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Everything posted by Clastic

  1. They are so cute together! She's a beautiful girl! So is the kitty!
  2. I think I will have to make a trip to the mall then! Will have to see if my local KMART has the same thing, thanks for the info!
  3. Rhodesian Ridgechest...! I love it! Hehehehe! Elbie is gorgeous, he's got a lovely coat! So shiney! I love his paws, the way that he's got white toes!
  4. YAY for Mindy, YAY for aussielover!!! Its okay.. my puppers get fed and go out for wees during Masterchef ad breaks too! Its terrible! But hooray for you both!
  5. Can't see the pics, will have to guess when I go home! Lousy work... blocking things... Woo hoo! 8 days!!!
  6. oooooh mud, you know how my little guy likes to get dirty! Along with everyone else! I think the amount of layers I will have on, I will resemble a marshmellow! "Muuuuuum, all my friends will see you giving me cuddles....!" Me and the rascal will be headed to BDOC also :p You can see how much he has grown! Won't have him on the first week though.. in-take talk, but on Thurs 24 he shall be there! Will keep an eye out for you and Saxon! I shall be rugged up! Fingerless gloves are fantastic! I like having the use of my fingers, even though they would get a touch cold...
  7. Clastic


    *HUGS* for you.. so sorry..
  8. Yes... road works.. can't get from one side of town to the other without getting stuck somewhere!! Grrrrr!! Can't wait for daylight saving, at least there will be some light for us! Hrm... maybe we'll just have to opt for Sunday classes next session! Rain coats is a very good idea! We will definitely have to invest in a couple, can't wait for classes to start! Yay!!
  9. Awesome We're starting obedience too, but we'll be there Thursday nights... brrrrrrrrr!!!
  10. Ha! Canberra is soooooooooo cold at nights now and when I'm standing there at 3 or 4am waiting for Elbie - even though he's very prompt and obedient, it still seems to take forever! I totally didn't realise that you were in Canberra toooooooo!!!! Might see you out some time And yes.. Canberra is FREEZING! Other morning was something ridiculous like -3 degrees!
  11. Clastic


    So sad.. :D Sorry for you and your flatmates loss. *HUGS*
  12. I use Interceptor Spectrum as an all-round worm treatment. Advantix is used when we go on holidays, or if my kids ever get fleas. (Which I'm hoping they will never get) If you do have cats or smaller animals, you will have to keep the dog separated from them after application though as some substances in it is toxic to them. Or you could use Frontline Plus or Advantage (doesn't cover ticks).
  13. We also purchase our monthly tablets from www.pricelesspets.com.au As Hespandabear said, much cheaper! It gets my vote, take a look when you run out of your current stuff.
  14. We HAD a garden.. about 3 months back.. now it just looks like someone has taken a lawn mower through all the garden beds! So yes, good luck! Putting fencing up around the garden beds is a good idea!
  15. Love how she rolls it around like a treat ball waiting for something to drop out!
  16. I'm inexperienced, but parents had a rottie and I believe I can see rottie in his face He sure has a beautiful coat! One of the pics he's soooo shiney and beautiful!
  17. borderfan - Woohoo!! 13 days!!! Tokkie - How's Nandi going? Settling in well? Ringo treating her nice?
  18. Lottie is gorgeous! Beautiful looking girl! Love the merle!
  19. You have a couple of very cute and good looking kids belgian.blue!!!
  20. Another over here for Jack Russell X Cattle Dog. First thing that came to mind.
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