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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. On no!!! Criminal. :laugh: :laugh: Hard to tell from photos. What does she weigh? That colour speckling makes me think of Pointer.
  2. This is the problem (as I see it anyway :) ) with statistics. Fine until YOU are the 1 in 100,000. Going OT, naturally :D , if something is used for the greater good when it badly affects someone or something, then it behoves society to recognise that and provide for those affected. I’m off to the dictionary for ototoxic.
  3. Thank you ladies. It is hard to believe he is gone. I was just sitting here at the computer thinking how soft his fur was. Because it was a bit spiky looking, you’d have thought it would be a bit rough, but it was so very soft. I loved cuddling him.
  4. Goodbye you special little Macster Being with Penny and Daisy will make you young and whole again racing around over The Bridge.
  5. More tears from me, Boronia. I can’t imagine how many you have shed .... and you still think of others. Bless you my dear and all your Westie Besties.
  6. How wonderful, Loba. Your update moved me to tears. I came across TTouch some years ago and found it quite extraordinary. I really must get back to using it on one of my littlies who is very timid. Good luck for continued improvement. :thumbsup:
  7. :shrug: Me too and sorry to see them deleted as they were helpful and insightful.
  8. Know the feeling Yep, been there got the t-shirt too. Very disappointed to see you join in this silliness, Little Gifts.
  9. What about a t-shirt for yourself saying “Rescue a Pound Pet” or “Rehome a Rescue” or something that appeals to you.
  10. I hope you get only three applications for adoptions so doggies can spend the rest of their lives playing with siblings. :D :D
  11. Oh Boronia, they were such amazing little dogs, full of personality and joy of living ...... best of all, living with you. (Such a tragic story behind Daisy's and Mac's adoption :cry: , but wonderful that you were there.) Your loss is enormous and such a shock. May you and Mac have extra cuddles and time to grieve. Deepest and sincerest condolences - quite overwhelmed :cry: :flower:
  12. Thank you, Isabel964. When he does, I hope he knows how much I loved him :cry: Thank you Tara and Sam. I miss him so much.
  13. And isn’t it absolutely wonderful when that happens? :thumbsup: :heart:
  14. Thanks, Animallover99. I hope he is running free. He was amazingly stoic, right to the end.
  15. Thank you all for your kind words - you have all been through the loss and pain - it means a lot to know that you understand truly and deeply the loss we feel.
  16. Hmmm. I sense dangerous waters, Valbitz. Sprocket and Billy look like a match made in heaven :D :D
  17. This is how Danny got his name. He was in the pound where I was a volunteer walker. All the other dogs had been walked, I had tidied up so took him out for a walk on his own. As I walked along, I started singing.
  18. Thank you for your thoughts everyone. Danny crossed The Bridge just before 3pm today snuggled on my couch with me and with a vet who (along with another of his team) has managed him through the past two years with love and care. The past two years have been very hard at times, but Danny constantly amazed and delighted us with his courage and determination to get the most out of every day, even if some of the “most” was just snoozing the day away recuperating. He became very sick last week, constantly throwing up several times a day and on one terrible day, projectile vomiting every time he drank. The vet actually came on Friday evening, but Danny had started his little rally and the vet found a bright and alert little man chowing down on rice cream. Saturday was a glorious day here in Sydney and Danny decided to enjoy it. Such a turn around: eating, pottering around downstairs, demanding food several times through the day, which I was more than happy to provide, but in small doses considering previous few days. I was happily posting in other threads about how I gave him his meds and imagining myself phoning the vet of Monday telling him about how well Danny was going. He was not too bad on Sunday morning, but the downturn started late in the afternoon when he started vomiting again. The amount he vomited up was really awful and obviously was everything he’d eaten the day before; so the poor little fellow had not been able to swallow much of what he’d eaten. He was so sick and I knew that Saturday’s rally was one last little bright shining moment. Danny came into my life in February 2002, such a long time - 14 and a half years. Those years have seen many many changes in my life and through it all Danny has been the constant. So many people he met wanted him !! I’m feeling pretty stunned at the moment, contemplating life without Danny. I have three littlies still needing my love and care (Tamar, Jeune and Bunter) and they will certainly get that, but I think I will miss Danny forever.
  19. Danny’s journey is nearly over and we are helping him over The Bridge this afternoon. He has been very sick for the past several days, but with an amazing rally on Saturday - it was a glorious day here in Sydney and we made the most of it, albeit in a very quiet way. I really thought this rally might continue, but he went downhill very suddenly last evening being violently ill, coughing a lot, so I knew he was exhausted and it was time to let him go. I have loved him so much and he has been my little shadow for most of the years has lived with me.
  20. Yes, to breaking open the capsules. Google "bone broth" and consider making up some of that. I am never without that either.
  21. OMG, Kirislin. Two things: beautiful beautiful creatures. and YOU are such an amazing photographer. :
  22. I tried critical care food quite a while ago. Not even my well dogs were interested. Please try the Nutrigel, Isabel.
  23. I must think of Mac more than you do then :D :D Every time I see the guy who must live somewhere in my neighbourhood walking his two. What is it about Westies that always make me want to smile, even laugh? Hugs to you and yours.
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