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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. You and your dearest little troup have been and will be in my heart.
  2. In an ideal world, perhaps. So many people have absolutely no idea what their dog is about and wouldn’t understand body language if it (and not the dog) bit them in the bum.
  3. I think so, WM. It is Mac’s and your time - you don’t want to have to worry about the others.
  4. I had a lot of success with “plastic” cheese spread, but that fell out of fashion :( I’ve now taken to burying my dogs’ pills in smooth peanut butter. I was pretty wary of this at first because of the fat content and both Danny and Bunter get three lots a day. However, I put a little mound onto the back of a teaspoon, bury the pills and wipe the teaspoon over the roof of their mouths. It is working - by the time they manouvre the past around their mouths, the pills are down.
  5. None of my dogs liked the GT powder, but the medallions :eek: Total lurve.........
  6. OMG. If I didn’t have my hands full with my little troup of ageing beauties, I be hurtling down south. Heartstopping little love.
  7. Westiemum, DOLer Valbitz referred me to BM Animals in Melbourne and I truly believe she and they saved Danny’s life. Google them and give them a call. 0488 144 675 www.bmanimals.com.au
  8. It is so worrying, isn’t it . You know your dogs (as well as anyone of us can know another being); try not to overthink it, talk to your wonderful mum. Sarah and Andy have each other and will probably cope better than if there was only one. I know we are all different, but I have preferred to be on my own when my dogs have crossed the bridge. However, most of the time, there hasn’t been a choice.
  9. No words, WM. :cry: Dearest little boy, such a character and so loved.
  10. Long time no read :laugh: I think the prospective owner needs to change that "reasonably well-fenced, for rural” to “completely and safely fenced”. Good luck - I am sure there would be hundreds of dogs that would fit the bill.
  11. And Jill or I-Yu. There is another one who is to be avoided at all costs. Cavs will back me on that.
  12. I think this might be the way to go. Also, dogs are so damned sensitive to our moods and body language. Your trainer has no emotional investment, you do: hence the difference in behaviour ..... at least that is what I believe. Ever been in a group training session where a “badly” behaved dog is championship material in the hands of the trainer LOL. Happens all the time. Hopefully you will eventually have success, but sometimes the behaviour is just part of a dog’s dna and not amount of training will alter it - see what The Spotted Devil said.
  13. Could you take it to Sydney Dogs and Cats Home at Kogarah??
  14. Yes - have been thinking about you and your little troup. :flower:
  15. Styles at Normanhurst (just west of Hornsby, north of Wahroonga). They are breeders and showers of Standard Poodles and I have seen many breeds of dogs come out of their salon with the correct clip for the breed. Very good with all dogs and particularly understanding of elderly and fragile dogs. Salon: 9980 8261 Jeanette: 0418 698 831
  16. Mac and Danny are brothers, obviously. Danny loves to sniff at Jeune, too, as well as lick her back as she lies on my stomach before we settle down to bed. Danny back legs are going as well and last week I had to take him to the vet as he couldn’t stand up. He is back to normal after a few days of a low dose of Prednisolone. Actually, he was pretty well okay after first dose. As for telling us when they want to go, I am sure they well, but I’m also sure we have a bit more time with our darling boys. Remember when you were wondering whether you’d be celebrating Mac’s last birthday - in August, if I remember correctly?
  17. and what's with this? from the same link "Ms Hungerford said her daughter is at home recovering from the bite today. 'She can't go to kinder so she's is a little upset,' she told 3AW." of course she could have gone to kinder, she has a sore knee, nothing more. Poor kid could be really shaken up, you never know. Physical injury isn't the only worry. Too true. A long time ago when I was a morning jogger, one morning an elderly GR was lying on the footpath ahead. Naturally, I stopped running, started to talk to him and walked past him. As I did, he leapt up and latched onto my leg around my knee. I don’t recall that he broke the skin, but he sure gave me a hell of a fright, but the point I want to make is that my leg came out in some very impressive colours and bruises. Would be very scary situation for a 5 year old girl.
  18. I just read a story saying the owner has been wanted by police for over 4yrs for assault and stalking charges by Victorian police. Sounds like the good to come of it will be he will have a warm bed in jail. If true, I hope he pays appropriately for past crimes ..... and not his dogs.
  19. Finally - a well thought out sensible post. Anyone with any sense knows to plan ahead when going to Bunnings. The Plan? Make sure the next few hours are free. :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Absolutely agree. It is horrible to see how some dogs are uncomfortable/frightened in crowded surroundings or just in the general traffic of footpaths.
  21. LOL - was going to say that too, but then I remember someone (ummm, me ?? :laugh: :laugh: ) in the beginning, way back when.
  22. The most important thing is to have a document setting out what you expect of the Rescuer and what the Rescuer expects of you. If they say they are too busy or give any other excuses not to have it all in writing, don’t touch them. Expect to fall in love with most of your fosters, not all, but most LOL. Remember, it is a partnership: yes, they have rescued the dog and spent all the money. However, you are one getting to know the dog and a rescuer should be confident enough to accept your input, particularly if you think a proposed home is not suitable for the dog you are fostering. A DOLer has written a book on fostering, but I don’t know whether she still comes onto the forum. I’ll check.
  23. I wonder what his story is? He is obviously articulate, doesn’t duck his head, or “umm” and “aahhh”, has ready responses, etc etc. I am sure this is the case with the vast majority of homeless people. Hopefully more good can come of this.
  24. Have to agree with WW here. Dogs are better off being a bit on the lean side and I think we find it hard to acknowledge these days as we see so many overweight people and dogs today ...... and I am really calling the kettle black here :o I have one dog who would eat until he bursts and the others eat to stay alive. Having now experienced a fatty in Bunter, I’d know I’d prefer the ones who are a bit on the lean side and food is not an issue.
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