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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Beautiful. You are the tops dog daddy : That water - I could just about dive into my screen LOL.
  2. Exciting !!! (In no time at all, the topic of this thread will read: Widget: From big belly to babies! And now, Baby’s Babies’ Babies. :laugh: :laugh:
  3. I couldn’t help but wonder if that is how they were all curled up (Pix in #1075) in the womb.
  4. Deepest sympathies, Jules. Your beautiful dogs [family] have always been much loved and I am sure I speak for many when I say we loved hearing about them. Goodbye sweet Renae
  5. Good thinking. I had one dog who used to attack the head of the vacuum and others who were terrified and everything else in between. All reactions are normal for that particular dog. We just need to understand that and act accordingly for the benefit of the dog. Let us know how you go. Where are the photographs? An 8 week old darling called Pollyanna and you don’t post pictures :eek: Shame on you :laugh: :laugh:
  6. Neko sure is a yummy mummy and is showing off how sylph-like she can be after just giving birth. Show off
  7. And this is one of the myths about dogs in pounds. The vast majority of dogs (at least in towns and cities) in pounds are your neighbour’s dog who is lost. And probably most of those who don’t give a toss would sure give a toss if their dog ended up in a pound. Sure there are some unwanted and dumped, but those are in the minority.
  8. This is an inflammatory statement in regard to Gilgandra pound, in my opinion. It was a general statement and it is true of many pounds. I know nothing of Gilgandra and it is obvious that I was not aiming my statement at Gilgandra. But if you want to jump up and down and read into my post something that wasn’t there, go right ahead. Gilgandra sounds exceptional and that is wonderful, but remarks like yours above don’t do them any favours. All you needed to say, that, fortunately Gilgandra is an exception, etc etc etc.
  9. How did I miss these? Brilliant as always and that water ............ My feet just ache with the longing to be paddling - so long as Jonah and Jesse were there too. :thumbsup:
  10. It is always going to happen, Sarse. Don’t forget, pound staff are not always terribly well versed in animal behaviours or needs. I remember collecting a dog from a pound in Sydney to take to rescue and at the time, the pound staff said she’d “obviously” give birth approx 6 weeks previously. She gave birth to four (I think) puppies that night :eek:
  11. I know it isn’t the point of this thread, but it did make me laugh because of my human family likenesses. I have a brother and two sisters and whereas one of my sisters is very different in looks from we other three (despite being a twin of the brother), we are so obviously all from the same family, it verges on the ridiculous: same mannerisms, same voice inflections, etc. My eldest sister and I look very similar and sound almost identical. I have a photograph of my mother when she was about 8 and it could be a photo of my eldest sister’s daughter in early 20th century clothing. Some years ago, my brother showed me a photograph he’d taken of a man standing outside a garage in outback Queensland. I gasped and said, “That is obviously a relation.” This man was the son of a cousin. So despite “input” from two generations of women, the male likenesses were still dominant. I wonder why we find family likenesses extraordinary? It is obvious that there would be these likenesses, but it is always interesting.
  12. Wonderful photos as always. Those two are definitely a match made in heaven - Ronin looks as though he is the happiest dog in the world. Good luck with the new venture.
  13. LOL. Others did the hard yards (and miles - yesterday was a terribly hot day here in Sydney ). So congratulations to Cazstaff and those incredible people who find links on the internet. Research champions. My first thought when I saw Minnie's gorgeous pics was how you'd be wowed by her if she'd come to you for fostering. :) That was the plan, but Cazstaff was able to return her directly to Pete. :thumbsup:
  14. LOL. Others did the hard yards (and miles - yesterday was a terribly hot day here in Sydney ). So congratulations to Cazstaff and those incredible people who find links on the internet. Research champions.
  15. The difference between the girls and FB (Fatty Bombah :laugh: :laugh: ) is extraordinary. Yes - it is good to have photographic evidence that a decision was the right one. Probably the majority of people will always wonder whether a Caesar was the right way to go even when it is 100% the correct option.
  16. Please get a second and, if necessary, third opinion. I don’t want to scare or worry you any more than you already are, but there is pretty well nothing more over diagnosed in the veterinary world than luxating patellas. Yes, I will now be jumped on from a great height and people will tell all the stories of how their dog was saved from a life of pain and arthritis, but there are also lots of stories of dogs who were never the same again. Not so long ago, I rescued a pom from a pound where they would only release her if she had a luxating patella operation immediately. The vet for the pound said she had the worst case of LP she’d ever seen. This vet should be struck off because not only did this dog NOT have LP, her knees were fused - probably from birth. I had this little dog see three vets just to be absolutely sure.
  17. Can you send me the link, please Sezy. Want to see the little girl who will be holidaying at my place for a while. :D :D
  18. Yes, I am happy to foster. I spend most of these summer months closeted inside in the air conditioning, so she wouldn’t be alone for more than a couple of hours in any one day. To ensure her safety during those times, I will dig out my old crate and set it up in the lounge.
  19. How is Mini coping in the pound? Do you think she would be better off with a foster, ie me??
  20. I'm lost for superlatives, K ..... and vet nurse Marcus, of course. I'm motoring down to claim Secret. :laugh: :laugh: Brilliant outcome.
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