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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Well, this afternoon is going to be very tough. After six months, dozens of applications, a few meet and greets, one trial (which lasted a couple of hours), Stevie is going to his new home. He has been such a lovely companion and I am going to miss him so much, but he needs so much more playing with and walking than I can give him. The mind is willing, but the body isn’t . He is going to live with a family of three (mum home most of the day, dad and 10 year old daughter). They have another rescue mini FT who is lively, alert and good natured with lots of spark. I think he will be very happy, but I am going to need my tissues.
  2. The title is unfortunate as a lot had occurred before she became pregnant. I think I would have liked an autopsy to see if there was brain damage/tumour/something that could provide a medical reason. A sad, sad story.
  3. What a beautiful boy he was and will remain so forever in your heart. Deepest sympathies, poocow. Darcy.
  4. Walking all the dogs today and apologising to Stevie - my youngster foster - for going so slowly. What can you do, though? Tamar - just a puppy at fourteen Orla - permanent foster about to turn 16 Bunter - fatso waddler 15,16, 17 ???? Jeune - my old matriarch of 17 @dogbesotted "and that first time when you know that at last they know that they are home with their people.” Magic. I’ve seen it lately with Orla as she comes “hurtling” down the pathway looking for me and skids to a halt when she sees me . (Or maybe she wants a feed .)
  5. I’m glad you will be able to visit and you have done further follow-ups which have put your mind at risk. I don’t think you are paranoid at all; you are bringing into your family a little life who will be with you for approximately 15 years. Good luck and we all look forward to updates when pup arrives.
  6. A scary topic !!! I haven’t seen a snake since I was a child in the vast metropolis of Thangool (tiny little town in Queensland). The neighbour adjoining the back of my yard told me he’d found a black snake swimming in his pool one day, but that was a few years ago now. He was telling people in the neighbourhood he knew had dogs so we could take extra care. I have seen some suspicious holes in the ground; I don’t think they are from snakes, though.
  7. . My little foster boy, Stevie, isn’t safe with anything with a squeaker. Hopefully, Dino won’t be as destructive of them as Stevie is. I am spending a fortune keeping him in squeaks. Let us know how the meeting goes.
  8. Not safe with birds, then?? Lovely news. Here’s to a lovely life for both of them for many many years.
  9. We love them, then lose them. Then they give us the right to bring another love into our hearts. Farewell Honey Girl and Welcome Lola.
  10. 11 years 11 glorious years. I am sure so many DOLers have loved all your stories as much as I have. Deepest condolences. You all shared so much love, Bubby will be sorely missed.
  11. It is a bit of a long shot, SoG, but Brightside Farm Sanctuary in Tasmania always has about a dozen greyhounds for adoption. https://www.google.com.au/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=brightside+farm+sanctuary&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=ltbWWbnTDJHp8wffxYP4Dg
  12. No!!! HE did not pee on you. You must be thinking of another dog. LOL. I keep all my photos, but the reason I took that was it was very unusual for Tirra to go to other people. You have the knack, obviously, and should use that as a testimonial for getting a dog.
  13. That is both very sad and totally unacceptable, SofG. When you consider there are so many dogs languishing in kennels (that are called rescue - a complete disgrace ) and probably any number of them would have been 100% suitable for the situation you described. I find it hard to understand why people do it. Do you remember this evening? Such a long time ago. My darling Tirra has been gone for 9 years 2008 Tirra and SoG by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr
  14. Yep, can grab you at any time even years later.
  15. Wow! A photograph is enough. That is scary. Good girls
  16. Well, I was hoping for sympathy and advice, but all I get are emoticons No one seems to care for Sharpie’s dilemma But i’m doing my best to steer Stella towards her little scrap of material and stuffed lion. Luckily my dogs don’t act as a pack and join in the persecution of Sharpie. We’ll battle on here and try to keep them all safe.
  17. Sharpie the Shar Pei came with Stella. Stella can be very rough with her, growling, throwing her around and then just ignoring her for a couple of days and then the rough stuff starts again. Here is poor little girl trying to escape into her crate: IMG_0532 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr
  18. Oh my goodness. That was absolutely brilliant. Your little cream dog is so agile . To my shame, I would be a total wreck LOL.
  19. I had read that but your pix really demonstrate it. And, yes to smiles and senses of humour
  20. WOW!! So beautiful, Yonjuro. The difference in their sizes is really marked, isn’t it. Ronin looks his usual exuberant self, with Willow a little bit more laid back.
  21. I know. Up and down, turn around, lie down, twist to get better access, etc.
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