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Everything posted by spottychick

  1. Got it thanks! I think I recall reading some of those threads. I note that a British Bulldog breeder in dogzonline's breed pages associates themselves with him. I was a bit surprised to see that.
  2. Link isn't working for me. I dont know what everyones talkiing about LOL
  3. k9angel - for his eyes - depending on what's causing the problem. Maybe consider something I just used with Tango. After his eye ulcer surgery he still had sort of mottling in the lower half of his eye and cloudiness all over it. SOmeone suggested using cod liver oil. So I've been putting one drop of high quality CLO directly into his eye a couple of times a day. I had a look at it yesterday and it's almost completely clear and I have been watching it get better all the time. I will keep up the CLO for a few more days until it looks all clear (hopefully). But I really should have taken pics because the change that has occurred since he had the stitches out is quite astounding. I am so happy to see him with his eye fully open and healthy!
  4. LOL koala - I had the "chasing around with a tape measure" experience too. LOL They seem to think it's a great game!
  5. Both of my dogs treat it like a play pen already. They have teddy bears in there and Tango seems to transform into a puppy whenever Pepper goes in there. LOL I think I really went too big. But I did the proper thing and measured them and added 10 cm or so to their height. It's just that they are so LONG!! Tango is positively dwarfed in it. I cant provide the pics I took because my NEW LG mobile phone/camera has given up on life.
  6. Oh my God! Don't do any of those things!! The whole situation sounds dangerous to me - because you are not experienced or comfortable enough dealing with dogs and you don't know enough about this particular dog. For all you know it might be perfectly friendly but you are dealing with something unknown. You need to talk to your housemate about finding some other way of handling his dog situation (why on earth should YOU feed him and look after him for weeks on end?) OR you should move out. I would personally be moving out if the owner wont come up with a better plan. But I'm concerned about your relationship with your own dog. You sound like you've done some great things with her but please don't do things like take away your own dogs bowl while she is eating!!! The basis of a good relationship with any dog is more about trust than being the 'dominant' one or out-aggressing them - and certainly if you do things that are unfair and senseless - like removing his bowl while he eats - you are undermining your position as a trusted leader.
  7. Ah thanks secretkei. I don't think I'll use that tho - my dogs would just pull the whole thing along with them hahahaha
  8. They are surprisingly light arent they! I'm trying to upload a photo or two but my phone/camera is behaving badly. Meanwhile - can anyone tell me what the extra loose strap is for????
  9. Unfortunately it seems nothing much will happen as the article refers to them not facing punishment "due to their age". Personally I don't care how old they are. They have to face consequences or they wont learn a thing, it will just be a "badge of honour" in their sick little circles. Such a sweet little puppy - and so tiny. It just blows my mind that anyone could do that, especially kids.
  10. Just brilliant! You should run out and offer to top up his glass next time :D
  11. Your video is lovely. And so nice that the people over there acknowledged your vid :D But while I was googling to find out what kind of monster did this - I came across an even worse monster in a British story from last year. Be warned, this is shocking but the good news is the dog is okay now. The bad news is that this British a$$hole seems to have been given a slap on the wrist for this horrendous crime. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...s-25-years.html I simply cannot believe that dog is alive. My heart leapt right into my mouth and my stomach sort of dropped when I saw that. But doesnt he look gorgeous when he's recovered. That woman is evil - you can actually see it in her face. Yet she is still walking around Britain somewhere. Hope you didn't mind me posting that Brennans mum. If you dont want it in your thread let me know and I'll delete it
  12. Just picked mine up from the post office. It is fantastic! HUGE and easy to set up - took me about 2 seconds and looks like good quality. Love the sheepskin floor - didn't expect that. Pepper loves it already - Tango hasn't really looked at it yet. It could easily fit both dallys in there. I climbed in with Pepper hahahahaha I definitely want another one - especially at that price - will keep an eye out for it to be on special again. Thanks for the heads up whoever started this thread ETA My biggest problem is working out where to put it! My loungeroom is too small hee hee
  13. aww that sand pit is spectacular! Lucky doggy
  14. He's awfully good at it. Bet he gets lots of food!
  15. LMAO For a moment there I thought he was buried up to his neck hee hee But yes, very good pleading sad face - the little hint of teeth is a nice touch
  16. LOL Lovemesideways - that "distraught" expression was so good!!!
  17. Me too! Apparently it was banned!!! Can't see why.
  18. NB It's not what you might think it is
  19. Just to clarify The dog was not owned by the person who set him on fire etc. He is the 20 year old (at the time) son of the owner. The owner refused to let him borrow her car so he went over to her dog who was tied to a post, beat him with a shovel, poured lighter fluid over him and set him on fire. All because he was sooking about not being allowed to borrow his mum's car. The dog was rescued and removed from the owner and renamed Lous Vuitton by the Montgomery Humane Society. The name they gave him is related to a previous similar case that changed the law in America and made it a capital offence to torture or abuse dogs. Louis is now living with a lovely family and doing very well but he went through an awful lot to get there. He's actually living a much better life atm than the scum who attacked him which makes me feel even more warm and fuzzy inside! If you can stand it, the vet who treated him posted a photo record of his treatment on Youtube. I persevered and it really was hard to take but worth seeing what lengths they went to and the beautiful outcome. To me it was worth it just to get the other side of humanity - the side that will go to any lengths to save an animal that clearly wants to live. I guess you could skip to the final video if you can't bear to see what this beautiful guy went through (he's a pit bull by the way - and the most loving gentle little fella, despite all this!!). ANyway - this is the first video The other two are named Luis Vuitton weeks 3 & 4 and Louis Vuitton - A life defined. Both are in the sidebar of the first video (ignore all the other rubbish in there!!) and the Life Defined one is all positive and nice (ie recommended for the squeamish and for anyone who just wants to feel good and go Awwwwwww!). The lengths the vets went to in order to help this little dude is nothing short of heroic!! And they got lots and lots of donations to help them provide him with the latest cutting edge treatments. I am thrilled to hear he did not get an early release - filthy little creep.
  20. Soooooo .... were the pups okay??? What happened???
  21. Very impressive! Mine arent quite up to this standard but they will now both wait for their dinner with drool pouring out of their mouths until I give them the okay. But I don't think my dinner would be safe if I left it in reach and left the room LOL
  22. They look good hafhafa - especially on that handsome dude. I like that they look a little more solid than the polar fleece one I've got atm. ETA Unfortunately it looks like I"ll have to pass on it anyway because both my dogs measure around 50 cm along their backs and the nearest sizes to that they have are 35 cm or 60 cm. Not sure if the 60 cm would be a reasonable fit.
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