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Everything posted by Clastic

  1. Looks like she had the best time! Love the pics!
  2. What a sicko... : Some of those comments must be from non-pet owners.. Yes, it is the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after their pet and noboby likes to step on doggy business while at a park. But to deliberately leave poisoned food to harm dogs and make them suffer is not the answer! Poor dogs, they never did a thing wrong.. I hope that they catch this moron soon.
  3. That poor pup and only 4 months old too! It disturbs me that people actually do this to an animal.
  4. Yes............ angels......... wuffles did a fab job with all the photos! wuffles! Suprisingly they did pose in the 2nd shot all by themselves and the first pic Mars is carrying around a toy wuffles brought along. Its sort of like a frisbee but thick and has 3 ends instead. wuffles.. please verify, all I know is that I have to get one for Mars since he was being such a toy hog and guarding it!
  5. Just turned it on, missed a bit of it though..
  6. Great photos, she's having a great time! Definitely wouldn't think she's 14 years old!
  7. One of my sister's Cocker Spaniel decided to chow on a bag of bird seed a few weeks ago.. The result was sesame seed style poopies!
  8. You're right, its hard not to love that face. Have fun with your new toy and make sure you post PLENTY of pics for us to see!
  9. I think I may have to invest in one of these rope toys! Most of the pups outside toys still need replacing. ooooh sparkly poopies! Mars like to chew on everything as well.. we went through the backyard and took away anything he could chew.. unfortunately, we back onto a child care and the kids like to throw things over the fence and Mars chews it into a squillion pieces and eats it. The result is green and red plastic bits through his poops... ;)
  10. Eww.. up the leg.. fuzzy and furry.. like a spider.. Blergh! Just the thought of it makes me cringe..
  11. So cuuuuuuuuuute!!! I knew I shouldn't have looked..! The photos are fantastic!
  12. All the shots are beautiful but I love love luuuuuuuurve the 3rd one.
  13. Comfy.. Mars also snores.. he's been snoring from a young age. I never understood when he was younger how such a small pup could snore so loudly! Luckily it hasn't gotten any louder, still the same volume. Couldn't find any of Pepper is weird puppy sleeping positions.. best I could find was this.
  14. Oooops.. I have a bad mannered dog... or two.. If Mars really wants you to play with him he nudges as well.. Pepper just pushes her way through for attention. Hrm.. I really gotta work on that.. but its so hard when they look at you with those eyes and be so lovingly adorable and cuuuuuute!
  15. We're going to a herding clinic that weekend.. its during the day, a drink & bbq sounds relaxing.. it will depend how knackered I am!
  16. Looks like someone had a great time frolicking in the wet! Great photos!
  17. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Why did I click this... Fantastic shots though, I especially love the last one!
  18. Poor little boy, glad to hear that he is OK now. I had no idea potato peel was toxic, will take extra care next time I'm peeling potatoes.
  19. Thats disgusting.. I just don't get how someone could do that!
  20. Ditto, Mars or Pepper would most likely find something they want to sniff and my wine would be gone! If they happily trotted beside me though... bliss. Who am I kidding, thats a long way off!
  21. I've watched both vids and I'd have to say they are both fantastic! KTB, I love the end of the vid where Elbie opens the sliding door! Oh oh, and watching him as a puppy bouncing around for that kong... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! :D
  22. Thanks everyone for your replies. Well, I wanted to leave him getting desexed until a bit later.. but since this has come up I'll be letting Mars know that he'll be getting the snip sooner than expected. I've booked him in to be desexed and while he's there they're going to get that tooth out aswell. Thanks again for your help everyone!
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