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Everything posted by Craig_Juke

  1. Eric Tighe of www.workingsheepdogshow.com will be doing some clinic early next year.
  2. This guy does them in Mt Gravatt on Monday nights and also does day clinics at Canungra. All the info is on his website. www.workingsheepdogshow.com
  3. My Border Collie tries to catch the rain drops aswell. After a little while of trying to catch them, he gives up and starts pouncing on them like your puppy. He will do it until it stops raining if i let him.
  4. This is a really interesting thread. My border collie seems to work a bit more like the koolies in this discussion. More upright, hardly any eye, very pushy and forceful and way too close. I have been working on getting him to work a bit more "off" the sheep. It seems to be easier to get him "off" the sheep more in a bigger paddock.
  5. My Staffy would sink when he jumped in the pool. I put one of those dog life jackets on him and left him to it. After about 6 weeks of swimming every day with the life jacket on, i let them into the pool area without the life jacket on and he just jumped in and started swimming normally. I believe that the life jacket keeps there back end up which allows them not to splash too much with the front paws, and they seem to use their back legs more as they are not just trying to keep above the water. Might be worth a try.
  6. Yeah i know, but i will be away on holidays so i won't be attending that one. So next year it is. It will give me some time to do a bit more training so i can start in started next year. Will no doubt see you a few times before next herding season starts.
  7. Congrats Hesapandabear, it was nice meeting you too. I'll second that Tracey. Guess it's moving on to next year to get that second pass in PT.
  8. We'll be there, we are entered in PT. See you there.
  9. I think you'll find its Larsens rd Coominya, if your talking about the Cattle Dog and Kelpie club trial. If thats the one your going to i'll be there, both days.
  10. Hi leopuppy04, I taught him to crawl backwards by accident while training him to go into a hoop. Basically i was sending him to a hoop on the ground and making him drop. One day i rushed in to praise him and accidently stood on one of his front paws and he jumped back. (DON"T TRY THIS AT HOME) The next few times i rushed in he just started crawling backwards so i just paid it and then gradually asked him to go back further and further each time. I have been trying for months to teach my other dog to do it but can't get him to do anything like it. (Don't really want to stand on his paws.) A friend of mine can get there dog to crawl backwards also, so i will ask them and see what they did and let you know.
  11. My favorite thing to do with my dogs is herding, frisbee and agility. It really intrigues me to watch a dog that does something instinctively. As for tricks, my older dog Juke crawls backwards, and my younger dog Maverick snaps the air, it is really funny. They can both climb up ladders also. I use whatever works when training, but mostly training in prey drive using toy rewards.
  12. Hi there, Could you please let me know whereabouts in S.E. QLD you are doing your herding instinct test as i would love to enter my dogs. thanks
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