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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. LOL!! You said it so I don’t have to. @kamuzz my groomer who is literally 50 metres down the road from my house is a breeder of Standard Poodles. She regularly has a few of her dogs at the salon and they are extremely loving and fun dogs. When she has a litter she has them at the salon (once they are old enough) as well, so they get lots of socialisation with lots of other dogs. If your colleague would like to meet a few, she would only need to give Jeanette a call and arrange to visit the salon when Jeanette has some of her dogs and/or puppies (no puppies at the moment though I think). All her “pet” dogs are just cut in the shaggy cut and look beautiful. She does show and I have seen them with the show cut as well (I will hold my tongue LOL !!!). Many of her clients are her puppy buyers and many have come back over the years to adopt again and again. Phone 0418 698 831 (Styles Dog Grooming)
  2. Meeting up with her (provided you received approval) would have made so many people’s day.
  3. Beautiful. And, as you say @sandgrubber, no surprise. I well remember my eyebrows disappearing into the rafters at a post from several years ago wherein a rescue group was wondering whether to adopt a dog to a sixty year old as that was sooooooooooooo old. At the time I was well into my sixties and had six dogs. Now, in my early seventies, I have only four with the last (Mezza) being adopted direct from the pound in January. Definitely reached my limit though.
  4. Wonderfully descriptive post, DesertDobes, to which many of us can relate. I am sitting at my computer grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Quoted Sentence 1: All DOL is hoping that. Quoted Sentence 2: You are not alone !!!! So excited for you and Sniper. Looking forward to the updates.
  5. Well I am going to be a hopeless judge as I don’t see how you can get much better. Wow to your skill and Wow to Bella Bella.
  6. Didn’t think of that. The 10ml ones are still to big .... the barrel that is.
  7. This sort of attitude makes me so sad. What about cute little babies who have lovely childhoods and end up being serial killers. Extreme example, I know, but that’s what your post boils down to. Most of the dogs in pounds are just your everyday dog who has become lost and because there are far too many pounds, the owners can have great difficulty in finding them.
  8. The nozzles are much too narrow for that, Thistle. I tried so many when I was trying to feed Danny.
  9. I have 17 x BD 10ml syringes available. If anyone is needing to give meds or supplement feeding to their dogs (medium to large dogs as the barrel is too big for little dogs’ mouths) happy to give away. Would need to be close to Hornsby otherwise there wouldn’t be any cost benefit
  10. That is beautiful.
  11. I imagine most dogs throughout the world die “in their sleep” or through accidents and other causes --- and hardly peacefully. The difference in first world counties is that we have access to medicines and treatments that keep them fit and well until the time comes when the medicines don’t work and we are able to help them into the hereafter. But that isn’t what you are asking, I understand, and understand your wishes for Jarra. There are currently 5 geriatrics in this home, one with two legs and four with four . I would like to think that we could all go off in our sleep, but I doubt that will happen. I have heard of people coming home to find their dog still “asleep” in his or her basket only to discover that the dog has actually passed away, but it hasn’t happened to any of mine.
  12. This terrible story made it to the ABC 7.30 Report, so it is hoped that it will provide impetus for more oversight of the industry. What is shocking is that Mars knew of the problem last year. How many dogs and their families have suffered because there is no regulation?
  13. I think of the hernias constantly and go into a mild panic if I see him straining at all. But yes, he will get a pro trim before too long @persephone, no miracle, except from those scientists who developed a little pippette of a solution to kill fleas.
  14. An update. Have renamed him FeeBee (Fluffy Butt)!! Just joking, but would you believe the regrowth? I was worried the hair might not grow around his bottom because he has hernias there, but it is really taking off. He is as sweet as ever, love him to bits and, although he and Tamar don’t play at all, they are becoming quite close. IMG_0775 by Cynthia Waters, on Flickr
  15. Happy Birthday, Gilly. You sound marvellous (except for not liking the camera). How about sitting still for one so we DOLers can ooh and aah over your gorgeous face?
  16. Mine are too elderly to “noseboof the crap out of me”, but they sure as hell ain’t Lassie either .
  17. Such a huge loss, Teebs. Atlas and Kaos have been part of the DOL family for such a long time and our sorrow is deep. The hole in your family’s lives must be huge. My heart broke when you posted the other day that your darling girl had torn her crucial because I knew the heart breaking decision you would make. Deepest condolences to you all and run free, Kaos.
  18. Perhaps make the side rails higher and block off the stairs. Make it more like a race, maybe? I’m off to Bunnings to get some marine carpet for mine as the oldies are slipping a bit and finding it harder to get purchase.
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