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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Hopefully, the rescue group will take on board your experience with Floyd and years of experience with other dogs and Shar Pei when settling on a home for him. Well done.
  2. I hope there weren’t more IN the car . I wonder if he stole them when he stole the petrol? When I read things like this, I always wonder how the human race survived this long: I guess it is because there are still enough people like the rescuers of the puppies to mitigate against the stupidity of the apprehended guy. Not for much longer though. The only reason I don’t want to die is because I want to see what the world is like in 100 years’ time
  3. And one geriatric human being I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this, persephone. Thank you for your recommendation . However, I have to be honest and clear: I have not had any first hand experience with dementia or CCD; my many many oldies have had only medical issues and then extreme old age when bodies start to fail big time. I think I and the dogs who have been part of my life have been lucky in this respect. I know from my readings here and on other platforms that looking after mentally challenged dogs can be very difficult and it can be extremely difficult to ascertain whether the dogs are suffering or not. That said, I do have the occasional experience of seeing a dog/s just standing and staring into the distance, or just sitting there looking into space. But then, I do that too . One of the worst experiences I had was several years ago when I looked after a little dog for another DOLer. I had been advised of this little dog’s problems, but it was clear to me after just a few hours of this poor little dog being here that she was brain damaged and suffering. It was heart breaking and terrifying. But that isn’t what this thread is about.
  4. There are quite a few rescues in Victoria. To find out some of them, perhaps go onto the PetRescue website and look at the Rescue groups. One I can think of off the top of my head is Rescued with Love.
  5. I am really surprised at this. Surely it is something that should have been brought up at the consult? Tamar occasionally does this. She stands on the back steps and, because of the lie of the land, this is quite high and overlooks neighbours on all sides. I am sure she is talking to the neighbourhood and letting them know she is there. Despite being 14, she doesn’t do it obsessively and I am sure she is just enjoying herself. (BTW - I don’t let it go on for long because I AM aware, very aware, of the rights of my neighbours.) This is not what is happening with your fellow, though cavmad, and I hope you can get to the bottom of it. Some dogs have barks which just seem to split your skull
  6. When you see dogs who can hardly walk being awarded BIS from places like Crufts, you know there is something very very wrong and, frankly, cruel and criminal. You can’t tell me that “brown paper bags” aren’t being passed under the counter.
  7. This is so true and a point which is lacking in so many discussions about training, upbringing, etc.
  8. Twodoggies, whenever someone posts on DOL that they are getting two puppies, all the naysayers and putdowners come out in force. It makes me cross. . Okay, so it might be difficult, it might be time consuming, but what is wrong with that. Persephone said “it will be hard work.” No ifs or buts, “it will be......” Kiki1313 may be a dog trainer with years of experience, she may never have had dogs before, or anything in between, we don’t know. But why do people always have to focus on the negative? It drives me insane because it is so unnecessary. Why can’t we be encouraging and supportive?
  9. Your experience is not necessarily someone else’s.
  10. Why will it be hard work? Don’t be so negative.
  11. How very exciting for you. Shar Pei puppies are to die for. The vets at Hornsby (only Penny or Angus) have seen lots of Shar Pei over the years.
  12. I’m going to take a trip out in the next couple of weeks to see them IRL, PK. Will report back.
  13. Just saw this while trawling through Innovations website. I imagine it would be suitable only for little dogs, going on the price, but I liked the look of the wide steps and the fact it turns into a ramp. The one I have at the moment which has been terrific because of its height is just a bit to narrow and steep for my littlies. http://www.innovations.com.au/p/pet/pets-in-the-home/ptrmp-collapsible-pet-steps-ramp
  14. Oh @grumpette. Your darling girl . Such heartbreak. All your dogs are just so so lovely. Your love for them shines through in every picture, in every word. Deepest deepest sympathies.
  15. I had first hand experience of a mix up in “labelling” from a pound and was alerted to it by a vigilant DOLer. Not Blacktown, but Sydney Dogs and Cats Home. A little dog had gone to a rescue group and I ended up fostering. SDCH labelled the dog as adopted which, I think, is really poor administration because it stops people from looking at the dog further. When this was pointed out to SDCH, they did amend. This thread was started a while ago and I can’t imagine a Tibbie would last long at a pound or in rescue before being adopted, but it is still worth pursuing @mita.
  16. I recently adopted a little Pomeranian of nearly 15 from a pound. As he was limping quite badly (left front leg) and often just holding it up, I asked my vet to take a look at it. She said there is thickening evidence of arthritis and he is on a series of four Zydax injections. He is on daily Meloxicam and Tramadol if limping is bad. He has had two Zydaz injections and with those and the other two medications, he doesn’t seem to have improved in the slightest. I will be talking to my vet again tomorrow when she is back on duty, but in the meantime, I wondered about your comment. Many thanks.
  17. Yep, can’t help but agree with that assessment of RSPCA. Really sad though. They could be such a force for good
  18. Just goes to show the power (and deliberately misleading) of a headline LOL.
  19. Oh my. The imagination and love some people have is just .... well amazing. Beautiful story.
  20. I have always been told nil food after midnight, but water is fine.
  21. Sitting at the computer, pretty late and suddenly remembered I had the sprinkler on in the front garden . I generally put the alarm on so as not to forget but now I am even forgetting to do that. Anyway, Mezza came trotting after me, so I grabbed a lead, torch and a plastic bag and took him for a walk, just around the block. He loved it. I glanced behind me at one stage and there were two men walking a very small greyhound. She didn’t have a green collar, but I gave it a chance and she and Mezza had great little sniffies. Even though she was small he had to stretch his nose up to sniff her nether regions. Her tail was going a million miles an hour and she was so soft. Beautiful little dog from Greyhound Rescue . Note to self: When next to you take Mezza on late night walks take more than one baggie.
  22. Mezza is doing really well and I was overjoyed last night when he trotted into the lounge and presented me with a tiny tennis ball !!! When he first arrived, I tried him with a few toys and balls, but no reaction at all. So I am glad he told me how he likes to play. He now sleeps all night through on the bed and loves a cuddle; Jeune and Tamar don't like being cuddled, just belly and ear scratches please. And Bunter rarely stays on the bed. So all good in Mooch City.
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