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Everything posted by Longclaw

  1. Ditto! I've been popping in regularly for news, but had to steel myself beforehand every time. Such wonderful, wonderful news that he's home and feeling a bit more like himself!
  2. Fingers crossed for midday... hopefully the bloods will pin something down so his treatment can be targeted. Come on Grover, get better - you're giving us all a scare big boy!.
  3. Oh no.... all fingers and paws here are crossed for Grover
  4. These links may help. Oh - and I'm terribly jealous! Pet importation - United States Bringing an Animal into the United States (Government website)
  5. Oh no Sending healing thoughts to Grover, and thinking of you and Steve Trish.
  6. So sad RIP beautiful girl so sorry your people let you down.
  7. What a lucky little dog It always warms my heart to hear of people like your family jaybeece. The oldies ARE very special, aren't they. So sorry for your loss.
  8. Have fun at the greyhounds... take a retiree home with you
  9. This is so unbelievably despicable. There is NO excuse for something like this. I hope he rots in hell. I know a few people like that. They are all lovely, gentle people who are disgusted and outraged and totally condemn this revolting act. The bow hunters that I know take pride in the skill involved in stalking, and in making their kills as clean as possible. They only hunt feral animals in Australia. They hate people like this with a passion, because it paints them all in a bad light. I know I'd rather have the rabbits and foxes on my property killed with a gun or a bow (not a crossbow - they are illegal in most states) than with poison like 1080. But NOT in this manner, where the death is slow and cruel.
  10. Oh Karen I'm so, so sorry Bindi was a beautiful girl, body and soul. Rest assured that she knew how much you love her. Rest easy Bindi-Boo, watch over your mum and dad
  11. How worrying Pers! So glad Hamlet has come good for you. Tommy sometimes gets into things he shouldn't (including my easter bunny egg ), but thankfully we haven't had a scare like that. Actually the last thing he tried to get into was the teeth cleaning gel I bought for him! At least that means he likes the taste
  12. Yay! Well.... except the part about not sleeping in
  13. Oh Shmoo that's really good news! Fantastic that his pancreas is relatively unscathed. I hope he continues to improve and can keep down his food tomorrow. It makes such a big difference when you have a vet that really cares, doesn't it? Cares about the dog, and cares that the owner also suffers when the dog is ill. That's a hell of a weight loss in percentage terms. But he's obviously a strong little boy and I just know that, given time and your love, he'll be happy and healthy again
  14. Bugger bugger bugger. I've been thinking of him and hoping he was improving. Fingers crossed that if he has anything, it is the diabetes rather than the tumor. Are they running tests to try to make a firm diagnosis?
  15. I tried many things for one of my greyhounds and in the end had all his teeth pulled out. He was much happier without them. He too had serve gingivitis, several dentals and tooth extractions, several bouts of anitbiotics, many different food stuffs to eat etc ...and in the end, having a toofless gummy smile is not the end of the world, for people or dogs, especially if it's going to prevent recurrent infections Ruby had bugger-all teef and she had the sweetest face
  16. CRAP. Really sorry to hear this Shmoo. I've nothing terribly constructive to add except to say that if he becomes really lethargic please take him to the vet before Monday - pale gums and lethargy can turn really nasty really quickly. Hopefully it's simply a reaction to the raw + Euk rather than anything more sinister. Please keep us posted... meanwhile Tommy and I will be sending him our best wishes and hoping he bounces back from this one really really quickly
  17. Yes, your dog sounds like he is cold, but you are quite right - you don't want the puppies tearing about loose in the house at night destroying everything within leaping distance. That is why crates are so wonderful. Partially covered on the outside with a blanket, they provide a snug environment for the dogs - just like a den - and contain them while you are asleep so that they can't wreak havoc during the night. You need a couple of these (in sizes appropriate for your dogs) so they don't have to sleep outside BUT can't destroy the house. If you are dead set on having the dogs outside, please know that they are short coated breeds who DO feel the cold. And they are really still just babies. Perhaps you could try coating them while they are going to be under your supervision for a number of hours, so they get used to the feeling. Yes, they may still tear up their coats. They are puppies, and puppies can be destructive. Although, as the saying goes, 'a tired puppy is a good puppy', so a little exercise and some training time in the evening would tire out their minds and bodies and make them less inclined to cause trouble...
  18. It sounds like there's something going on - she shouldn't have yellow teeth at her age with that diet! Did you ask the vet what he/she thinks is causing it? You could get a doggy toothbrush and toothpaste... giving her teeth a gentle scrub once a day to wash away plaque and prevent the brown stuff from accumulating. But if there's something else going on that's ALL it will do - it won't necessarily prolong the life of her teef.
  19. So sorry for your loss Robbi Rest easy Jack
  20. I'm so sorry Chewy. Elliot, give Squiddy a hug from your mum :D
  21. Chewy I'm so sorry. You've had enough to deal with lately. 17 years is a wonderfully long life but I imagine it doesn't make it any easier. Thinking of you and your family and your beautiful old boy.
  22. That's why I said ring the vets to check if aspirin could be given I'd never suggest that anyone give any dog any medication without the advice of a vet. Erny, yeah the pup is screaming when picked up, but is also reluctant to move and not eating. Both would signal to me that he is in pain, just not screaming about it until it gets unbearable.
  23. No- same here .. altho it IS a boy he does sound as if a more thorough check is needed, AND some relief! That makes it even more interesting - the two dogs (Tommy and a foster puppy) I've had with leg/toe/hip issues are both sooky mummys boys!
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