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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. :cry: I am sure we all agree with that, Ricey. Deepest condolences. Take care of you and the others left behind.
  2. Goodbye sweetest little dog. You looked a treasure
  3. I've seen that dog on FB. She is bigger and doesn't have hair on her face. Poor little darlings.
  4. I must find one of my favourite photos of a little girl long gone. I'd bought some beds on line - four same coverings but of different sizes. I put them down and teeny tiny weeny little Tilly (l/h chi of considerable years) chose the biggest to sit on.
  5. I'm pretty sure these dogs would be totally inured to hugs from all sorts and all sizes :D. The Delta Society has very strict rules and programs that the dog owners have to follow in terms of the health and temperaments of the dogs. I love the huge smiles on Val. She is obviously the sort of woman who loves children and loves seeing them progress.
  6. Exactly. Same as people: millions of children who have horrendous childhoods don't grow into abusers and murderers. Some people who have had childhoods that are fine turn into abusers and murders. That of course doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing, but as Haredown said: " ...... just making them part of your normal life in and outside your home is enough for most."
  7. Could not agree more. But that is the case with everything today. Everything is examined to the nth degree; experts on everything; everything turned into drama; if you don't do is THIS way you are doing it the WRONG way. Drama drama drama drama. Sick of it. :laugh:
  8. Oh dear. I read "Waterproof plants" and thought: wwwwwhhhhhaaaaaattttt now ??? :o
  9. No one is calling you a moron or judging you about how you look after your pets. We know from your threads and posts that that is the absolute opposite and that you would go to the ends of the earth. I think many of us have had the very very difficult situation of having a dog who is damaged, aggressive, reactive etc etc and simply by being there, that dog unsettles the whole structure and atmosphere. I, for one did not say or imply that. I'm not going back through the posts to check if someone else did. On the contrary, I said before and just above, that the dog doesn't have to chase and stalk. Simply by being there, some dogs can frighten others. It is a horrible situation to be in and I feel deeply for kirty.
  10. That's a bit harsh on some of our comments, kirty. Animals don't have to be physically harassed to know that another animal is a danger to them
  11. Agree and how stressed will Toby be feeling surrounded by prey all the time. Couldn't find the words to express my feelings and thoughts on this, but you two have done it, thank you. I believe, with sorrow, that it is a horrible situation for other animals to be in.
  12. Have coat, will travel ...... even cold and crunchy roads
  13. She is obviously going to give you a run for your money ....... and lots and lots of fun.
  14. Stop putting up these pix of Westies......... I am starting to feel Westie clucky.
  15. I feel the same, Westiemum. Although I have a fairly large yard, I'd have to remove all the gardens to give them room enough, because I have created something of a jungle . I think I am too old now and Tigger makes me question all those threads about Greys just wanting to be lounge lizards. That said, there is the most beautiful Malamute cross over the road from me who has been very well brought up and socialised . . . . . . . . . . . I thing in the next 5 to 6 years when all my littlies and oldies have gone to god :cry: , I'll become a foster carer for Greyhounds.
  16. Forget the dogs. Your tiles Forget the dogs. Your TV unit Oh hang on, this thread is about dogs. Just gorgeous. They all look totally adorable. :laugh: :laugh: :thumbsup:
  17. They'd have to get a Ronin too. Looking forward to seeing those pics.
  18. Oh that is so true for me too. They are so in tune with each other and you are dead right about them having a sense of humour, Yonjuro. Did you notice early in the vid how Ronin was waiting just out from behind the shed for Tigger to start chasing him. Just lovely ..... and the SIZE of the yard. Brilliant for big dogs who love to play.
  19. Some dogs just like being up high and I have a squillion photographs to prove it with one little dog of mine. :laugh: :laugh: Danny is very elderly and sometimes wees in his sleep. He now wears belly bands at night as they all sleep on the bed (easier for a male than a female and obviously couldn't be left on all day). However, the following might help you. As an extra precaution, I now use a mattress protector which I throw over the top of my bedclothes on the dogs' side of the bed and then put their throws on that so they still have the throws to snuggle into and arrange as dogs will. I buy the rubber backed fitted ones from Target or K-Mart and cut off the "skirt" so they lie flat. If there is an accident, then only the mattress protector and throws need to go in the wash. The throws are micro fleece so dry in no time. Sometimes we just have to accept that a dog is going to do what it is going to do in terms of its habits and work around them, particularly if they are elderly and/or have med problems.
  20. How wonderful to hear of someone who is keen to learn and doing her best to help and calm two frightened little poundies. BTW Yellowgirl .... love your sig photo.
  21. Thank goodness I am in NSW with four dogs with health/age issues - LOL. Isn't he just gorgeous? Totally.
  22. Thank goodness I am in NSW with four dogs with health/age issues - LOL.
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