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Everything posted by noisymina

  1. Except they don't leave much room on the couch :D And the OP would prefer a smaller dog so I would think a Mini would be a good compromise (bigger than toy but not too big ) People have been known to go to greater lengths than just a new couch to accommodate their dog, tho. ;) Seriously tho, even Miniature Poodles vary in size, depending on the line and their place in the pecking order, nutrition etc. Generally speaking, the males are usually larger than the females, too.
  2. I don't have an endless heap of doggy stuff any more. Over the last couple of years I've been through and donated all the duplicates/extras/no longer fits stuff to rescue or to the bushfire appeal (along with a lot of no-longer-used human towels etc). So now it's just a couple of shelves in the laundry (towles, toys, shampoos/brushes, coats) , leads/collars hung in the cupboard near the HWS with the brooms, and her meds in the cupboard with ours - where I can't forget to give them to her. :D
  3. You could easily go the Miniature Poodle. Or even a standard Poodle, although you'd need a fairly large couch to accommodate both of them. I don't know if you have had allergy tests done with your son, but to my way of thinking, it would be better to go with what you already know works. Daughter may just have to compromise on this one. I had a Mini Poodel as a youngster - 17 I think when I got her - and she was just perfect. Instant recall - I could stop her in her tracks full bolt! And if she lost me, she would track me by smell. Thye are so impressively intelligent.
  4. Seldom use flea products here. About once a year I get a flea collar for the cat (to hang the bell on) Occasionally (about twice in 30 years) I have seen a flea on the cat or dog - so then I get a flea collar for the dog too. The bedding is washed regularly and we have no carpets (that they are allowed on). The concrete path is swept or hosed (if we have the water) most weeks. No ticks here. Not that they catch at least. I do believe that healthy animals are unlikely to bring ticks in anyway. (From past experinece). I have heard some say that they bulid immunity. Either way, the Poodle I adopted a long time ago got 5 in the first two weeks - then none at all after that.
  5. Noisymina, you have to see this. So adorable!! That is cute. Mine would have given up long before that and just chewed it outside, tho.
  6. Got to be a Dobe - this one is just like my girl - loves the babies
  7. It's all just too hard. I think the next one on my list will be a Chihuahua (or two). Let's face it, I could feed lots of Chi's with the same I feed a Dobe! I've just found these wonderful Chi/Dobe videos on U-tube.
  8. Hey Noisymina - Wazzat Xolo is the only person in Australia who owns Xolos... unfortunately for you she is in WA! However, I believe that she plans to send them around the country to be shown and I am fairly sure she mentioned something about the Ekka perhaps atlhough I could be mixing her up with someone else... Thank you Sparky. I had no idea she was the ONLY one! I'm patient. Will keep an eye out for any news! Umm.....could be a bit expensive. *goes to look at budget*
  9. I like him Kyliegirl - good choice! And I don't usually like the brown ones.
  10. He's not a patch on mine. (OK, I'm biased)
  11. I still think his chest is odd. Or is that how they breed them these days? I was just looking a Xolos. Would love to meet some. Anyone in Brisbane got some and willing to show them off?
  12. By the way, I assume that is a Commonwealth Bank account? My bank will be asking.
  13. May I just mention here that there is at least one bank where, if you're an old-fashioned style person like myself and don't do internet banking, you cannot use letters of the alphabet as a reference. (Eg. Banking to an account via Westpac, you can only use a combination of 4 numerics.) But then I guess an email to MDBA letting them know of your deposit and the reference number combo you used, and date of deposit, would get you around that. I do not do internet banking either. I sometimes use cheques. Sometimes I go to my bank and they do an electronic transfer for me - and I can put alpha/numeric references on those quite easily.
  14. Burkes Backyard Breeder Thanks for the entertainment.
  15. I am the same, much prefer a dog over 5 months. Both my current two were 'late' to my family , one at 5 months and one at 9 months Our Dobe came here at 4 years old. A bit of "retraining" - TLC - and she's my shadow - and my protector. She's never really got over ALL her issues but she's just so far ahead now it's amazing. She will even insist on coming into the house when the vacuum is running now because I am in here - licking her lips with nervousness the whole time, poor girl. But that certainly beats running down to the fartest fence to get away - and taking all morning to come back to the house. I have NO IDEA what she experienced before she came here. A total agility failure - but I really don't care.
  16. Well - yeh. Maybe. So? Are there going to be programmes that allow older people to go and walk dogs - or will it just stop there? Opens up a whole new field. While pets are, supposedly "good" for older people, a lot are not confident/fit/well enough to take on the responsibilty of pets - or are worried that, if they do, they may not be able to keep up the commitment. How many have support for pet care, places for them to go if the owner is unwell etc etc? I just love those stories about older people being healthier becaus they have pets - whereas the reality, perhaps, has more to do with the fact that healthier people are more able to take on the responsibility.
  17. I have a Dobe and have had others in the past. I'd recommend them in a heartbeat! IF you have some dog experience, and are prepared to do some basic training, are careful in choosing the breeder, it should be fine. Personally, I've found the females more "attractive" etc - but that seems to be just mt experience - not all agree with that. :rolleyes: I've also had a mini Poodle in the past and love them just as much. They are both highly intelligent breeds. My Dobe was not "into" agilty either. In fact, she's pretty cluey and aloof and soon works it out if you ask her top do "stoopid" stuff! Maybe that is just her, but from the agilty aspect etc, maybe the Poodle would be more co-operative.
  18. Lighting a candle is a symbol of hope. The threads about Jed are full of hope that she recovers well & that her dogs & other pets are safe. It was a fitting suggestion someone made, to light a candle...& raise a glass...for her. Thank you Mita I was just about to reply when I saw your post, you said it so much better than I could have I'm afraid I struggle to find the right words sometimes in these situations to each their own, I just find the thought of burning something for burns victims, not my cup of tea, sorry don't really have the words either to express myself properly I know what your mean. I thought about that quite a bit. I came to the realisation that many things have two sides. Fire is a wonderful servant - but a very bad master. Just as water is an essential part of life - but also very dangerous in its own way. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" I agree. May you all rest tonight and find the strength to do what you need to do when the sun rises again.
  19. I think the suggestion was that someone who knows the details better should go to THAT site and clarify. Not here, Chewy.
  20. :p :thumbsup: I can't say any more than has been said already. If things go to plan, I will be seeing Fran on Saturday. If there is anything I can get and give her to take up there, please let me know. Otherwise, I will send a donation - or maybe as well as.
  21. Have you given pro-biotoics following the anti-biotics? The bladder may just be irritated or sensitive following the infection and the anti-biotics. Anti-biotics are concentrated in the urinary system.
  22. Any Poodle needs to be thoroughly brushed/combed at LEASt twice a week to prevent matting. I used to do mine three times a week plus shampoo each two to three weeks. My groomer loved doing her as I never left it ALL for the poor groomer to sort out.
  23. Yeh - I'm sure she's got it good now! She's obviously had a rough trot but you are making up for that big time now.
  24. My Dobe had a minor case of that - DEFINITELY anti-biotics PLUS cream to clear - I forget whether it was anti-biotic cream or cortisone, but it was a prescription cream. Agree with soft bedding etc. Then keep the area gently massaged regularly (weekly to start) with a roughish brush or cloth with antibacterial shampoo to keep the pores of the skin clear so they don't keep blocking up and getting re-infected.
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