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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I've "borrowed" another DOLer's avatar until I get a photograph of my own. Hope that's okay.
  2. Gee, I wish I could be there. I know all these places being mentioned :rolleyes:
  3. What a wonderful site. I've done mine. I think it was then up to 133 from 3 countriesl. Persephone - I didn't know you cared for me so much :rolleyes: . Just a little light moment in the midst of this awful blackness.
  4. I don't think anyone needs to apologise for wanting to DO things that they think might help. It is feeling so goddamned helpless and knowing that we aren't going to wake up and find it a dreadful nightmare and nothing will ever wipe away the dreadful loss that Jed, her family and friends are going to wake up to each morning.
  5. Yes, this has all been churning through my mind too and, depending on how much of the house was destroyed, all the records, trophies, ribbons. Totally shattering, so incomprehensible.
  6. I was thinking the same thing What a wonderful thought. I don't know whether she is on line at the moment, so I've emailed the link to Steve.
  7. Great minds, labsrule . I just came back to the computer to suggest exactly the same thing.
  8. Too true, fifi. Regarding the tracking dog: I wonder if Centitout has rehomed any of her dogs in that area? I will send her a PM.
  9. I tend to think that the dog is more important than the breed . Therefore a dog who has been in foster care is pretty well known to his/her foster family and more information can be gained.
  10. I love these types of threads where "older" ladies are mentioned . I am 64+ and have 6 dogs, admittedly small, and one cat. The dogs are walked nearly every day and sometimes twice a day. I'd clock anyone who said I was too old to have a dog . That said, I know I don't have the energy for a dog who needs a lot of play and exercise. In actual fact, I could do it, but I am also lazy. :D ;) Refer your poor old mum ( joke ) to the PetRescue website so she can look at the hundreds of dogs who are available via the rescue community. Good luck. Sympathies for your mum on her separation from ex and the big boofa.
  11. Another day, another prayer, another wish. To the people who are co-ordinating all the minutiae of keeping Jed's world going, heartfelt thanks. Please let Jane, Caitlin and other family know how they and her beloved animals are in our throughts constantly.
  12. I was wondering about that also. Can Steve or Toohey give out the address of Caitlin (if she gives permission)? Or maybe we could send them c/- of the Dog grooming lady mentioned earlier. O.K. Probably the best address is 349 Transmitter Rd Wooroolin 4608 .This is Pacers Queensland address and it will be the quickest and easiest to pass them onto Jane when we can. Lesley and Marg are right in there and it will be easier to get them to her when she is awake. Thanks, Steve. Regretfully, I have to sign off for the night; it has been an awful day for so many people. Hopefully tomorrow will see an improvement in Jed's condition and Magnus will have been found. The candle thread was very beautiful.
  13. I was wondering about that also. Can Steve or Toohey give out the address of Caitlin (if she gives permission)? Or maybe we could send them c/- of the Dog grooming lady mentioned earlier.
  14. Such a relief to know that little ChiChi came through. Each one of the dogs was special, of course, but we feel a bit closer to those we've seen photos of, and heard of their stories of survival.
  15. Oh god, this sounds so unbelievably painful. Please ensure she knows how the DOL community is responding to these tragic events. Did Caitlin live with her? Is she hurt at all? Just so difficult to comprehend what they are going through.
  16. I hope the family in Goodna has as much help from their community as Jed has from DOLers. So much loss and destruction is hard to comprehend.
  17. Yes, one feels so useless, but as in any emergency, it is probably best to keep out of the way of the experts . Hopefully when Jed is feeling a little stronger, these threads will give her more strength to recover physically and help her through the dreadful dark days ahead.
  18. Before people start going off on another tangent and assuming all sorts of dramatic interpretations, note that Steve has already said that the dogs will be being looked after by people Jed knows. Probably has been poorly worded because some of the dogs have been injured in the fire. The RSPCA said that the dogs had been taken in their Ambulance.
  19. Another news item http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland...00512-uwg9.html Twelve dogs killed and woman injured in house fire May 12, 2010 - 12:35PM At least a dozen dogs have died and a woman has suffered severe burns as she battled to save them from a house fire north of Brisbane. The fire broke out about 3am today and quickly took hold in the low-set timber and brick home at Bellmere near Caboolture. The Department of Community Safety said about 20 dogs were housed on the premises and the RSPCA later said at least 12 had perished. "A further 14 dogs and three puppies have been transported to RSPCA Queensland's Fairfield shelter for emergency housing," the RSPCA said in a statement. "The dogs included Cocker Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Boxers." RSPCA Queensland spokesman Michael Beatty said it seemed most of the dogs had been living inside the Ellwood Drive property and they appeared to be in good condition. They have been seized on animal welfare grounds. Mr Beatty said the RSPCA was waiting to speak to the woman or her family. Police had reported that the woman fled the house to alert emergency services before returning to try to rescue the dogs, suffering second-degree burns to her upper body, the RSPCA said. Meanwhile, a house fire at Goodna, near Ipswich, just before midnight has left a woman with burns to her airways. Fire investigators will also look into the cause of that fire, which caused extensive damage to the home.
  20. Just in total shock. Just such shocking news to hear that TBCSITW has gone. I remember from years back having to ask what the initials meant. They used to be around a lot and I could never work it out. The winds must be full of love heading Jed's way. :p Her loss is beyond comprehension. She is such a strength to other people, I hope she can pull something out of the box for herself.
  21. My sympathies for the little dog and your daughter's loss Darien. Extraordinary behaviour. This happens more often than we realise. I agree totally, stormie. But where do you go in the middle of the night . They have us (and our wallets) cornered and captured. Off topic, I know, but many years ago the Venture Capital Investment company I worked for was looking at investing (read taking over) a chain of medical imaging centres. I think they spent more time working out projected profits (obviously part of investigation into an investment, I know .... but) and what percentage of profits each layer of medical practioner would get, rather than anything to do with the actual provision of services, etc etc. Back on topic: I agree that it should be taken further. I was under the impression that when a card is swiped, no amount is put in until the service has been provided, as in hotel accommodation, etc. To say that they would have to take the issue of a refund in cash to a board meeting (seems to show the practice is owned by a company) is totally ludicrous.
  22. You are a nutcase I just read the start of your thread without opening it all up and I read it with increasing amazement thinking: can this person be for real? ;) This is going to start an absolute S**TFIGHT !!! Then I sensibly opened it up to read properly and in full. I nearly fell of my chair laughing.
  23. Mine already know that I am !! Lucky Lady is her new name. I tried that once with one of my old dogs - LOL. Long may Lucky Lady preside over the neighbourhood in her new carriage. I do three walks: * the first one with Kisho, Danny and Tamar - long walk and reasonably energetic. * the second one with Jeune and Sari - very slow, short, just for the sniffing. * the third one with just Mufti - very short, to the corner and back, but can take as long as the first one while he sniffs every second blade of grass and stops to sniff the air, check that any other dogs aren't invading his territory, and stand contemplating whether the footpath on the other side of the street has more attractions. This can take up to 2 hours !!
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