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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I agree, @westiemum. Sad really, very sad. I have been told to leave footpath cafe, also a courtyard cafe and once, coming back from Brisbane all the taxis at Sydney were refusing to stop for me .... I had Calypso with me, a 2kg Maltese who was probably cleaner than 99.9% of the drivers and their cabs
  2. So beautiful. Big smiles here. The pic of the Secret Lecture is priceless.
  3. I don’t think it was missed. This tragedy has only just happened and has been reported all over the ABC TV news. Unfathomable sorrow and loss.
  4. He is gorgeous and anyone can see how he has become the light of your life. Troy has recently cut down on the number of sections and the introductory one was one to go; welcome back - some wonderful IG and their owners on DOL.
  5. A vet once said something to me that I found pretty scary. He said the mistake was made when they were called “Veterinary Surgeons”. A surgeon thinks he/she has to operate. Operations should be considered, considered again and then considered again .... for all animals including the human animal. This vet also showed me how easy it was to slip dogs’ knees out of joint. Paraphrasing: he said that a customer takes their dog to the vet, the vet says, OMG look at this luxating patella, it just slips right out of joint, this dog must be operated upon. Another mistake that we make (and one that is hard not to because we are not vets) is that we thinks vets love animals, would walk over hot coals to help our animals and have only the deepest ulterior motives in taking up this profession and are extremely skilled. None of these things applies to some vets. I could relate several more horror stories from over the years, but I want to sleep tonight.
  6. Going well. Soon it will be time for congratulatory celebrations
  7. “Luxating patella” probably two of the most over used word in the veterinary lexicon. Get a second and a third opinion.
  8. Loved the vid of Pip enjoying the park. You’ve already worked wonders for him, @yellowgirl
  9. @Malamum Oh no!!! She works at other practices, too. How ghastly. Her name starts with L and she dresses as though she is off to the Antartic. Even on days when the temp is in the thirties, you’ll see her with several layers of clothing on. And the air con at the practice isn’t particularly good LOL. My latest peripheral experience with her was via a couple with a lovely dog. I was waiting at the counter as were they when she came out to speak with them further. I couldn’t hear the full exchange, but heard her say some disparaging remark about their dog being a rescue dog (something along the lines of: well, she’s a rescue dog, what do you expect). I have heard her being extremely judgemental about rescue dogs over the years. When she’d gone back inside, I turned to the couple and asked them if they’d adopted the dog recently. No, they’d had her for two years !!!! This ghastly woman who should not be allowed within 100 yards of a pet, was still going on about all the problems with the dog because she was a rescue. Insane. And when I have been forced to have an interaction with her (as you did, because no one else there and Danny was on a series of injections one of which fell on a Sunday), I have been horrified and certainly don’t think she is at all smart. I have reported her on a couple of occasions, but to no effect obviously. When I mentioned her on this forum a few years ago, another DOLer who goes to the practice said she knew the person I meant and she called her The Witch.
  10. LOL. I missed this. Very sweet. I would have voted red with bone, but the rainbow one is very bright and colourful. I hope you all have the most fun and wonderful day.
  11. Outside ...... makes me so damned angry. Hopefully you will be able to help him find a proper loving home, Katjek.
  12. You are being too kind, persephone. The dog is not allowed inside. This family wants a dog to be all things to all people, but kept outside. This family is totally unsuited to any dog.
  13. I agree, but would be very concerned this family would shove him off with absolutely no concern for his well being. But I guess it couldn’t be much worse.
  14. @ish I have been going to the same vet practice for over 10 years. Two of the vets are excellent, the others are very very good, except for one to whom I wouldn’t take a pet rock. It is a total mystery to me (and others I’ve spoken to over the years) how she continues to be employed there.
  15. Zac sounds like a very unhappy dog, and I am not surprised. If "he can be quite the piece of hard work sometimes,” I am not surprised. He sounds like a dog who is not understood, whose basic needs are not being met, one who is not being given any sort of life expect one of criticism and lack of understanding and lack of love. I have four dogs and at times have had up to 8. My garden is admired by all who visit me. I won’t say any more except include the link below, because I can’t see through my tears for Zac. https://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2015/07/20/environmental-enrichment-dogs.aspx
  16. You have my sympathies. I’m a bit in the same boat. I know it is the middle of winter, but if you get any sun in your yard could you take a chair out and sit in the sun with her ....... taking some nice smelly treats with you so licking your fingers will bring her close to you.
  17. Doors open so she can choose. Encourage her inside with treats. Spend time sitting on the floor with her just doing nothing, stroking her ears, talking softly, talk to her while you go about your usual business. Make sure your house and fences are secure and then check again. Try not to have too many visitors or people coming and going; don’t overload her with experiences. Don’t let people who might visit play with her or be loud or make quick moves around her. Slowly and softly. Good luck.
  18. You have to follow all avenues. A couple of years ago, one of my dogs and I were treated dreadfully by SASH here in Sydney. I carefully prepared a written paper set out by numbere and chronology and made an appointment with the vet in question. I also sent a letter and the paper to the Administration Manager of the Hospital. I waited and waited for a response from the A/Manager and it wasn’t until a few weeks later, I received a call from him. He had been on holidays and in that time, none of his mail had been handled. I think that indicated very poor and lacking procedures. Of course, I have had good experiences with SASH and many people will sit them on the right hand of god, but sadly there are good and bad in any organisation and a some people who deal with very serious and life or death issues become arrogant and hardened and some never develop any skills at all. They need to be pulled up from time to time and made to realise the grief that their actions or lack thereof cause.
  19. Oscar looks very regal in that photograph: loved and loving. Such a loss when they leave us. Oscar.
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