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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Totally OT, Westiemum, but I thought Adelaide was totally without power?
  2. It is something that has never crossed my mind before, but I've recently seen ads on television stating that if someone has been on a course of anti-biotics, they may need some probiotics to even thing up. Not that I am a slave to ads - quite the opposite :laugh: but found it interesting.
  3. What an extraordinary place. And just great to see photos of your beautiful girl having such a wonderful time.
  4. Gorgeous little fellow. Any relation to Fern?
  5. Beautiful photos of beautiful doggies. Go Tag :provoke:
  6. Thanks for bringing up my thread, PK. I am now crushing up a tablet for Tamar in Nutrigel. Previously her med was Propalin which was via a syringe, but we changed that to Incurin which is a tiny tablet that I now crush up in Nutrigel and wipe into her mouth. Good luck, Brookstar.
  7. He is, but he is covered, literally covered with bites. Horrific. And his wife!! The poor woman just started crying the moment she opened her mouth. Such trauma --- they will suffer to some degree or other for a long long long time. I’ve told this story before, but it happened again today. A woman who lives up the road from me has has her dogs attacked on several occasions. She is terrified now of large dogs. We were talking today at my front fence having met on the footpath walking our dogs. Because of past experience, the moment she said something about “I’m watching that big dog,” I ushered her into my yard and down to my side gate. People who comment about how angry they get because the breed of dog is mentioned or some such thing, need to think of the victims.
  8. Well if that is “terrible sensationalised reporting”, I’m an extra terrestrial. It was restrained, calm and factual. I’d like to see how you’d be reacting if that was your body. That man must have been in agony and probably still is from some of those bites. What did you want? The tradie saying, yep, all my fault, I should not have been standing there talking to the owner, and yep stupid sensational wife for crying. Get real. :mad
  9. Fingers crossed that this does the trick. Cortisone is magic, despite some minimal side affects. How about a photo? :thumbsup:
  10. I hope you can get to the bottom of this distressing behaviour; you obviously love this little one very much. I would encourage a second opinion as even vets who we would just about put on a pedestal can sometime miss something. :) LOL at how he takes his food out the bowl and goes to eat it elsewhere ---- one of mine does this and I’ve had dogs in the past who have done this, particularly with treats.
  11. Why? The police needed help to find the dogs and the owner. “Mixed breed” could cover every size, colour, breed from the size of the Chihuahua up to the size of a Great Dane and the dogs were seen for more than a couple of seconds by several people.
  12. Wow to that brother. Poor little girl will probably be traumatised forever. I hope the Council prosecutes up to the hilt. That woman deserves prison: assault, not rendering assistance, leaving the scene .... any number of things.
  13. Vale Fleming. Deepest sympathies for your loss, MadWoofter. :heart:
  14. So sad to read this, MadWoofter. I don’t have any additional advice to that given, but you and Fleming are in my thoughts. Danny’s deterioration was fairly rapid, but over a few months, not weeks. He was 17 and a half and also had a variety of conditions all being managed very well until the last week. Hopefully you will have Fleming with you for a little while yet.
  15. Ha ha - that is priceless. Gave me a good laugh. :laugh:
  16. I had to google because memory was letting me down. I always thought that the wife of ex Pres Gorbachev of Russia had a very pretty name and they did seem to be very attached and fond of each other ...... Raisa.
  17. :( How the hell am I going to get that out of my head now. One of my all time favourites. :laugh: :laugh:
  18. Gosh - my heart is about to explode. Dogs are such exquisite creatures.
  19. Haha its enjoyable researching but also scary. :) We have only ever owned 2 breeds - Rottweilers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers - both lovely breeds that we will always have soft spots for. Its really hard trying to settle on a new breed ...one we do the right thing by and can fit to our current lifestyle. Not too big, not too small. One we can do some obedience and endurance with, maybe some showing, take away on holidays, something the public isn't generally wary. Also one that has an easy care coat or one that we can learn to properly clip Scroll through PetRescue and you will find a squillion to fit your requirements :) :) :)
  20. So beautiful. Always in our hearts.
  21. Oh my, Boronia. She is sooooo gorgeous. I am sure she will get to work, as K demands, and bring love and laughter back into your life. Already she sounds a great personality and a worthy follower of very large pawprints. Well done for both of you. :love:
  22. I am sorry to hear that, JayGee. Danny was a cross breed, but obviously part Finnish Spitz. His body coat colour was still a glorious red, albeit shot through with grey. Have you posted a photo of Benny?
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