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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Waiting for the vet to call me back, but Bunter’s cough is terrible. Dose of 2mls codeine at 8.30am this morning and since then he has had about 3 really bad episodes which have lasted at least 10 mins. Next dose due 2.30pm.
  2. Thanks Rebanne. I set the alarm for 3am and gave him a dose of the proper medicine !!! I will be speaking to the vet this morning.
  3. Bunter has been being treated for a persistent gagging cough which has been controlled very well up until a couple of days ago with Prednisolone and Cerenia. Just like a switch being thrown, he started coughing a couple of days ago and, after consulting my vet, I started him back on liquid codeine. Tonight, I fell asleep watching tv and was awakened by Bunter coughing so I got up (pretty groggy) to give him another dose as prescribed. After I’d given it to him, I went to put the bottle away and realised that I’d given him Gabapentin (which Tamar and Mezza are on). I’m pretty sure this won’t hurt him, but it isn’t doing anything for his cough and what I want to know is whether I can still give him his dose of Codeine. I did think of ringing SASH, but pretty sure they would not say one way or the other unless I brought him in . Any ideas/advice, please.
  4. You could also try Rescued With Love. Have you actually contacted Senior Silky Rescue in Sydney? They might consider adopting interstate if they could organise a home visit from someone they knew in Vic. I’ve done that with interstate adoptions and other rescue groups do that as well. Good luck.
  5. Gosh, I wish I’d thought of doing some “special deals” RuralPug . To be honest though, I don’t think I ever had anyone query the price - I don’t know about the rescuers for whom I fostered, though, but I can’t imagine any of them being charmed by someone telling them the dogs were pricey. I can’t imagine not meeting any other dogs, either. And I always do a house check. Last year, I was in a bit of a situation when people were here meeting one of my fosters. It all went very well, with my dog and their other recent rescue (same breed) getting along famously, so they were very keen to take him there and then and the rescuer was quite happy for that. However, I wasn’t. I knew my little foster was an escape artist and wanted to be as sure as a person possibly can be that the home he was going to was proof against his tricks. Thank goodness, I did. The first thing I saw when I went into their backyard was a spot where my little foster would have been through in a nano second. I was proved correct to be so concerned. Although the area was packed high with rocks and similar until permanent proofing could be installed, the next morning a lot of it had been pulled down, but not enough for the dog to escape. These dogs have lived with me and I am as much invested in their happiness and well being as I am for my own dogs. If someone has a problem with that, then too bad. Keep being “too difficult”. Your dogs are worth it.
  6. Yep, Persephone. So much heart that anyone who doesn’t agree with them, do EXACTLY what they say, is someone with NFI. Here we had a person who was genuinely conflicted, wanted to do right thing by everyone, but was talked to harshly and rudely, told they were supporting a cruel and indecent practice, etc etc etc, if they took a little dog they thought would be perfect for their son they were practically on the right hand of Lucifer and when they get upset are even more harshly spoken to. DOL is just as full as holier than thous as it is of caring people wanting to help and educate.
  7. Oh Juice, that is a really silly comment. My comment has nothing to do with logic, petshops, puppy’s [sic]; it is about the case of one single dog.
  8. That is harsh, Rebanne. The OP is just trying to give a litttle dog a loving home, not support unethical breeders. Frankly, if they want to take the mum, I’d say go for it. No, it won’t stop BYB, nor the never ending cycle, but it will sure make a difference to that little dog.
  9. I find this happens with all sorts of vacuum heads when little pieces of hard dirt get embedded in rollers, etc. I have a barrel type vacuum cleaner I bought 13 years ago when I moved here and still had some rooms carpeted. It is still going strong, but is a bit of a beast to move around. I also have an Ergorapido cordless which is great for doing a quick whip around vacuum and it removes to the little hand held for cleaning cars, furniture, window sills, etc etc. But it is still bulky and as I get increasingly stiff and achy, I keep looking for easy ways to do things and easier to use implements.
  10. #2 .. First World Problem Info about the newest Dyson cordless ($899) popped into my emails the other day, so I’ll be watching what people have to say. From what I’ve read in the past, it is either love them or hate them.
  11. One decision in 2016 to help out leads to a whole new adventure Your [not so] new girl does look a bit GSD, but very beautiful. Lovely update, thank you.
  12. Deepest sympathies to you and Andy, WM. Such a dearest girl Sarah was and so loved. Her passing leaves yet another huge gap in your heart and soul.
  13. OMG! I feel your pain, K . I’ve had tiny little dogs too and, although I live in the city, some of the crows I’d see were bigger than a couple of my dogs.
  14. You said, “I can sort of understand.....”. No, it is incomprehensible.
  15. Totally agree. What an example for the children.
  16. Really!! Think on this. Would you put your dog in a small carry-on crate and then shut him up in a drawer in your bedroom cupboard?
  17. Absolutely. Why on earth did no other passenger intervene? Just beyond understanding.
  18. Yes, the airline and the flight attendant need to be seriously seriously punished, but who in their right mind would put a puppy in an overhead locker? You’d have to have a few marbles missing to even think for a second they’d be ventilated. This is horrible and that poor little dog; it makes me feel sick. What on earth were the other customers thinking ... they heard the dog barking. What is wrong with people? Everyone is at fault here.
  19. As you already recognise you have an anger problem and are inflicting pain via the prong when you get frustrated, seek help before you do some serious harm.
  20. I don’t think that is sounding negative at all . It says it like it is when we have elderly/ill/recovering pets - both management and coping. I had to keep a torch in my bedside cupboard when I had Orla because of her toileting habits . Wooden floors don’t show up what might be lying in wait for the unsuspecting foot. Particularly if you are stumbling out of bed without glasses and having been woken from a deep deep sleep.
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