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Everything posted by Longclaw

  1. I'm so very sorry for your loss
  2. Thank you everyone, Mr Longclaw has read the thread too and thanks everyone for their thoughts and understanding. It's been a very difficult day. I keep seeing her out of the corner of my eyes and doing little routine things that no longer need to be done. Like putting the kettle on to soak her biscuits before breakfast and dinner... she couldn't eat hard biscuits very well because of her (lack of) teeth. It's only 6 months since we had to give Ziggy his wings. I know he'll look out for her at the Bridge. Moops, next time you come past please do sms me, you're more than welcome to drop in.
  3. Yesterday we put Tommy and Ruby outside while we (my parents, brother, nephew, Mr Longclaw and I) went to Canberra to watch the football. It turned into a very windy day. The dogs love to run in the wind, and at some point while we were gone, our poor little Ruby peanut has done zoomies, tripped and broken her neck. She would have died instantly - no pain or suffering. When we came home it was so windy and while I was holding the gates open so the cars would drive in, Tommy raced up to me. I grabbed him then looked around for Ruby. I saw her little red jacket lying on the ground in the middle of the house paddock. Mr Longclaw and I shut the gates (not easy in that wind) and ran over to her. She was dead. Mr Longclaw picked her up and we were so distraught we didn't know what to do. Mr Longclaw and my dad took her round the back of the house out of sight of my nephew. A little while later we took her into the garage, put her on the lounge in there and wrapped her in blankets. It was way too cold and windy and dark to leave her outside. My brother and nephew left this morning. A little later, Mr Longclaw and I went out to dig her grave. We buried her up near the roses by the gate, where she liked to lie and wait for us to come home in the afternoon. We buried her in her little red coat which looked so cute on her. Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday. We didn't have you for long but it felt like we'd known you forever. You fit in so well, you were an important part of our family and you always will be. We miss your waggy tail every time we say your name and your contented grumbles when you stretched out on the couch. We miss the way you'd steal our seat when we got up for 5 seconds. We miss you. Rest easy, our beautiful little girl. We will always love you and you will never be forgotten. Huge thanks to Dust Angel who came out on what was to be her second last day with us, and took the most lovely photos of her. We treasure them even more now.
  4. I'm so sorry greytdog :rolleyes:
  5. Ohhhh, soooooooo cute!! :laugh: Congratulations, and good on ya mum
  6. Longclaw


    Gosh, what a little cutie!
  7. No words Colleen, just very big hugs
  8. Longclaw


    Oh Sezy, what a beautiful girl she was. I'm sorry I didn't respond to this thread earlier, Rainbow Bridge chokes me up every time so I try to limit my time here I lost my lovely boy cat four years ago now. He was only two years old, but I still miss him terribly. I think it's a sign of a really special animal, when they leave such a mark on us
  9. Longclaw


    I'm so terribly sorry Shaw Rest in peace little one, and know that you were much loved
  10. Only just seen this. I'm so sorry Han, I can't imagine what your friend is going through Run free you three, take care of each other
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss Scouty Rest in peace beautiful girl
  12. I'm so sorry Kirty. She sounds like she was a wonderful old girl.
  13. I'm so sorry Chewie Rest in Peace Zach Brown
  14. I'm so sorry Funny Farm What a lucky pig he was, to live so long and be so loved.
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss Trish. She was a grand old girl.
  16. Oh god Kirty, I'm in tears for you I'm so sorry. Don't blame yourself - Millie knows that you did everything you could have to ensure her safety and happiness, it wasn't your fault that other people didn't care as much as you. RIP Millie
  17. Longclaw


    Oh Karen I'm so terribly sorry. Rest easy Hazel know that you were greatly loved.
  18. Oh, I'm so so sorry to hear this My sincere condolences Veanna and LMWS. Run free Odin
  19. Thank you all again for your kind thoughts. Ziggy is back with us now. OH received his ashes last week while I was away for a few days.
  20. I've only just seen this Cal. I'm so sorry, big hugs to you and your mum. What a champ your mum is, to do what needed to be done to keep Snoopy when you first got him and for standing by him to the very end. Rest in peace Snoop, you were obviously greatly loved
  21. I'm so sorry MsJ Goodbye Roggie dog. Keep a look out for Ziggy at the Bridge, he's new there too
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