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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. OMG, Canetoad!! It looks like heaven. How will you ever leave?
  2. What a wonderful place. You must be loving all this, Gruf and Canetoad.
  3. Oh dear ... too funny. So glad my dogs are normal. I have doubt it for such a longtime :laugh: :laugh:
  4. A year?? Feels like yesterday
  5. Jeune and Tamar have always been contrary eaters - just the way they are, because I don’t spoil them, meaning that if they don’t eat a meal, I don’t try to find something they’ll eat. Obviously if I realise they don’t like something, I don’t give it to them. However, this beats it all and it isn’t a one off - it happens regularly. It goes like this. They are given exactly the same food, they are fed on the deck and Bunter is fed inside and locked inside until Jeune and Tamar have finished (or not ) Tamar generally takes a while to get going, running downstairs, playing around, etc etc and eventually coming up and starting her meal. (There was a time she would not eat at all unless Jeune started eating.) Jeune prowls around staring at her food bowl with the greatest suspicion, tail down, occasionally going up to Tamar’s and sniffing that. Often, Tamar will have finished and Jeune won’t even have started. So sometime ago, I hit on an idea and it is something I do quite often now. I empty Jeune’s food into Tamar’s bowl and, hey presto, Jeune eats it. I generally leave a little bit in Jeune’s bowl and she will eat that, too, when she has finished the other portion. :eek:
  6. You and Didi have such a special bond. Beautiful to see her living the life in such a dog-perfect spot. Well done.
  7. So many beautiful loved ones crossing The Bridge. :cry: Deepest condolences, Perry’s Mum.
  8. Wonderful photographs, Grizabella. That little green blanket made me recall a show I saw about Chimps were one of the males used to have a blanket with him all the time and regularly just pulled it over himself, head as well. He would walk around with it covering him and also use it as a blanket when he slept. Can anyone tell me where that was?
  9. Safe and fun trip, boys and girl. :thumbsup: :driving:
  10. What a gorgeous boy. Deepest sympathies, Flashsmum. Harry.
  11. Still early and so many things happen each day to remind us that they are gone forever. I was looking at some videos of the dogs (and especially Danny) a couple of days ago and thought how lucky we are to live in an era when we don’t have to rely on our imperfect memories to see our beautiful ones again.
  12. Ha ha ha - gorgeous, but foot isn’t in sync. :laugh: :laugh:
  13. I live in a quiet suburban area which is popular for walking just as exercise and walking the dogs. There are a few intractables who believe they are above the laws, one even to the extent he thinks it is fine for his dog to jump my (very low) fence snd run around my yard. I really don't think that low socio economics has a lot to do with it: some people are just ego centric no matter how many dollars are in their wallets. As for the owner not assisting? I think the above applies again. Some people are incapable of processing the point that their rights bring as many if not more responsibilities. All that said, a horrible and sad situation.
  14. Such a huge loss Maddy. Deepest sympathies and condolences.
  15. If I were 20 years younger . . . . . . make that 30 :( Many years ago when I was looking for a new dog groomer, I was referred to a woman who worked from home. I entered via the driveway as her grooming area was in her garage and behind a fence in her yard was the cutest little Mini. I exclaimed with pleasure saying how beautiful she was, etc etc etc. The woman looked at me as though I were an alien, asked me if I meant it - which I certainly did. She said no one had ever said that about the little dog and most people thought she was ugly. It made me sad.
  16. Oh yes. They were all gorgeous, but I do have a thing for little Bullies.
  17. In the second one, Secret is channeling her inner Meercat. (Or Meerman :rofl: )
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/gallery/2016/nov/01/zen-dogs-relaxed-pooches-captured-in-spontaneous-canine-bliss-in-pictures I am off to dognap Gracie.
  19. Nope, not a Kelpie thing LOL. One of my fosters from some years ago used to love getting onto the deck table. I have a photo somewhere. And yes again to all the stories and photographs
  20. WTF!! Why on earth do you feel that you have to leave because your dog isn’t a pure bred? :cry: I hope it is just a simple misunderstanding because if that was the criteria for being on the forum, it would have a much much smaller membership. I have been a member of DOL since February 1993 and while I think a couple of the dogs who have graced my home might have been pure bred, most of them have been mixed and all (bar one) have been from pounds or other rescue groups. I forbid you to leave :laugh: :laugh: because we have to see pix of the dog who will be joining your family.
  21. What an amazing set of pictures, gapvic. I wish Guiseppe would wear a hat or a beret - his head seems so exposed.
  22. That is a crack up. Those ears :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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