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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. A few month ago, I did a price comparison between VetnPet and Priceless Pets. Priceless Pets was cheaper at that time. I've used them for several years as well.
  2. I think this as well A seriously gorgeous puppy. In fact, I think she might give CW_EW's Charlie and Emmy a run for their money. Moselle, tops marks for giving that response to people who wanted to breed her. I was once offered $5k for my teeny weeny Maltese, but didn't know anything about byb or the dreadful numbers of dogs killed every years. In the second photo, she looks as though she could have Golden Retriever and if that was the case, no wonder her poor mother had to have C-section and then desexed. The cross may become a little more obvious once she is older.
  3. She knew she had to do something impressive to keep up with the new and exotic hair style .
  4. Don't think like that (easier said than done, I know ); these dogs obviously needed help and you have given it. Who knows, but they may have ended up in a pound or PTS down the track.
  5. What an extraordinary business. Hopefully everything settles down and her leg starts to improve as well.
  6. My sincere sympathies for all your losses, Jazzie. Don't load guilt about the dogs onto yourself. You have done and are doing your best for them. If the old owner was supposed to be transferring the dogs into your name, perhaps you could phone your council, explain the situation and ask them to check the NSW Companion Animals Registry to see if they have actually been put into your name. They won't tell you the name, but they might just might say whether or not they are now registered in your name. If they have been transferred into your name, ask for a copy of the paperwork to be resent to you. It should have been, but some councils are pretty stretched with low staff members and dog rego can be a bit low down on the list of priorities. Good luck and best wishes for caring for your dad and daughter.
  7. Magnificent :D Ummmmm - who is Tom Williams ?
  8. What a great sight. It is absolutely bucketing down here (Hornsby) :D :D
  9. Renny all tucked in for the night. I', so glad he decided the couch was comfy because before that he would pace around half the night. Now, he hops up onto the couch and there he stays.
  10. Where do the ears come from, I wonder? She looks a lovely smoochy dog.
  11. Oh, thank god for the seven. This has been haunting me, knowing how distressed they must have been having been taken away from all the care and attention and special diets, etc etc. I just so hope the other little one is found safe and well.
  12. Are you referring to CJ's Petmart? If you are, the business has changed hands and they dont sell puppies or kittens anymore, they refer people to a breeders list Well, that is great news and thank you for that. Actually I had seen different people in there, but I didn't think anything of it. I had to get a muzzle for Mufti so I could give him ear and eye drops. They sold me the smallest one they had and said I could bring it back if it didn't fit. I said I certainly wouldn't do that, because he'd come from the pound and had dreadful eye and ear infections which I would not like to pass on. He thanked me and said most people would just bring it back if it didn't suit. Actually the lady who used to ownCJs had a big spread in the local paper at the time of Clover Moore's proposed bill and she was taking the line that people would be roooooned if they couldn't sell puppies.
  13. I have been putting tomatoe paste in Mufti food (when I remember ). I am going to put a bit notice on the frig. Have you started with the Optrex CW?
  14. I have nothing to add that would help you as I don't know anything about bringing up puppies . I just wanted to add my thanks to how you are caring for all the dogs and hope you can find them all great homes. You sure seem to have a great big heart. Good luck.
  15. I hope the Health Department goes over their kitchen with the biggest magnifying glass ever !! Gadget is probably cleaner than most of the people in the restaurant, both working and dining. Yerrss, great big sweeping generalisation, but just showing my aggravation that these things happen. That said, how often do you see people in those black and white checked outfits and they are FILTHY !
  16. He is a gorgeous little boy, CW, but I wouldn't call whoever cut his ears a groomer. He is such a lucky boy to be so gorgeous that even a bad hair cut couldn't spoil him
  17. The ones I have from LoveMyFurbabies have a "tab" of very soft material that you slip the sanitiary pad behind. I was pretty lucky: my boy wasn't incontinent but he used to have accidents sometimes through the night. He was nearly 20 when I had to let him go and it just meant I could relax and go to sleep. Even so, if he was awake and needed to go to the toilet he would wake me up.
  18. Yes - they are great. Lovemyfurbabies in the Advertisers sells them, but it is very easy to make your own.
  19. This thread now needs a warning: **Do not read if you haven't had breakfast or lunch** Oooooaaaaaahhhhhh off to get some lunch.
  20. I'm going all goosey and hot and cold just reading that, TSD. How came you were given this experience? Was it for an article, were you wanting to become a trainer ...... more info please :D ;) . Not that I want to do it - too much of a wimp - I'm just interested in the background.
  21. Wow! Great to get some news on Jed and such good news . Another day and another step forward. Good morning, Jed. After days and days of heavy rain to slight drizzle, we are having a beautiful day here in Sydney. I do hope it is the same for you and you have a window you can look out to see the blue sky. Gentle hugs from Mother and the Moochers.
  22. Bringing this forward again, because I let my candle go out .
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