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Everything posted by emilee
Apparantly the company that created Suprelorin is currently researching a female version. We will have to wait for that one. The current Superlorin that is used on the boys is also used on the girls. I have a bitch with it in at the moment and the 12 month implant stops them coming in season for up to 22 months.
Thanks for taking the time to answer me. I'll keep trying until I find one that works for her. She's perfectly well in every other respect, so hopefully when we get on top of this, she will be OK. sneezing is not necessarily a sign of allergy or hayfever in dogs. airborne allergens tend to make a dog lick its feet. However sneezing is often a sign of an inhaled grass seed that has lodged somewhere in the nasal cavity. It may be a good idea to ask your vet if they can check her for this.
Thanks emilee. Off to order now Got goat's milk from the neighbour's goats so it was fresh but no idea what sort they are. I know that there is an enormous amount of debate over what is the best food for dogs at every stage of their life but I thought that I would post to say that I am a week and a bit into feeding two tiny puppies which I started on Woombaroo and then changed to the homemade formula. My guys were 153g and 114g respectively and the smaller pup dropped to 104g before I changed to the homemade formula and they have now both doubled their birth weight in the week and getting stronger by the day. I am in no way criticising the Woombaroo but when I tasted it it tasted bitter and the pups weren't particularly keen. Initially I was feeding the smaller of my pups 3mL every 2 to 3 hours and now she is up to 8 - 10mL every four hours. I find the management of tiny puppies very emotionally draining and far prefer it when I simply have to sit at the side of the whelping box and watch the mum do all of the hard work! Hopefully I am going to win this particular battle though. That is really strange Teak - did you check the use by date, I found the Wombaroo quite sweet and the pups raised on it really thrived. I used to like the Biolac but not so much now as it is bright yellow and smells highly of Vitamin B
Thanks for the feeding chart Sway. That is a great help. Looks like she needs a bit more per feed Vet only had divetalac. I have not had much luck with this and had to work all weekend so couldnt go looking for anything else. Off shopping first thing in the morning. Have always had alot of success with the DOL recipe in the past. Try vetNpetdirect online - their wombaroo is cheap and the delivery is fast
and just to add that those goats milk figures and the butterfat content of Anglo Nubian milk is only applicable to fresh goats milk, homogenised paturisted and ultra heat treated goats milk that you find in the supermarket is of no use whatsover to a newborn pup.
My suggestion is to get her onto a better quality formula designed for puppies with the correct calorie amount. Wombaroo or Biolac would be a good start.Goats milk is for goats As a rule the correct amount to feed is her weight in ounces converted to mls so 158gm is equal to 5 ounces, she should be getting 5 ml per feed Toilet her before and after each feed as well.
Because your constant harping on and on an on has become tiredsome. How about you stop talking to me then and I might stop having to defend myself. You asked a question and I answered honestly because it is painfully apparent here that if you don't get an answer you just keep goin on and on about it and I wouldn't want that
The way I see it if the company used the same bags say as pro plan etc the food wouldn't be afordable for most people. I think its good that they aren't wasting money on packaging as the bag gets thrown away anyway. If people are complaining about where this food is made etc why not complain about pro plan etc i bet they don't have on there packet made at 506 harry street nsw 2680 (example there) The most of read on there packet is made in _____ then the date. If your worried about where it is made etc how about asking your supermarket/butcher where they get there meat from. If your that worried try making your own dog food, I'm only new to black hawk but I find the food very good and i don't care where it is made as the food specks for itself with the dogs eg coat etc. You don't want to know, fine. Why is it a problem if I want to know? Because your constant harping on and on an on has become tiredsome.
And why exactly do you think any of that has happened? Gee why do you think - because people have nothing better to do???? or because people can't stand to see someone succeed or is it the ever present "conspiracy" theory....ohhhhh someone must be covering up something so lets go on the attack, how about you all just give it a rest. The food works, plain and simple, it is good value, excellent value and gives excellent results. 30 odd years of feeding dogs and trying every food on the market including raw feeding in all of its forms tells me this, and feeding a whole kennel of dogs who are in superb, hard condition tells me this. It is time people got over themselves - either feed it or don't......and those of you who don't or who supposedly feed then same food under a different label, well good for you, those of us that feed Black Hawk are happy, so lets just leave it at that. edit sp
Its not that hard to work out really Group one is numbers 1 - 111 plus numbers 579 to 624 Group two is numbers 112 - 180 plus numbers 625 to 641 Group three is numbers 181 - 260 plus numbers 642 to 667 Group four is numbers 261 - 310 plus numbers 668 to 680 Group five us numbers 311- 434 plus numbers 681 to 704 Group six is numbers 435 to 508 plus numbers 705 to 723 Group seven is numbers 509 to 578 plus numbers 724 to 744 Shouldn't cause any more confusion than any other show.......its just a number
It's a bit hard to spey before she pyo's when its your show bitch about to have her second litter Or one of those rare ones that does it on her first season Or your pride and joy whos supposed to be pregnant with her first litter, instead she's on the surgery table and you get nothing. Yes it would be great to spey before she gets a chance to get pyometra............but we don't all have crystal balls,
Go to this page food link for a list of stockists and if you contact Sherel (details on page) she will send you out a sample
They are hard but not like bones, they don't splinter or crack. Probably the best description is like a really thick cows hoof with a centre a bit like a hard Crunchie bar Just make sure they aren't chewing them on dirt or sand because the sand,saliva,antler combo could wear down teeth
Why not try All Natural Deer Antlers, no preservatives, they are Australian Grown and they last for ages. Here is a link with some feedback from fellow DOLer's DOL THREAD
Black Hawk is fantastic just the way it is - no need for changes, additives or alternative protein sources. When your on a winner stick with it
They really arn't converted hair - they are calcified cartilage with a hairy skin covering. If you were to cut one off a stag whilst they are covered in the velvety fur you would find that they are like a soft blood rich honeycomb with a furry skin , easy to cut and easy to break. As they mature the interior of the antler begins to calcify and loose the blood supply, at the same time the velvety exterior dies off and begins to hang off the antler like bark on a tree. Eventually the entire antler calcifies and they drop off either thru the stags fighting or rubbing them on trees. If the deer are being farmed for their velvet, the antlers are cut off whilst still in the blood rich velvet stage, it is the interior of the antler that is dried and used in the velvet capsules or chinese medicine, the furry outer covering is of no use whatsover, it just shows which stage of growth the antlers are at.
wow what a difference - can now see where the value for money is no matter how many are ordered
Lang Lang Show Vic Cancelled Due To Flooding
emilee replied to InspectorRex's topic in General Dog Discussion
I am not disputing the show being cancelled - the horse area is far too wet for the horse events to be held......what I do have a problem with is people who continually exaggerate conditions. btw - the ground underfoot in the dog area is quite solid and stable. -
Lang Lang Show Vic Cancelled Due To Flooding
emilee replied to InspectorRex's topic in General Dog Discussion
Please tell it like it is Colleen we can do without the hysterics Lang Lang Showgrounds Dog area this afternoon, doesn't look underwater to me -
I recently looked after a litter that were weaned straight onto the Black Hawk Adult - it's protein/fat ratio are ideally suited to the needs of a rapidly growing breed that needs to avoid joint problems. These pups were in excellent condition.
this not getting emails has only happened recently though as I hadn't noticed they had stopped. Thank you. Rebanne can you tell me why you arn't a member anymore
I was a firm believer that nothing was better than Eagle Pack, tried Nutro and still thought Eagle Pack was the best, I did a straight swap to Black Hawk and now I eat my words - the dogs look even better and have more energy, their coats are fantastic and my food bills have halved, very happy customer
They'd probably privatise it. Gee you'd think they'd be making a profit, though. Surely. What are the daily rates for cats and dogs? What about horses? Its not about making a profit - the land that Spotswood is on is privatly owned by a developer and has been leased by the quarantine station for quite a few years. The lease is up and now the developer wants his land.
The horses are not in the same facility as the dogs and cats - the horses are at Werribee
‘Improving Litter Size’ New Advances in Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination How to Achieve Litters after a Pyometra Dr Stuart Mason Dr Nicole Rous Monash Veterinary Clinic 1662 Dandenong Road Oakleigh East, VIC, 3166 03 9544 7455 28th October 2010 KCC Park 7:30pm RSVP 21st October 2010 Joan Nutt 0421 603 769 Or Monash Veterinary Clinic $5 Entry with Prizes and Notes Provided