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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. That little girl has probably been taught to respect dogs in general. We can be pretty sure from that video that the parents know their dog and their child. You have to know how to tread the line between teaching respect and teaching fear. Teaching fear is just about the worst thing you can do to a child. Human beings do terrible terrible things to children (many of these human beings are in their own family). Do we teach our children to be frightened of all human beings?
  2. Well said, Woof. I haven’t read all the posts, but I do feel that some people make their dogs do it tough simply because they can’t make the decision, it is just too hard and frightening for them. Sometimes it can be very hard to recognise/understand that the time has come. And, of course, some times, it is very very clear. Even in the latter cases, it can be hard and just so gut wrenching. For sure you are letting your pet go and you are ending their suffering, but you are also “killing” them, that there is no turning back. That is so scary. For people who have not been through this, it can be an enormous and difficult decision to make. And even when you’ve been through it many times, as I have, it is still difficult even when you know it is absolutely and 100% the right thing to do. Having the power of life or death does not rest lightly on some shoulders.
  3. Well, I finally decided to watch it. I honestly think people can be a bit precious. Of course we have to teach children to have respect and care for animals generally and the pets in their lives in particular. However, the dog was singularly unconcerned. It might have indicated a couple of times, “Jeez what I go through for this little one,” but I don’t think it exhibited anything more than that. If it was a human, it would have shrugged its shoulders and continued reading his book. As for the little girl not being smart. I thought she was very smart and she tried a couple of times to drag the paint box over and eventually succeeded. The dog was not being “used” or “abused” (rolly eyes ) , the little girl was enjoying herself immensely and showing imagination and lateral thinking.
  4. LOL. Knowing my luck with Tamar, I’d get that and she would refuse it. I’ll try the coffee grinder, but will keep this in mind. Thank you.
  5. That is how I squished Amber's kibble when I wanted to make it into a powder. It is errr good therapy too! I'm sure it would be :) LOL. I am not one for bashing things when I need therapy. I’m more go out and water the lawn
  6. Thank goodness I am not alone . I do have a blender, but the food gets caught all around the blades. I thought a coffee blender (I’ve never used one) would be an easier solution. Oh thanks, Starkehre. Any left overs get put back into the container and so they do become mushy; she just seems to prefer it ground up and sprinkled over the mince. What we do for them.
  7. Yes, you read it correctly Tamar likes the kibble I buy (Delicate Care recommended when I was desperate to find something Danny liked). I fact they all like it, having tried so many different brands. However Tamar (like so many of her breed) no longer has a tooth in her much loved little head and I have been grinding up the kibble and dried chicken pices to sprinkle on the usual raw beef in a pestle and mortar. It takes me ages and I regularly just have a bowl of it grinding away while watching television or reading. It occurred to me that a coffee grinder might be easier and obviously that brings me to the Brains Trust to ask if anyone else has done this and if anyone has recommendations for what brand to buy. TIA.
  8. Oh lordy. Zelda is so lovely. Does “Clown Dog” suit her, Juice. Sure looks it. :laugh: :laugh:
  9. Send a PM to DOLer called Jed. She will have a huge wealth of information.
  10. I take all my photos in landscape and have no issues with uploading I have a vague feeling that I might have pressed the “square” option for those pix of the succulents. I wonder if that had something to do with it.
  11. Yes, but the breeder wasn’t the poster. I felt sorry for the poster. The poster had two other threads which indicated her commitment to being a good puppy owner. As for reacting with heart first ...... we ARE talking about living breathing creatures we are planning to adopt. If the heart isn’t engaged, I can’t see how a loving relationship would develop. Anyway, it would be interesting to know what the outcome was. :)
  12. I’m not really surprised the poster didn’t come back. Some of the “advice” was akin to being hit over the head with a blunt instrument :( The poster was obviously a committed owner despite where the dog might have been coming from and, from how I read it, she would have done everything to assure this puppy had a good upbringing to ameliorate its separation from its mother and siblings at such an early age. And the puppy did have a good first six weeks, which would have helped. Sad really.
  13. Not on my computer. :mad I have discovered (slow learner :o ) that when I email the photographs to myself, I can transport them to photos. From there to photobucket which takes an eternity.
  14. Thanks Roova. No, took them upright and in the email and on Downloada they are the right way up. I have an iPhone. Just point and click. And if there is a way to change the orientation in Downloads, I haven't been able to,work it out
  15. I do the same with Flikr - send photos from my phone to my flickr account them grab the link (they give you a bbs option to post here) and put photos up that way :) I’ve been using Photobucket for years, but it is so slow . However because of Avanti’s suggestion, I emailed a couple of photographs from my phone to myself and then saved them in downloads and then did a test in the Test Forum. It worked except the photos appear sideways :laugh: :laugh: Any suggestions? http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/268210-testing-photo/
  16. SM, I had a little lump removed from my leg some months ago. Turned out it was “questionable” and I was given a chemotherapy cream to apply for a few weeks and then another visit to the skin specialist in a couple of months time. He said to me that to have it cut out would cause more problems than were worth it because of where it was. Might be the same for this little dog. Not much room for any sort of excision clearance in dogs’ legs. Still worth seeing a specialist though, I would have thought.
  17. I’d be getting an appointment at Animal Referral Hospital Homebush. I can’t think of anything much worse than not having confidence in your vet. Congestive heart failure or heart murmur --- is there a difference? I don’t know. I remember a long time ago a vet telling me that most animals who live long enough (and must humans) will have some sort of murmur to some degree. Hope your rellie can get good and sensible advice and management program.
  18. Read the NYE thread ..... someone wants "calm" to be her word of 2017. :) :)
  19. Just spoken to mine and they say: Nup, just goin’ ta sleep more. :D :D
  20. Shades of gray, OSoswift :) Plenty of people in between the naysayers and the believers.
  21. I'm sure millions of people the world over have read "Dogs Never Lie About Love" and totally get it too :) Everyone has read millions of stories about the extra sensory perceptions of many different animals, not only dogs. Look at salmon and turtles for instance and how they will die trying to get back to their spawning/nesting places. Many and varied are the things that science can't explain and they (mostly) will be the first to admit it.
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