups sleeping, but I did find this one of Mars when he was a very little pup!
  16. Done for both of my monsters. Some answers for my 2 were the same, but most of it in regards to themselves was different.
  17. Thanks for the image KTB, I will test it out when I get home this arvo Speaking of chinese vegetables, we picked up a recipe pamphlet from the markets last week and there is a column on the side that tells you what fruit & veges are in season - so it lists like apple, beetroot, apples etc etc.. then the last one they put on there is 'Asian Vegetables', I can almost imagine someone going out and trying to find this so called 'Asian Vegetable' but having no luck. ravenau1 - Great pics, that last one is so funny! ooooooh a 2nd pup, very exciting and as KTB has already said.. don't ask DOL about it!!! Oh lilli_star, I hate when they come up and put their head on you and just stare... it makes me feel so bad.. and they're so darn cute when they do it! Mars has learnt to do it when I'm having dessert or something on the couch, its very hard to ignore him....... Well OH is back at work today so the pups are outside at his brother's place, they're gonna be very very wet puppies when we pick them up this afternoon but atleast they're having fun running around in the yard and rolling around getting bindis stuck to their fur.. yay.. Have a good day everyone and stay dry!
  18. Really random but... Mars is finally eating veges and liking it!! Woo hoo!!! A tad excited.. he used to be such a picky eater and used to think vegetables were poison and kibble too, tonight he had a mix of rice, sardines and bok choy and even though he left the bok choy until last he finished it all off!
  19. Head tilting is so cute, I love how he rams the camera at the end.
  20. Sometimes it just seems others don't want new people to join, maybe not intentionally but the way that they respond to posts would scare anyone away. Its nice to see there are a few who have replied with more productive replies than just 'Bugger off'. ETA: But they did rip this person to shreds first before offering advice...
  21. About time you got excited, just as long as it is excitement and not stress. KTB - Yep, I have windows movie maker, I've taken out bits I don't want in it but haven't found how to change the speed. Maybe I just need to open my eyes...
  22. KA - The pic of your boofa is gorgeous!! Love love love it! KTB - oooooh nice looking cake!! Bet they enjoyed it!
  23. Happy Birthday Elborino! May you have a fantastic day and be spoiled rotten (which I am sure you will!) KTB - I tried compiling a vid last night, but am failing miserably.. will attempt to again tonight, got like a 15minute vid of the kiddies making the house their own..
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