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Everything posted by Clastic

  1. Love the photo! Its too cute!
  2. What a gorgeous big boy!
  3. Well done, keep up the good work Elbie! He'll have to teach my boy how to be well behaved in class!
  4. Thanks spitzbaby, we are taking her (and Ringo) to the beach for the first time today, I can't wait. How did the fur kiddies like the beach Tokkie? Any pics?
  5. Wow.... she was suppose to be called Winterbourne Irish Rebel (Nandi), but I decided (because she is only a pet ;) ) to make it Winterbourne Sweet Nandi... Nandi means sweet thing, so it is actually Winterbourne sweet, sweet thing... :D She does have a very sweet sweet face.
  6. Awww.. Elbie is growing up to be such a big gorgeous boy!
  7. So sorry to hear of your loss kendall.
  8. Poor little boy, I'm sure he's glad its all off now You know about it and have been doing everything to prevent it. Not a bad owner!
  9. Thanks for the link j. Caught the end of it the other night and was wondering what it was about. So it was somewhere in or near Red Hill was it??
  10. I resize using paint and upload it as an attachment to the msg. You could possibly try Flickr? Basically the same as photobucket to share pics I think..
  11. I don't understand how sleeping like that was comfortable.... And the other pic, she looks like she's grumpy!
  12. When Mars was younger, he would growl and back away from the TV whenever a dog would bark on it. Now he just perks up and wonders where the dog is!
  13. Both pics are of my kiddos and their so called.. 'playing'
  14. cornell - Hudson is gorgeous! Tia seems to be enjoying his company! Love the pics of the two of them together. borderfan - ABOUT TIME you posted some pics! quickbrownfox - It is hard picking just a few toys for pups, OH is always worried when I'm 'just looking'. Pepper is going well, although still crying most of the time.. mainly for attention. She LOVES her food though; we were at the vet and she tried to rip into a bag of dog food that was on display! Crazy girl! Will post some pics for you later when I get all my photos together.
  15. Poor little boy. Sorry to hear Rach... Healing vibes for your boy.
  16. Sorry, just a quick question... Mars and I will be starting training at our local obedience club. I went to the intake talk last night and they said that we need to pick a marker, it could be a word, noise etc.. So I was wondering.. I'd like to use a clicker, but was wondering if my boy would get confused if someone in the same group as me was also using a clicker? Would a word as the marker be better?? (But then it has to be something I won't use with him normally...?) Any suggestions or advice? Maybe I'm thinking too much into it and confusing myself?? Any help would be appreciated!
  17. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY Portia!!! Bet Mumsie has been spoiling you rotten today!
  18. Ah... puppy shopping. So exciting! I've spent so much on my fur kids already!!! Are you after a girl or boy? Hopefully in a couple more weeks they'll be a bit bigger and you get to choose! Yaaaay!! The wait is almost over!!!
  19. Has he arrived??!!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Its 2pm!!!!!!! LOL
  20. Oh, only just read this thread. What a terrible thing to happen! I hope that Morrison is feeling better today!
  21. Awww.. they're a tad bigger! Which one is your little fella? Oh my gosh! Only 1 more sleep!! How exciting!!!
  22. Awwww.. thats adorable. I love when I see my two like that... very rare though!
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