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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I wonder what they were paid to have the stuff dumped there? it is big business getting rid of waste. 4Corners did a program on this last year and companies buy properties specifically for illegal dumping.
  2. I had to go out to stock up on dog food and because it is a lot cooler and overcast, I took the Fab Four (LOL - couldn’t help it) with me. They were all so good with Bunter and Jeune on the back seat and Tamar and Mezza on the pax front seat. He is such a laid back little fellow, I feel so lucky. Anyway, despite the fact that there are soft beds everywhere, he has found his spot: against the wall behind the dining table and chairs. Sleeps there at night too. Very strange. Here he is from bright eyed and bushy tailed to nodding off: IMG_0670 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr IMG_0675 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr IMG_0676 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr
  3. I thought of Mezzo, but it isn’t as easy to say as Mezza LOL. And is not the Italian pronunciation MET ZO ? Mezza is same as Bazza, Tezza, etc etc
  4. That sure is happening . The meds she is on to slow the growth of the tumour also makes dogs feel better. (I checked with the vet when I took Mezza yesterday.) She is eating well (for her that is ), she sleeps the night through on my bed, spends a lot of the day on the couch, enjoys our very slow ambles, goes up and down the stairs without difficulty, happily potters around outside when she goes down to toilet, so I think you could say her quality of life is enviable for a dog of her years LOL.
  5. Exactly. My friend in Melbourne has now applied for several dogs (most of them pairs which would not be easy to rehome) and despite following up applications with emails and sometimes phones calls, she has received one response. When an application is made via Petrescue there is an option to report to Petrescue if nothing heard from a rescue group within seven days (or is it five??? - can’t remember, I’ll have to go back to look). My friend has done that and hasn’t even had a reply from Petrescue. The way the applications are set up, the rescue group has only to click on the email address to send a response. Yes, my friend knows they are all volunteers but some of her applications and f/up emails are over three weeks old.
  6. Life can sometimes be so cruel. Little Claudia had the odds stacked against her healthwise, but she had everything going for her when you became her mum, RMS. Deepest sympathies, to you all; our thoughts will be with you and Claudia.
  7. What has your vet prescribed? I’ve never heard of this, but did look up Wikipedia. Has your vet given your dog antihistamines. Nothing worse than seeing our poor animals scratch themselves. I hope you can find some solutions.
  8. Thank you @DogsAndTheMob. Jeune has always been a quiet, self-contained little dog and so extremely hard to read in terms of how she is feeling. I tend to go along with what you have said and since the tumour was found, she has seen the vet on three occasions so she is being carefully monitored by them and by me. I have had only little breeds and most of them have lived into old age despite all of them coming from pounds and already quite compromised healthwise.
  9. It really warms my heart to see people enjoying the story of this little fellow. Many of the old timers probably know that Shmoo’s IRL name is Merryn and when she told me they would release him to me (via Golden Oldies Rescue) I joked and said I was going to call him Mezza. She was horrified LOL. However, try I as might it seems to have stuck and so here is little Mezza enjoying a well earned kip last night after a very very big day for a tiny guy. IMG_0665 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr He gave me a life altering fright last night. When I went to sleep he was happily curled up on a comfy quilt beside my bed, but when I woke several hours later he was no where to be found. I rushed around every room like a lunatic, turning on every light inside and out. Down into the back yard, heart pumping crazily, I grabbed the torch and started searching every nook and cranny. Before setting out into the streets, I checked every room again and there he was ..... underneath the bed. OMG, I nearly cried. I held him for such a long time. It seems he is a bit like Bunter who prefers to lie on the bare floor rather than bedding. And, post breakfast, he is trying to play with Bunter who won’t have a thing to do with him. Tamar is very cross with me and keeping her distance, but this is par for the course and I am sure when she realises he will play, she will be a good little sista. I forgot to say (with regard to his name) he was microchipped 15 years ago, but I was told his name wasn’t noted on the form. It occurred to me this morning that he might have been microchipped by a breeder (he is obviously all Pom) and the name was left blank for the subsequent owners. What do breeders generally do in this regard? 15 years ago, microchipping had been a legal requirement for only a few years and is still not being done by so many dog owners.
  10. LOL - thanks folks. He is now bathed and his coat is several shades lighter. Lots of work still to be done, but getting better. He looks like a Lowchen (a clip I really really really dislike) with his full Pom coat in the front and his bare little bottom. Something that can be shared with only doggy people. I had him in the laundry tub soaping him up and when I was doing his back legs and his bottom, I thought: OMG!! Lumps - he’s got lumps!! Oh no!! Not more cancer. Then I remembered . . . . . he isn’t desexed. I could hardly carry on I was laughing at myself so much. Long time since I’ve had a little dog with “lumps”.
  11. How can we expect proper justice when we have judges who say that “no” sometimes means “yes”; who declare there is no such thing as rape in marriage; who all asleep during trials; and who masturbate underneath their robes. Most of them are nasty old men who you wouldn’t want around your children. Shocking generalisation, of course, but is indicative of my anger at some of the sentences. I was absolutely sickened when I read in the paper that that filth Palmer was out of jail.
  12. When I saw how much Tamar enjoyed having the foster boys around, I thought that I might look for a little boy to adopt. Not that I or my wallet needed anymore dogs LOL. This went by the way when Orla came to live with us and I honestly thought we’d have her for a few years. Sadly, that wasn’t to be and although I miss her every day (she has presence that girl - must be a poodle thing) I once again started to look for a boy for Tamar. Although Jeune is her security blanket and her soul mate, they never played. Tamar played only with boys. To cut a long story short, a little guy popped up on a facebook page and I went into action. Had a long conversation with the lady at the pound, gave her my name and number and then asked her name. Would you believe it was DOL’s very own Shmoo !!! She remembered me of course - she has actually been to my place a couple of times - and so today I trekked out to Campbelltown and picked up my little fellow. Oh gawd. Poor little fellow. Filthy with flea dirt, knots and clumps of hair everywhere, hair loss on his rear and back legs and severe dental disease. However, he is a bright as a button and, despite his very dull and dirty coat, he is gorgeous. I have started on cleaning him up, but there is only such much a little boy can take in one sitting. So here are the before photos of [little no name - waiting for the light bulb moment], a 15 years old Pomeranian who, when he is in the afters state, will be totally beautiful. Wish me luck with the tub session LOL IMG_0663 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr IMG_0658 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr IMG_0657 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr IMG_0644 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr IMG_0639 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr
  13. I sent your response to my friend and she is still pursuing this and feels exactly as you do. She is having the same experience as many have shared on DOL ..... no responses from rescue groups to whom she is sending expressions of interest. She is well aware that rescuers are volunteers, but she isn’t getting responses from most of them.
  14. Thanks for sharing your really sad experience, LG. Really makes me angry that some specialists are like that (for both humans and animals). You would be expecting to have a little longer with your girl . Vets are people after all and cover the wide range of characters, good and bad, but we do expect them to be ethical and tell us when there is nothing to do except keep them comfortable and pain free. Luckily my vets are what we would all like in a vet (except there is one woman in the hospital to whom I would not take a dead dog - she is truly horrible) and were totally in agreement that we should only do meds and nothing invasive or even intrusive testing. I think the position of the tumour would make intervention near impossible on even a young dog. I doubt whether five minutes go buy without my checking on her. She really took exception to my starting this thread by eating yet another huge dinner last night, and leapt and circled with delight when we went downstairs for the first time this morning. And did an encore performance when the leads came out.
  15. AND ... send them a copy of the photo as well, saying you are putting your experience all over social media to try to stop someone else being dudded !!
  16. Well, I will pass on your comments to a friend of mine in Melbourne who is looking to adopt a pair and she is looking at them.
  17. Oh thanks, TSD. I’ve only ever bought syringes for feeding from them, but will look more closely at their goodies.
  18. Evidence shows that that continues to be the case. I’d like to someone kick, starve, tie up, the magistrates/judges who continue to let these creeps off and they race off down the stairs grinning like champions.
  19. http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/?utm_source=vet-n-pet+DIRECT+Subscribers&utm_campaign=36e4232e16-one-day-free-shipping-jan18&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c40ee0688e-36e4232e16-53043257&mc_cid=36e4232e16&mc_eid=9fa6f97928
  20. I was going to mention this org as well because they pop up in my emails from time to time. They have free shipping at the moment. Dreadful response from your original supplier, @westiemum. Unfortunately seems the trend.
  21. @westiemum This is the little couple. Quite a few medical issues, though. https://www.petrescue.com.au/listings/580373
  22. Oh @westiemum, you are so so so so right about the photos. I was always a hopeless photographer and have so few decent ones of my first little darlings. Even with the iPhone I have to take heaps before getting a halfway decent one. Love Sarah’s plump little rear view. Is that your home with a lake in the foreground. Green with envy. There are two little Westies in a rescue group somewhere (I’ll see if I can find) looking for a home together, but knowing your westie instincts, I am sure you know of them.
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