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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I phoned his rescuer today to ask if she’d had an update. It turns out that the barking when out walking was actually the other little dog (also a rescue)!!!! which I was not aware of, but that they are back to walking together and all is going well. I should not have mentioned my little pack as I have well and truly jinxed myself. Tamar has started weeing in the house . As she is one of those strange little dogs who stand on their front legs and pee while teetering around, she lives anything from a metre to two metres of a trail of wee. She’d done this a couple of times when Orla was here and I thought it would stop because she’d done it only once or twice. It did stop after Orla was gone, but in the past couple of days has started again and today she has pee’d four times in the house. Obviously a trip to the vet is in the diary, but I sincerely hope it is something easily controlled.
  2. He started to show issues that in the six months he was with me were never in evidence. His new family called in a trainer and they are working on these and the last I heard was that things were improving. One that is such a shock to me is that he shows aggression towards male tradies. During Stevie’s time with me, I had several tradies and a regular guy who helps with mowing and heavier gardening work. I have a video of Stevie jumping all over this guy in joyful acceptance and recall him just loving everyone who visited. Stevie loved everyone and, frankly, I used to get jealous (not really LOL) when we were out walking because Stevie would love and accept attention from people (men, women and children) we met and/or stopped to talk with. The other issue that has emerged is barking at other dogs while out walking. I haven’t had an update for a while, but will try to get one, because I loved that little guy and want only what makes him happy. His new family wants that too, so I am sure progress has been made. Jeune, Tamar and Bunter seem to be relishing the fact they have me to themselves these days and as much as I would like an older little boy to play with Tamar, it is very easy just having these three: four oldies together. Tamar and Bunter used to play quite a bit, but Bunter is now 16 or 17 (if the pound assessment was correct) and spends most of the day snoozing. I did witness a first last night though --- Tamar and Bunter cleaning each others’ eyes. Tamar and Jeune do this regularly, but I have never seen B and T doing it. They then had a 10 second little play before Bunter decided he needed a snooze to get over it all .
  3. Sadly, @DogsAndTheMob, it is for real:
  4. I didn’t see this thread until today. So damned sad for owner of mother dog, mother dog and her puppies. No response from OP. I hate to think what may have happened in the weeks since this thread started.
  5. Which is hardly the dogs’ fault and this situation cannot be compared with dogs who are being walked by their owners. If you felt you couldn’t control two dogs, you are not doing yourself, the dogs or others you might meet during your walk any favours. Shelter dogs are generally kept in confined conditioners and given very little chance for enjoying themselves.
  6. Sad to say, you could not be more spot on. Extender leads should be banned. No doubt a lot of people would jump on me from a great height, but I make no apologies for saying this. I’ve seen too much of what Dogsfevr describes and also had heart in mouth when I’ve seen people incapable of using them and their dogs on the road in danger.
  7. Over the years, there have been hundreds of these sorts of photographs on social media showing many dogs being walked together in NYC. Totally different situation as these dogs being walked are, as Dogsfevr says, apartment dogs. Comparing this practice to dog walkers in Australia is akin to comparing chalk and cheese ...... sadly.
  8. LOL. I’ll bet I can pick the local. Shouldn’t LOL, actually. Quite sad.
  9. I might sound like a cracked record on this topic, but when I think back to all the years I’ve had my dogs groomed and the MONEY I’VE SPENT when all along I could have been using Dermaveen Conditioner, I could cry. BTW, I checked with my vet yesterday and she said it was fine. I commented that it was probably the same as the dog conditioner Aloveen and she agreed. Anyway, a week after I used this on Bunter and Tamar, their coats are still so soft and manageable and look so much better for it; still so easy to brush and they feel gorgeous.
  10. 3.5 hours is too long for a little dog who is drinking more water than usual to hold on. I doubt you have gone 10 steps backwards, but you will need to have a re-think about how long you leave him in his crate.
  11. She is already part of a match made in heaven, I thinnk, Persephone Is that the Murray River ?
  12. Well done. He is a lucky boy, but then they all should be As for your last para, there are some pretty experienced trainers and dog owners here, so hopefully they will come onto this thread to help you. Perhaps add something to the title so people will know you are looking for some help. Walking a dog like your little guy can be very challenging and one of things to remember is that “one size does not fit all” and, with help from a professional, you will work out what fits him and you.
  13. These sorts of meds generally require trial and error. Definitely a case for having an understanding, interested and sympathetic vet.
  14. And a lot of that will depend on you and how he is trained, treated and integrated into the family.
  15. As Dogsfevr says. You have a dog who is a puppy still who has never been given any proper training, boundaries and probably chastised every time he wanted to play with the 7 year old, chastised from both the owner and the other dog. As for not letting the kids a look in, are you home throughout the day? If so, you are it as Dogsfevr says and probably one of the things you need to do as well is to get the kids more involved with his care and play when they come home from school (I am assuming their ages here ). He is probably terrified that if he lets you out of his sight, he will have another enormous change in his little life. Poor little fellow - he hasn’t had a happy start and it is good that you are here looking for ways to help him and help yourself. As for not having papers, he does need to be microchipped and registered with the Council. Good luck.
  16. Poor boy. Lucky he has a devoted human. My dog, Bunter (a fraction of the size of your boy) went on Prednisolone recently and I was giving this to him in the middle of the day as he was having other meds in the morning. One morning, I went to pick him up to carry him downstairs only to find he was lying in a puddle of urine. When I talked to the vet he said to give him the Pred first thing in the morning and we have not had another episode. I note your boy is on it twice a day, but maybe changing the time of this med might help a bit. Good luck with the adult diapers - there are also belly bands you could try. Drinking excess water can become a habit, so I will be interested to hear what your vet has to say.
  17. Glad the stinkies have stopped, @Boronia. Have you looked into Vets All Natural? Bunter put on quite a lot of weight when he first arrived and I had him on the VAN diet for a long time and he managed to lose weight. Unfortunately, he went off it and on the weight piled again. He really needs to lose weight, but luckily seems to have put himself on a diet and I am reinforcing that by giving him only small meals with a mixture of meat and pureed vegetables. Trip to the vet tomorrow to hop on the scales.
  18. I saw the other thread. Poor puppies on bare cement. However, different country, different attitudes. In the other thread the parent dogs seemed happy and healthy.
  19. What is this all about? Is this a rescue or someone posting about their own dog??
  20. Sadly since starting this thread, precious Orla has crossed The ‘Bridge, but I though I’d give an update for those who might be interested in my experience. Recently, two of my other dogs really needed a bath and, in the interests of economy, I realised I simply had to do them myself instead of taking them to the groomer. So again, I used the Dermaveen conditioner. This time I was more relaxed about it and used it a bit more freely. Oh my goodness!! What a difference it made. One of the reasons I go to the groomer is that Tamar (Maltese x Shih Tzu) and Bunter (Pom x Corgi) have hair that knots so easily and also takes ages to dry. After using the conditioner, their coats were so easy to comb out and, consequently, they dried off very easily as well. Now, several days later, their coats are still so soft and manageable. Looks like I will be saving some money from now on.
  21. I use a face washer. When bathing them I close their ears to prevent, as much as possible, water getting into their ears. I regularly clean around their eyes with cotton wool balls dampened with warm water.
  22. I have had a couple of dogs who would scoop up a large mouthful of food, drop it on the floor and eat it from there. They all have their own little ways and we will never know why LOL LOL. Long before phone cameras, sadly, I remember fully one episode. I’d given my dogs a treat and one of them was running around with it in her mouth, backwards and forwards, around the kitchen, into the lounge. My brain clicked, I threw a little hand towel on the floor, and that was what she wanted - a little mat to lie on while she ate her treat You are in for so much fun and laughter with your little girl.
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