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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Hoping Tyson has made an advancement towards full health.
  2. Very gentle strokes for Penny and good vibes for her quick recovery.
  3. Good morning Jed. I'm checking up on you and giving cyber cuddles to all your babies. ;) ;)
  4. How wonderful to have all those dogs and plenty of room. Do they all get on?
  5. Great photos of beautiful dogs. I'll have George, please.
  6. What fun! They love the long grass.
  7. Yes - Jane, her family and much loved animals are in my thoughts constantly. A wonderful blessing - purr long and loudly little cat.
  8. I don't have much to add, but I hope you can find something the fits the bill. Because I've always had dogs for whom food doesn't seem to be an issue, I have been a bit shocked lately to find Sari and Kisho picking up stuff from the street: Kisho I held his muzzle and made him drop it, but with Sari you'd lose a hand if you tried to do that. I think it was just a piece of crust though and she is still with us, so couldn't have been too bad. Kisho's was possum poo and he dropped it when I told him to. Good boy.
  9. Never a truer word said, Pockets. And considering lawyers, solicitors, judges, legal profession ARE part of society, even scarier.
  10. Carbohydrates - lol. For people: hot sweet tea and sweet biscuits. Same for dogs if they like it. LOL As above, Pandii. ;) Gosh that is awful. Until Sari joined The Moochers, I rarely had problems. The occasional tiff would occur, same as kids and I'd just tell them not to be stupid, pull them apart and all was well. Different story with Sari, but she is an unknown having been rescued from Renbury earlier this year - turns 14 this year. Would pick a fight at the drop of a hat ;)
  11. Some of the earlier ones may have dropped off as they only stay lit for 48 hours. I have lit another one.
  12. So funny - I am feeling down so opened again, and laughed again. I'd love to know what the cop feels about this photo going around the world ;)
  13. Ah, that gave me a much needed laugh, thank you Bub. Lots of love to Bitty and Bubby (and Stolen Hubby of course ) ;)
  14. That's what I thought, too particularly when such a horrific and unprovoked attach has occurred.
  15. Steve's PM is kept full. Send her an email instead . She helping a few families who have lost everything in fires, so I am sure she will appreciate your offer.
  16. Pot and kettle and all that
  17. How utterly ghastly. Poor poor Tyson.
  18. There is a sticky with this information together with the bank details for MDBA.
  19. Yes, it was wonderfully co-ordinated, by caring professional people. You said it a damned sight more politely than I, and what I thought at the time. Totally inappropriate and quite disgusting. Yes.
  20. Jenna is a stunner - look at those loooonnnnng legs. And going totally off topic (but still about beautiful dogs ), I'm glad you didn't know any better when you got Jenna because if you hadn't have had her, you probably wouldn't have adopted Mya :D .
  21. That's great - I was wondering whether the old girl would make the long trip to Qld. I am sure she will be much loved and give a lot of pleasure to her new owner. Well done, Sweetpeasmum :D
  22. From me too. Hopefully, by now they will have a little more of an idea whether his leg can be saved. Losing the front leg can be difficult for a dog in terms of balance and stress on the back. Healing vibes sent on their way. :D
  23. Oh Jaysus, Spotty :D . That is such a sad story. How many Jacks never find their Spotty, though. Yeah, I know this Jack's storey has a happy ending . . . . Congratulations for doing so much for the little guy and eventually getting the people to see your point of view.
  24. I was told I had to read this thread. :D - I burst out laughing.
  25. This just broke my heart for Jane and her family. I was lying on my couch talking on the phone to someone who was checking the thread for me. I was in the dark, without power, after my own fire :D , and down the line comes, "OH! NO!!" It certainly puts a new perspective on our own situations. Too often we are so complacent. Its going to be a tough time for all of you who are involved. Thoughts and prayers with you all. I've been thinking the same, myself. Has Jane been unconscious all this time, or does she lapse in and out? She certainly has some wonderful friends and DOLers close by. My suggestion would be just to hang onto them for a little while and check in when Jane is trying to pick up the reins again. She will need so much help then too.
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