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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Oh, Gillybob. How excruciatingly sad for you both :cry: My thoughts are with you and poor darling Anna. Try to take comfort, eventually, from the fact that she found you to be her mum and no one could have done more for her or given her more love. :heart:
  2. Oh for goodness sake, dribbling does not become you :rofl:
  3. Bit OT, but I'm so glad you support this group (among others). They not only take in Chi's & Chi crosses of all ages, including the elderly, but also what they call Honorary Chihuahuas. They presently have the cutest, tiniest elderly bloke who makes a milk carton look big. Name, Archie, who's some kind of Yorkie X. Recently they had a Sheltie, They have vet nurses in their management, so dogs rescued in awful condition are nursed back to health amazingly. I do a happy dance if a Tibbie gets into their hands. I follow them on FB, Mita, where I have often stated that it is a very good thing I live in Sydney as I'd probably have far too many dogs than is good for me or them :D :D Ah ha! So you'll know Archie! Bet you're doubly glad you live in Sydney after one look at him. :) Another good thing about Chi Rescue Qld is that they take little ones in dire circumstances from places interstate where there's no other immediate help. Like dear little creatures from Alice Springs, Darwin & northern NSW. But you'll know that from their FB page. I certainly did see Archie and Danny threatened to leave home if I headed north :laugh:
  4. Bit OT, but I'm so glad you support this group (among others). They not only take in Chi's & Chi crosses of all ages, including the elderly, but also what they call Honorary Chihuahuas. They presently have the cutest, tiniest elderly bloke who makes a milk carton look big. Name, Archie, who's some kind of Yorkie X. Recently they had a Sheltie, They have vet nurses in their management, so dogs rescued in awful condition are nursed back to health amazingly. I do a happy dance if a Tibbie gets into their hands. I follow them on FB, Mita, where I have often stated that it is a very good thing I live in Sydney as I'd probably have far too many dogs than is good for me or them :D :D
  5. On a regular basis, I donate to: Taronga Park WSPA IFAW SAHA Ad hoc payments for specific cases to others including: Chihuahua Rescue Queensland Rainyday Rescue Charities mentioned in my will: Some of the above Brightside Farm Rescue Gunyah Farm Rescue
  6. If that is an airhead, can I be an airhead please?
  7. Heaps of people help, all the time. I run an animal welfare charity keeping pets out of the pound (often paying pound fees where pounds won't reduce) while also working full time, so I think I'm doing my bit. I am aware that there are heaps of people who do help I am talking about the people who don't help but whinge all the time. I was doing a bit of a clean out of papers the other day and came across some “letters to the editor” I’d had published. One was responding to a woman bleating along the lines of: ain’t it awful! Someone should do something. I wrote a somewhat blistering attack on her “someone should do something” suggesting she be that someone. I often wonder whether she read it and got off her butt. I may be wrong, but I think Renbury was one of the first pounds with a website featuring the animals and giving advice on a multitude of things including what to do if a pet was lost/found/etc.
  8. An organisation that was sorely needed starts up doing the hard yards that no one else thought of let alone was prepared to do, becomes phenomenally successful ...... oh no! They must be doing something underhand and suspicious. Let’s bag them.
  9. Yes, the tiny girl looks premmie to me, she still does, but she's going along perfectly normally, eating well, playing, and is often the first to do things. She's the first to come into the kitchen and meet the other dogs, the first to take a step outside, she's a plucky little thing. She was just hiding away, growing small but strong waiting for day to pop out and shine :thumbsup:
  10. Thanks, Mita. Nothing beats having happy settled dogs in residence when bringing in a newcomer.
  11. Poor you. I can empathise with you and your dog. I have to constantly tell children not to try to pat Tamar because she is so timid. Naturally, because is very cute and still looks like a puppy, they all want to pat her. If they persist in try to pat her, naturally I walk away.
  12. All those photos ..... just beautiful K. LOL, I remember when you asked for help about this. A good solution to rip it up. Polished concrete is very IN :laugh:
  13. When I was a volunteer at a pound, there was so much “afraid of men” that I figured there could not be so many men abusing/frightening dogs. Totally a thought of mine with nothing to back it up, I just wondered whether it was simply dogs were seeing [smelling] a male who was much larger [taller] than they and they were simply instinctively on the alert. I’ve quoted and numbered the points in your post, juice, that apply to my experience. 1. This leads to so many crap diagnoses by so called experts: dominance, alpha, leader of the pack etc etc etc. Push a button and out comes something, anything to justify what a dog is doing. As you say, juice, we don’t know. What we need to know is that dogs are instinctual beings who come with thousands of years of conditioning. 2. Exactly. This can apply to virtually anything a dog does. It is very hard though when you have one of those fearful dogs. I have had Tamar for nearly 12 years. She was about six months old in the pound, a terrified, shitting and weeing wreck. She is still a timid and fearful dog and still goes to the floor sometimes when I walk towards her which breaks my heart. If she ended up in rescue, people would think she’d been abused. 3. I have had so many oldies, I’ve lost track. They all fitted in immediately. If you want to adopt and older dog, Sars, go for it, but don’t over analyse. :) :)
  14. Just saw this posted on FB. How odd ???? http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/mans-best-friend-rescued-by-kindness-homeless-peter-reunited-with-his-beloved-dog/news-story/1769517e431d1003e6170d07ebbd1857
  15. I agree. A thread to warm the saddest heart. :thumbsup:
  16. Exploration mode will set in very quickly, I imagine. Gorgeous confident little creatures.
  17. Well, he does have a Secret and a Mystery. Enough to confuse anyone.
  18. Thanks DDD! Have applied to join. Sounds like a great resource - I often have spare dog clothes, leads etc Oh good on you. The woman who started it lives at Dural which isn’t far from me and I often just drop in bits and pieces - particularly bedding. I’ll see all the parcelled goodies going far and wide on the porch waiting for pickup and delivery. Huge job!!
  19. If people are diligent, like Juice, it can obviously work. But how many people would do that, I wonder? Personally, I would (and have) go down the track of pavers to make a pathway and plant native grasses. At SASH in North Ryde (Small Animal Specialist Hospital), a place I have visited many times over the years, they have laid artificial turf. Now obviously it gets a helluva lot more use than the normal home, but OMG, the stench . Frankly, I have to steel myself and cover my nose just to walk the few metres past it. How the staff can go out there, toilet the dogs, and then walk back into the hospital without walking through disinfectant, is beyond belief really. There is a hose there, but with the amount of use the area get, any hosing is virtually useless.
  20. Get in touch with this group. They have drop off points around town or you could perhaps deliver it to them. https://www.facebook.com/groups/RescueResourceNSW/
  21. That last photo is very precious. She will very soon become your Pei’s guide and much loved companion.
  22. OMG, Kirislin! That pic third from the end. Heart melts.........
  23. What a wonderful record of a dog's life. Couldn't get any better. What a magic day it was when Benny became part of your home, Brandiandwe. :birthday:
  24. Crikey! There are some pretty good photographes on DOL and you are def up there with the best. These are brilliant. The colour in the first one was striking. But they all are.
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