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Everything posted by jacobite

  1. This is obviously a world wide problem, came acros very similar comments on FB recently.
  2. Thanks for the breakdown of entries, very interesting.
  3. Just phoned Dogs Vic to see what has happened to the Feb Gazzette to be told that not only had it not been posted yet, but that they don't know when it will be. Don't think that's very efficient!!
  4. I hope that they have managed to controlling the sprinklers this weekend!!
  5. How about a Deerhound ? if you are interested PM me with your Phone number and I will ring you Dave
  6. Yep Adelaide over Melbourne anyday. Plenty of easyily accessable parking which is not too expensive and much better showing conditions!! Pam
  7. Most Deerhounds LOVE lure-coursing, this is a pic of one of ours chasing the Lure....a plastic bag. His ears do not usually stick up like that.... honestly......
  8. Rottweilers were in the line of fire before pitbulls. Recently saw an article on the news showing a "Rottweiler" that had attacked some-one..... it did not look ANYTHING like a Rotty, not going to say what it did look like in case the "Thought Police" are spying on us..... Dave
  9. Always a Deerhound!! May have to pay someone to walk them, but they are sooo laid back and easy to live with and a good size if you need something to lean on. Afterall they've spent years leaning on me, one day I'll get my turn. Pam
  10. Macclesfield comes under Yarra Ranges, I know cos I have a friend who used to live there. I think most of the rest of the places you are looking at come under Cardinia. I think Cardinia is perhaps more dog friendly. Pam ETA wandin and Seville also come under Yarra Ranges
  11. No I don't think this is a good idea. We already live in a Nanny State and we don't need any more rules and regulations. Pam
  12. Why are all these shows being movedto Bulla? Oh well, that's 2 shows I won't be entering. Pam
  13. Why are all these shows being moved to Bulla? Oh well, that's 2 shows I will not be entering!! Pam
  14. Wow I'm amazed that anyone can run a dog our of pee, I didn't think it was possible, mine certainly seem to have a constant supply. Pam
  15. To anyone wanting to stay ( not camping.... ) the local Caravan/Cabin parks are filling up FAST...... get in NOW guys..... See you there..... Dave
  16. Pam was staying with some Deerhound friends in UK a while ago, there you can buy green tripe in 1 Kg frozen blocks, very handy and the dogs LOVE it. Can we get it here in Australia ? We live in the Eastern suburbs ( Belgrave ) of Melbourne. Thanks in advance Dave
  17. I only entered Saturday, got my numbers yesterday. Pam
  18. You asked for names...... The last pic of post number 1 and the first pic on post number 2 is our Gentiehun Prince Charlie ( aka Chas ) we imported him from Scotland. The 2 Deeries together..... the one with red collar is our Jacobite Islay, the other is Chas. This was their first try at the drag lure, they had a BALL, like all of us I love to see our dogs enjoying themselves. We are used to them and they do not seem big..... EXCEPT when running straight towards us...... Pam then hides behind a convenient barrier... which is ( of course ) ME....... Many thanks to Kirislin for the wonderful photographs. Dave
  19. Why is Group 4 being put inside, why on earth would you put houlds inside in you don't have to?? Iv'e entered on Wednesday but I think I'll give it a miss. Pam
  20. Close lightning strike sounds likely to me. We had lightning strike our house while I was home, it made a HELL of a bang and shook the house ( and fried my video recorder ) Only had an older dog at home ( an Afghan ) and she was not bothered at all. Dave
  21. thanks Elfin.... see you there.... Lots of Love Dave
  22. We will be judged by her at sunbury on Tuesday.... Mr Google not very forthcoming.... Does any-one know her speciallity ? We will go anyway.. See you there ???? Dave
  23. Perhaps I'm missing something here, but if you enter a bitch in a show how is the secretary going to know if she's had puppies in the last 10 weeks or not. I don't think the VCA checks all show entries with pupy registrations and anyway people may not register the puppies by 10 weeks so how is this regulation policed. Seems to me this is just another ploy by the VCA to get us to spend more at the Vets. Pam
  24. It's definately a Deerie, what a cutie. Pam
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